M8-A: Kzinti War - Recon from Hell

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Mission Info

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Unknown to the other, both the IKS Dama and the USS Achilles have the same mission. To gather intel on the Kzinti.

However the IKS Dama...in typical Klingon fashion is taking the direct approach and engaging in battle when the opportunity arises. However with the power of the Kzinti weapons it will be a surprise if tha Dama will survive.

What will happen to the Dama's crew and will the USS Achilles find them in time?

Start Date 19 Jul 2011 @ 7:57pm
End Date 14 Jul 2012 @ 1:00pm

Mission Posts

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Title Timeline Location
The Rescue Pt 10 - We're Out of Here...prizes and all
by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal
Achilles, VaQbach, Koloth, & Kzinti vessels
The Rescue Pt 9 - Wait..wait...NOW !!!
by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal
Kzinti Territory - Between SB 24 and Kzinti Homeworld - Achilles, VaQbach, Koloth, & Kzinti vessels
The Rescue Pt 8 - Together or Not at all
by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Sara'Marbela Har'tar
Kzinti Territory - Between SB 24 and Kzinti Homeworld - Achilles, VaQbach, Koloth, & Kzinti vessels
The Rescue Pt 7 - Bettering the Odds
by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Sara'Marbela Har'tar
Kzinti Territory - Between SB 24 and Kzinti Homeworld - Achilles, VaQbach, Koloth, & Kzinti vessels
The Rescue Pt 6 - Good News & Bad
by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Lucas Mason
Kzinti Territory - Between SB 24 and Kzinti Homeworld
The Rescue Pt 5 - For Duty...for Honor
by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal
The Rescue Pt 4 - They got in
by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Lucas Mason
Kzinti Territory - Between SB 24 and Kzinti Homeworld
The Rescue Pt 3 - Secrets Revealed
by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Lucas Mason
Kzinti Territory - Between SB 24 and Kzinti Homeworld
The Rescue Pt 2 - Plan B
by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Captain John Blake & Lieutenant Sara'Marbela Har'tar
Kzinti Territory - Between SB 24 and Kzinti Homeworld
The rescue Pt 1 - The Begining
by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Lucas Mason & Captain John Blake
Kzinti Territory - Between SB 24 and Kzinti Homeworld
Furthering the Pain
by Lieutenant Sara'Marbela Har'tar
Concurrent with the rescue mission Unknown Kzinti ship
I don't have time to Bleed
by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant JG Teresa Wendsar
Serious Back Post - Following staff meeting Holodeck 2 - Recovery Ward
Planning Meeting
by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal
Security - USS Achilles
His least favorit place
by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Captain John Blake
prior to - A Loan 2 sickbay
A Loan 2
by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal
A Loan
by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal
Klingon space
No real way to GO
Her office
New Quarters
USS Achilles
Heart to heart 6: Help goes both ways.
After the arrest Xos quarters
Heart to heart 5: Beautiful transformation
After the arrest XO's quarters
Heart to heart 4: Painful revelations
After the arrest XO' Quarters, USS Achilles
Heart to heart 3: Getting deeper
After the arrest Mess hall
Heart to heart 2: Tell me more....
After the arrest Mess hall
Heart to heart 1: About the Klingons......
After the arrest Mess Hall
Arrest gone wrong....way wrong Part 3
by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Lucas Mason
MD 15 USS Achilles

Mission Summary