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The Rescue Pt 3 - Secrets Revealed

Posted on 26 Jun 2012 @ 9:32pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Lucas Mason

844 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M8-A: Kzinti War - Recon from Hell
Location: Kzinti Territory - Between SB 24 and Kzinti Homeworld

[Fighter probe escort]

Kraden [NPC Pilot] led the Squadron out of the bay and into the black of space. =^= Attention all pilots we are to escort and ensure the probe gets to location. Honor and glory! The fighters spread out to a wide Diamond formation and sped off toward the huge Kzinti warship. Immediately TAAS fighters emerged to intercept. These heavy Kzinti fighters were well armed with well trained crews. Not much else was known. As the Kzinti fighters flew into weapons range both sides opened fire. Kraden weaved an erratic route in toward the enemy keeping his disruptors on target despite his wild jinks.

The Kzinti TAAS were better at this head on with their armor and superior shields. They destroyed a pair of the quick Klingon To'Duj during that initial phase. However as they passed through, the Klingon To'Duj fighters turned tighter and gained position and it was the Kzinti turn to die. Kraden stayed with his orginal target and pounded the tail with accurate precise fire. The TAAS came apart in a flash of explosive light.

The other Klingons were having similar success and the TAAS were soon on full defensive and their numbers cut in half. Kraden and his wingman Stex [NPC Pilpot] accounted for another TAAS and they were forcing the Kzinti fighters back toward their carrier! Or were they being led there? Kraden had a sudden fear that this was a trap but before he could recall the Kzinti warship opened fire with their defensive batteries and a To'Duj exploded. =^= Back away return to the rendezvous point immediately.=^= Kraden was turning away when Stex called for help, he had a TAAS on his tail and was taking damage, =^= I cannot get this Cat's jaws off my butt!=^=

Kraden rolled over and into a button hook which put him in an attack position. =^=Stex climb and roll to your left now, now, now!=^= As Stex cleared away Kraden opened fire on the TAAS with a dead on angle from a seven o'clock low position lacing the Kzinti fighter as it crossed his sights. The TAAS exploded in short order and Kraden accelerated to join his Squadron and prepare for the escort of the assault shuttles. The fight had been brief but intense and Kraden realized he did not know if the Probe had been successful?

[USS Achilles]

Kre had insisted that his people lead the assault and he reluctantly agreed, better a single operation with a unified team than a joint op where either side was trying to prove something to the other. Da`nal sat in command of his section of the Achilles at the various sections of the ship dealt with Kzinti fighters and dove in on the warship to punch a hole in the shields to allow the boarding parties to transport over.

He had cursed at the failed initial attempt as that lost them the element of surprise. Now they would be boarding with a crew ready to fight...

Tapping the comm on his chair, opening a channel to Commander Brannagh, leaving the channel open. =^= FOLLOW US IN!=^=

"Helm, attack pattern omega-2. Concentrate torpedoes on the coordinates provided by the Klingon ship."

"Omega-2," thought Lucas as he executed the maneuver, "this will be interesting." He instinctively reached out and took a firm grip on the control panel as they moved in. The internal dampeners would be tested again like they had recently with the Da'nal Maneuver.

[Lower Stardrive]

Ciara sat down in the command chair for the first time and activated her station. She had never even been on this class ship, but command principles stay the same. "Helm, disengage into the assault mode" she said.

The lower stardrive section shuddered slightly as it moved away and moved to the primary assult position automatically. "Target weapons at the following coordinates," she said and forwarded them to the tactical station.

Both sections of the Achilles screamed in and focused their weapons all on a single point

[Klingon shuttle bay]

Charg's hand went to his temple as X'ea mind touch his. his Vulcan training kicked in and his fingers spread to the touch points on his face. The chaos around him fell away as he focused and recovered the message. '~488.98 Beta Epsilon 88.5 Delta delta...488.98 Beta Epsilon 88.5 Delta Delta...488.98 Beta Epsilo.....~'

K'tala was trying to help boost the transporter signal so when they got a hole to punch through they could go immediately with no problems when Charg called out.

Charg lowered his hand, his determination redoubled. "X'ea is alive. She sent me some kind of code. We need to get over the now!"

K'tala, who wasn't aware Charg had a mental link with his wife blinked at him even as she said, her face puzzled and tense, "What code?"

Lowering his had from his face. "I don't know...yet." Slapping his communicator, =/=XO to Captain. X'eadell is alive and was able to communicate. She was able to get me a code of some kind. We need...your orders sir. Transporters or boarding assault craft?! =/=



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