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The Rescue Pt 2 - Plan B

Posted on 26 Jun 2012 @ 9:26pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Captain John Blake & Lieutenant Sara'Marbela Har'tar

1,382 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M8-A: Kzinti War - Recon from Hell
Location: Kzinti Territory - Between SB 24 and Kzinti Homeworld

[Klingon DX Shuttle bay]

The pilots were waiting beside their 'V-6' assault boats, they were all fully loaded for a strike at the Kzinti Warship and ready to launch when given the word. Now Koll contacted them and warned they were carrying an assault team across to the Kzinti and smiles beamed all around. This was to be a glorious day of days. They had heard the Kzinti were a powerful opponent and this was the very test they sought to prove they were worth their salt. Only Tre'gok [NPC pilot] seemed disappointed. He had seen a senior officer board his boat and take the pilot's seat. He would be going but not flying. The squadron leader Divok of house Rannuf [NPC pilot] barked "Board and prepare for death†then ran for his boat slapping Tre'gok on the shoulder hard enough to jolt him into movement.

K'tala saw Tre'gok enter her transport and immediately moved. She had her own mission and would not take anyone’s honor this day. "Is ready." was all she said going to check her equipment.

A wide smile lit up Tre'Gok's face "You honor me Commander and I shall not forget. Will you honor me farther by being my gunner?" He could handle the task but if the Commander was going to let him fly it seemed proper to offer her back a boon to show his appreciation.

K'tala's grim face broke out into a smile, "Get me near a target fly boy.." she said "And I'll hit it..." She sat in the co-pilot/gunner's chair. She wasn't a tactical officer but like all of her family she was expected to know how the equipment they maintained operated under normal conditions. This meant she had practice in using these systems, under simulation fire since during usual real attacks she was trying to prevent or repair damage, but practice all the same. It had actually become a sort of pass time in the engineering department similar to what 21st century earth youth would call 'video games'. What people seemed to forget was if engineers knew how to repair, they knew how to destroy...

=^=XO to bridge! Captain there are inhibitors blocking our transport! I have ordered the teams to the shuttle bay. We will board the vessel manually. =^=

=^= Go Ahead! =^=.

Kre turned to the tactical officer. "Send a message to the Achilles," he said while he studied the data on his console. "Tell them to target the following coordinates. We want to punch a whole for the shuttles!"

"Yes sir." The young tactical officer replied. This officer was young but focused still not sure if he should be more afraid his direct superior, Tu'rocK or the captain.

[Unknown Kzinti Ship]

"You speak too much" she spoke in a deep sounding voice as she lunged forward "Time to DIE!"

X'ae ducked out of the way, much to the obvious dismay of the Kzinti, but realized she would have to disable Bel as she was dealing with someone altered. While avoiding Bel's attack she planned her own counter attack. X'ae was an accomplished warrior herself, having trained in competitions and with her husband, the current bat'leth champion. Hand to hand combat was her strength and she knew most Klingons used weapons. X'ae blocked the attack, looking for an opening to administer the blow that would disable the doctor.

Both women were perspiring and already bore bruises and some wound of their fight, when X'ae felt something.... someone's presence.... ~CHARG!!!!!~ she screamed mentally, and nearly got taken out by a kick from Bel.

Bel stumbling back away from X'ae, as she placed her hand on the back of her head. She heard a woman scream, inside her head which seemed to disable whatever link the warrior Doctor was under. Confused, with what just happen, let alone just about everything that has been taking place. Bel looked left and right, before her eye looked at her naked friend, but realized that her mouth badly hurt. Puzzled by this, she heard the roars of Kzinti, she turned her back towards X'ae, to exam her surroundings, before looking back at X'ae. She had questions upon questions, mostly about why she felt as those her memories were out of place, but she quickly quieted her mind and focused her thoughts on more pressing issues at hand and the fight which she currently was in. She could question all of this on her own and or with X'ea help, just didn't know what her true thought and memories and which weren't. Just as she was about to question this loud, her collar was activated and the warrior doctor screamed in pain as the roar pass her lips as she dropped to her knees and gripped at her collar.

X'aedell grit her teeth, panicking as she lost the connection. "NO!!!!" she screamed, breathing heavily. Suddenly she sensed her beloved again. Her eyes flickered around her as if she was trying to see him. "Charg!!!!!" she screamed as loud mentally as she screamed with her vocal chords...

[DX shuttle bay]

Charg felt the Xae’s presence grow stronger even as the craft was buffeted but the battle ensuing around them. ~XAE!!...WE ARE COMING!!~

~CHARG!! I have something!!~ X'ae shouted mentally. Havock broke loose around her, but she pinched her eyes shut to concentrate. Someone shoved her around, hitting her jaw. She tasted blood. "488.98 Beta Epsilon 88.5 Delta delta...488.98 Beta Epsilon 88.5 Delta Delta...488.98 Beta Epsilo....."~ she repeated until she fell against a bulkhead. "Get away from me!! PetaQ!" she screamed as she was dragged by her hair down a corridor.

[USS Achilles]

The report of the failed transport still rang in his ears. The element of surprise was gone. The only had moments to spare before the Kzinti called in support. “JAM ALL FREQUENCIES and Engage Multi Vector Assault Mode! “

“Target weapons and shields!â€

Blake hammered his bridge console furiously. "I'm attempting to block outgoing transmissions from the Kzinti ship. Stand by" Kzinti communications were not something he was readily familiar with. Instead he created a blanket inhibitor over the ships in the area and isolated their frequencies.

"Commander, I can't tell if they got anything out but I think I've successfully blocked communications going out of the sector."

"Good, but they will try to compensate, so make sure you keep an eye on it.." Ciara said.

[DX Bridge]

HoS'a' Strode over to the Comms, "Captain, respectfully, belay the Shuttle launch. We will lose too many. Can the Achillies launch a Probe that can be configured to act as a transporter relay? It only needs to it on the shields for 1.2 seconds for a transport to be completed. That is enough for one team to beam to the shield generators and open a hole."

Kre stared at the man, it made sense. They needed to get Charg and K'tala over as soon as possible.

"Captain, we have a probe... I can configure it for our transporters," Micha' said. The Vorcha class wouldn't have had a probe that would suit their needs, but the Negh'Var class did. The chief wouldn't have known that.

"Try it and if it works, lock onto Charg and K'tala and transport them directly to the Kzinti ship!" Kre said.

"Koll, let's test the To'Duj fighters, have your pilots launch at the same time we launch the probe, it will distract them!" Kre ordered

Koll spoke firmly "It is done Captain." =^=Kraden you have a go for launch escort the Assault shuttles and reek havoc my Cousin!=^= Kraden was of house Dermok as well and it pleased Koll to give his blood this chance for glory.

=^= We hear and obey=^= Kraden [NPC fighter pilot] waved his hand and the rest of the Squadron ran to their fighters. Kraden climbed aboard his To'Duj fighter and sealed the cockpit, they were rough to handle and still had several quirks but they were nimble and fast and it was a thrill to strap one on and rip around. Besides none of the pilots expected long lives, so best make the most of the lives they had!

"=^= Kretorg to Charg and K'tala, stand by, we will see if we can get you transported over =^=

"Hurry here, go there, no do this instead...damn it." K'tala muttered out loud.



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