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The Rescue Pt 9 - Wait..wait...NOW !!!

Posted on 09 Jul 2012 @ 7:29pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,195 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M8-A: Kzinti War - Recon from Hell
Location: Kzinti Territory - Between SB 24 and Kzinti Homeworld - Achilles, VaQbach, Koloth, & Kzinti vessels


Sam, was monitoring the sensor as quickly as possible. She was doing her best to relay every ounce of information she could for the captain. Most of the time, her fingers were a blur as she entered data, transfer data, and all points in between. The resident Andorian head tilted back when her eyes had noticed that the capture Kzinti vessel was heading too.

"Sir," Sam stated as she turned her head to look in the direction of the captain "I'm reading high levels of energy coming from their engines of the captured enemy vessel and also noticed that her angle of attack is heading right towards the enemy battle cruiser. Should I have transporter ready to beam them out?"

Charg knew that they wanted to keep the Kzinti ship and Kre trusted Charg to know what he was doing. "Yes, but stand by, looks like he is doing a 'ngIHwa maneuver, so stand by, DON'T transport them out unless he asks..." Kre stated.

[VaQbach transporter room]

Flung over the shoulder of a security officer, X'ae rematerialized on the VaQbach. He simply dumped her, relatively softly, on the side and asked to be transported back. "I think she needs to get to sickbay or something," he mumbled before he disappeared in the red shimmer of the transporter.

Disoriented from the lower stun setting of the phase weapon, X'ae tried to make out her surroundings, but she recognized none of it. Through her blurred vision, she saw someone coming towards her, but she wasn't sure who it was. She struggled to get up and took a clumsy defensive position. "Jusshht come closer you Ha'DI bah [animal]. I will killll you!" she tried her best to intimidate the shape. Naked and dirty, she looked haggard, but she was unaware of it.

Jayne was a counselor, dammit, not a warrior. She wasn't even much good as field medic, even though she'd been pre-med for a few years; she got sick at the sight of blood. And seeing another woman like this made her stomach twist at memories she knew she still struggled with. "X'ae," she said softly and stayed far enough back that X'aedell wouldn't injure her on accident. Even in this state, a Klingon could kill Jayne with a lucky shot.

"X'ae!?" the naked half Klingon exclaimed overly exasperated, swaying on her feet. And she was not so careful to control her mental abilities. "You are scared of me....!" she said triumphantly, sensing Jayne's thoughts. "It's X'aeDELL for you, petaQ!"

"X'aedell!" Jayne said in a firmer voice. "Qam bIng [Stand down]." Her Klingon inflection was flawless. She didn't often use the language, but she understood it perfectly and when she did speak it was almost earily natural for her.

That brought X'ae to a halt and she stared confused at the Federation officer in the counselor's uniform. "I used to wear that... it's mine...." she said as she slowly sank to her knees hugging them in a fetal position....

Jayne knew the feeling and her heart fell with X'aedell's. She didn't touch the battered woman, not until she knew more about what had been going on over there, but she knelt beside her. "If you want one back we can see about getting you a new one," she said quietly. First stop was going to be medical, then as soon as possible Jayne was determined to get this one 'onto the couch.' She'd been stymied and blocked at every turn ever since coming onto this ship, but she was sick of being dismissed. It was going to end. And getting X'aedell the help she needed was going to be the first step towards that.


Kraden had regrouped his Fighters with the 'V-6' assault shuttles. Kraden has seven of his twelve left but only one V-6 had been lost. Kraden called on the general Squadron push =^=What are our orders?=^=

Tre'gok looked back to his assault group "Lieutenant Hosa'Math what are our orders? We are presently clear of all enemies and can return to the ship or close to engage the new threat?"

HoS'a' Stood swaying as the ship jolted. The IDS were always a little lax on assault boats, but he kind of enjoyed that. "Passengers first. Battle second."

He did not like giving the order, but it was his job to see to the safety of all the crew. it was running off against orders that had got the former prisoners into Kzinti prison in the first place. He would not make the same error.

=/= IKC VaQbach to all assault fighters, return to the ship immediately! =/=

=^= As you command, Divok your in the lead. Show us the way back. My Dueling Daggers will cover the rear. Speed is important so let’s show the Captain what kind of a blade he had been awarded.=^= Kraden had taken damage and he knew most of his other craft had as well. It was a wise choice to return, but he did not have to like it.

Divok took the lead and his seven 'V-6" fell into place behind his lead. =^=Attention Flight Deck we are coming in with wounded and prisoners so be advised. We will be ready to land in waves of four in twenty seconds be ready.

Aakan looked to the Captain "Sir to recover we must hold a straight course till they are all aboard? Is that allowable?" Aakan had made several mistakes already at the helm and was questioning his skills. He had used to much power to swing the bow around to face the Kziniti and then over compensated to correct and swung the bow back past. He knew now if he had listened to that new pilot about the Negh'Var being sluggish he would not have made those mistakes. Now they were flying straight and level but he felt nervous about the fighters recovering.

"It has to be... If you CAN hold it straight!" Kre said very annoyed at his son's struggle at the helm, he would have to deal with him later.

Divok and four 'V-6' raced into the bay and set down hard. They spun and let momentum carry them into their berths. Ten Seconds later the next four came screaming in and did the same. Another ten seconds the first four ToDuj class fighters dropped heavily to the deck and they no sooner cleared the bay then the last three were led in by Kraden. Even as his ToDuj slammed onto the deck =^=Helm we are all aboard you are free to maneuver again.=^=

Aakan was completely surprised "Captain all fighters recovered in less then.. forty seconds! Orders Captain?"

"Go to warp!"

Aakan checked his power available and noved the controls "Going to warp now Captain." The rush of the stars as the bridge extended into the warp bubble and then the rest of the ship leapt. Aakan never tired of the odd visual affects of going to warp speed, or the streaming stars as they sped across the Galaxy.


Charg watched as the enemy ship loomed closer and Koll turned the ship at the last possible moment. "Fire NOW...FIRE EVERYTHING!"



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