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Heart to heart 2: Tell me more....

Posted on 01 May 2012 @ 6:29am by

1,055 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M8-A: Kzinti War - Recon from Hell
Location: Mess hall
Timeline: After the arrest

Ciara could see that there was someting going on here, but was not sure what. "The Captain...." She remembered the Klingon Captain, he
was the one who ordered them to be contained in the cargo bay, She saw him the first time in the staff briefing, a large dark man, with an
even darker expression. "You mean the one who looked like he was sussing the lesser species to see who he was going to eat first?"

Chuckling, Zaria nodded and agreed, "Yes, definitely. That is absolutely him. I don't suppose I need to ask what you thought of him, then, do I?"

Ciara laughed now, pushing her hair back behind her ear. "Well, let me say it this way, I wouldn't want to meet him in a dark alley....." she
remarked, still giggling. "It's seems Captain Da'nal is less scary..." she ventured, thinking that it had better be so, since she was going
to work very closely with him. "What is your take on Captain Kretorg?" she asked, genuinly interested.

"Hmm..." Zaria said thoughtfully, having not been asked this particular question before since the entire crew of the Dama knew of
her relationship with him and would probably be afraid to ask something so honest for fear of the captain's wrath, "Well...he can be
a roller coaster, but he's got a good heart, and unlike most Klingon's, he CAN be reasoned with...most of the time."

"Goodness, I never would thought that," Ciara mused, taking it in while she chewed. "Seems you know him well....." she said, not having
an incling of the relationship between Zaria and Kretorg. "Good heart and Klingon seems like a contradiction in terms...." she said smiling,
"As you can see, I know very little of them....How did you end up on the D'ama... to be honest, you arre the last person I would have
placed in it.."

"The captain requested my presence, actually," Zaria responded conversationally before adding, "You see, we'd been stationed together
before, on Starfleet's Rapier, and I helped him through some tough times. He thought I'd make a good Klingon/Starfleet liason after

"A Klingon can have tough times?" she asked suprised, shaking her head in embarrassment. "I am really as ignorant as the salt shaker," she
said lifting it up and inspected it. "Probably more than the sal shaker.." she added dryly. "I better get to know more quickly... I am going to work with one... Captain Danal," she said. "Come to think of it, as far as I can make out, he is mated to Ayren Kelan, an odd
combination.." she thought out loud. "So, you still enjoy it? Will you go back to a Federation ship?"

"Not unless Captain Kretorg does," Zaria answered with a casual shrug, adding with a half-smile, "We're pretty inseparable at this point."

The fork was suspended somewhere mid way between Ciara's mouth and the plate. "Inseparable.....?" she asked, obviously starting to put two
and two together, but not believeing what her perception told her.

Now Zaria's grin was telling and told Ciara exactly what she was finding to be so unbelievable, "Yes. I'm his mate. And I keep him in line."

Ciara was a little flabbergasted to say the least. "I dont know what to say... either that I am never going to forgive you for letting me
on and try to hide my embarrassment, or laugh, and say tell me more....." Ciara said laughing.

"The second is probably more entertaining and you'll end up thinking I'm a masochist," Zaria joked at her own expense.

Now Ciara laughed untill she had to wipe her eyes. It was probably cooped up emotion of the last few days, but whatever the case, she
thought it as hillarious on a number of different levels. "I am sorry ..." she apologized, when she said when she could speak. "Then I go
for the latter ...."

Zaria's demeanor changed and she became almost wistful as she said, "I was CMO and Counselor for a bit on Rapier when Kretorg and I met ...he was XO back then and his mate at the time was the captain ..."

"Did your relationship start then?" Ciara asked, not quite sure what to make of it.

"Friendship," Zaria corrected, enjoying herself thoroughly. She'd never gotten the chance to really tell her story before, at least not to someone who didn't already know at least half of it. "He was trying desperately to save his relationship with Alex when I met him and I was still pining over Jin, lamenting how stupid I'd been to let him and the twins go..."

Immediately Ciara relaxed again and went with the more intimate flow of the conversation. Her eyes flicked to the little boy and girl and
man of earlier. She couldn't help bt notice the stark contrast between the two men in Zaria's life. One seemed small, sweet gentle, the other
looked like a burly brute and quite cold blooded. "Go on.... " she said, leaning forward on her elbows.

Her heart fluttered as her eyes filled with love and adoration and suddenly she felt almost shy as she shrugged and gave a crooked half-smile, "We helped each other. I tried to help him save his relationship and he helped me see that I couldn't keep beating myself up over the past. I needed to learn from it and start living again. He even encouraged me to try to reconcile with Jin at one point."

Once again Ciara had to shake her head in response to the strangeness of the story. It was romantic enough for a novel! "I have to say, I
can't even imagine having the type of discussion you are relating to me with a Klingon in the first place. This is so fascinating.." Ciara
said. "You really love him... that is so clear... " she commented warmly. "And then... how "did" you ... get together?"

"He asked me to be his XO on Dama, to temper him and help out with Starfleet. We just ...spent so much time together, trying NOT to be a
couple that we ended up talking and deciding it was worth a try," she shrugged. In all honesty, that part of the story was a little fuzzy.
Finally, she admitted, "I think at first we just ...couldn't resist the sex..." and flushed crimson.



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