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Arrest gone wrong....way wrong Part 3

Posted on 30 Apr 2012 @ 8:07pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Lucas Mason

1,075 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M8-A: Kzinti War - Recon from Hell
Location: USS Achilles
Timeline: MD 15

[Deck 7]

Ciara got up from where she fell and made her way to the side, so she could steady herself. She heard confused voices as other crew members came out of their quarters. "Remain in your quarters!" she said into the dark. =^=Brannagh to Da'nal =^= she tapped her badge but of course it was dead. Moments later the emergency lighting kicked in and she tried again. =^=Brannagh to Da'nal =^=

With auxiliary power restored the comms were restored Da`nal and the others continued to Engineering, =^= Da`nal here. =^=

=^= We lost the suspect, but he did say, execute revenge 1, before the lights went out =^=, she said quickly.

Some much for needing further proof. =^= Understood, Do you have anything on his location? =^=

=^= I am not sure, but I think he was after maximum impact and that would place him most probably in Engineering =^= Ciara said, sounding nealy like a Vulcan.

=^= We are approaching engineering. Get to the Bridge and organize your efforts from there. =^=

=^=Acknowledged=^= Ciara said already jogging there. She had no time to comtemplate that all happened within the first few hours of her new position.


Da`nal and the others entered engineering to see everyone standing about staring at the warp core.

HoS'a' followed the gaze and saw the insurgent clinging to the core. This he knew how to deal with. He raised his disruptor, sighted and...

Da`nal barked and order to the eager Klingons. "HOLD YOUR FIRE!"

Confused, HoS'a' hesitated. He glanced at his own captain for confirmation. They really wanted him NOT to shoot? Why had he been taken on this team then?

Kre quickly assessed the situation and held his hand up, confirming Da'nal's order, glancing and Ho'S'a. This man was indeed a good choice for security. He moved to the side to get another angle on the suspect, motioning with his hand for his people to fall back but form a half circle.

The grin on Pr'Tern's face was clear to all. "Finally..I'm glad you are here Captain your were right not to let then fire. A . I wanted you to see who it was that had beaten you. You ordered the death of my brothers at Mercer, in return I killed your Chief Engineer, your XO, I thought I had you earlier," he shrugged, "but I missed. Though I won't miss this time, I won't allow you or your lapdogs to do any more damage."

"Are you finished?!" Da`nal interrupted as he dropped the rifle and moved forward. "The Kzinti drew first blood in this war..."

"AND THEY WILL DRAW THE LAST! They have spent the last 200 years planning and developing. In less than a day they retook there former territory from the MIGHTY FEDERATION!"

Eyeing the control console next to his new Chief Engineer he eyed the sections needing activated as Da`nal took another few steps forward raising his hands slowly as he did.
"That's close enough Captain!"

"So what do you plan on doing? Blowing yourself up along with the rest of us? Da`nal's hand slide over the console as he continued to distract the traitor. Speaking with zeal; "That will be an honorable death, no doubt the Kzinti will praise your sacrifice for generations to come."

Slapping a control console and letting his hand rest there, "In one blow your suicide will eliminate a Federation ship of the Line and with the bonus of the deaths of not only one but two crews. Most impressive..."

Such praise had been completely unexpected. While he had not expected pleas for mercy he had at least though he would have shown concern for his crew.

"...but your victory hear will fade into the shadows. Do you really think the Kzinti will be able hold what they've taken? Eventually the full force of the Federation,†nodding back towards the Klingons behind him, “and its allies will focus on the tiny section of space. Superior technology or not, they will be overwhelmed by sheer numbers." As he spoke his fingers tapped the console...hoping the engineer would figure out the rest. His hand leaving the console as he moves forward again.

~He’s out of his Klingon mind!~, Sasha thought to himself. There was no guarantee that this would work, but it would definitely keep the damage to a minimum by taking the ships anti-matter stores out of the equation.

Pr'Tern snarled at the Klingon. "Perhaps; but you will not live to see..."

Da`nal had had enough of letting this traitor ramble on. "NOW"

Having completed the steps he was ready to eject the core on the Captain’s order.

A force field sprang up as the warp core vanished from sight. The ejection housing wasn't designed to accommodate passengers. Both Pr'Tern and his devise were ripped apart and spread across several decks with the rest floating away with the main core.

Da`nal paused on for a moment and turned to the stunned faces behind him. He turned to his CEO, he clapped his shoulder. "Well done Doctor. See to the cores recovery and re-installation, I want to be under way as soon as possible."


He then nodded to HoSa'. "Sorry to spoil your fun but I couldn't have you shooting the warp core. There will be plenty to shoot at soon enough. Besides I believe we still have a rescue to plan."

HoS'a' shrugged and re-holstered his sidearm. Obviously being on a Starfleet ship had made HoD Da'nal appreciate the talky-talky Federation approach. It was his ship, it was his decision to make. HoS'a' was not trigger happy, in teh sense that he looked for things to shoot at, it was just his default approach to any difficult situation.

As he had spoke he felt the dampness on his cheek and reached up to the sore spot on his cranial ridges. His hand brushing over the area dislodged the soft and scab set the blood to flowing again. The placement would have made for a proper scar if the wound had come from a true battle he would have ignored it at let it scar over.

"Indeed, lets get to it," Kre said. "Good move, Da'nal," he said.


USS Achilles: IKS D`ama:
Captain Da`nal HoD Kretorg

Cmdr. Brannagh Capt. Danvers

LtCmdr. Phoenix-Patil Sogh Matlh
2XO/CStratOps Acting CSec

Ltjg. Mason SoghHom Tu’rock
CFCO Security

CWO Pr’Tern
Caitian Collaborator

Ens. Logan


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