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Planning Meeting

Posted on 31 May 2012 @ 9:53pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

2,144 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: M8-A: Kzinti War - Recon from Hell
Location: Security - USS Achilles


Kre strode into the tactical room and sat on the one side, followed by Tu'rock and Ho'S'a. he wanted to get this over with and let the Kzinti pay for their actions.

HoS'a' was finding today to be very full; three planning meetings, foiling a terrorist, rescuing a scientist. All he needed now was to shoot a diplomat and he had the full set of activities.

Tu'rocK was now having serious doubts about the security and therfore sucess of this mission given the recent activties, but bloodlust made him bite his tongue for now.

Da`nal made his rounds quickly as there was a battle to prepare for. While in sickbay Ciara had informed him of Mackenzie's death; she, and part of her team, had died honorably in battle, but now he had no security chief. As he moved down the corridor he searched the ships manifest. There was no time to waste or to properly evaluate the canidates...he had to choose.

Stepping into the briefing room once again, he was in a foul mood to say the least.

Kre looked up and nodded to Da'nal. He was not in the best of moods either. "Shall we start..." he said.

Da`nal was preparing to reply as his counterpart was interupted as the intercom sounded and Logan's voice filled the room. =^= Captain to the bridge. =^=

Cursing under his breath he looked to those present. "You will have to continue without me." Turning sharply he left tapping his commbadge. "On my way.'

"maJ," Kre said and turned to the people who were there.

K'tala arrived sliding in the back, tapping at a PADD as she waited for the meeting to start.

[Deck 5]

Charg was on his way to the security offices for the battle planning. He was running behing wht with the checking on the rest of the Dama's crew and then the sudden loss of power. With things settling back down we was walking quickly dow the corridor we a familiar voice called out from behind him. "Commander!"

Stopping he turned and was is total shock at the face runnig towards him. "OZ!"

Not having recognized his old friend in a Klingon uniform, and his hair not neatly pulled back, oz had figured him to just be a regular member of the Klingon Defence Forces....not his former shipmate. "Charg???? What are you...I thought you had been reinstated?"

Charg was still dealing with the surprise. "I was...but never mind me. I thought you were dead?!'

Oz shook his head as he waved his hand. "It's a looong story, but the catching up with have to wait. Has the rescue plans been finalized?"

Charg shook his head and looked at his friend questioningly. "No. As a matter of fact I'm heading to security now for the planning session."

Oz's expression got deadly serious. An expression that Charg had only seen once before. "I need to come with you."


The two officers walked in just as Da'nal walked out. He waited for them to be seated and then started the meeting. "Let's continue where we had left off. And NOT with the fighting among ourselves," he warned. "Our first and foremost goal is to ascertain if our crew is still alive, which I believe. So we will plan as if they are. Then we need to get them off and to safety. The second goal is to capture the enemy ship."

"So we need to disable the shields first. And for that I want to use Charg and perhaps a small team," he said and looked at him.

HoS'a' was unenthusiastic about this mission. They had no real idea of what they were up against. No map to make calculated guesses about location of prison, guards, or the like. Once they were down they would waste time recovering prisoners. That's what you get for going on a mission with the Federation.

Still, it was a mission, and he had been selected. His job was to make his team as safe as possible and ensure they were not captured. He would prefer to take charges to blow open the cells but the noise might give them away. Cutting torches would take a long time however, as would any attempts at cryptology. He struggled to find the English words for his question.

"How, the cells, we open them?"

"When in doubt a disruptor blast to the contol pannel opens any lock." Tu'rocK replied

HoS'a' nodded. Extreme force had been sanctioned, and he was well prepared to use it.

The door to the secrurity briefing room slid open with the usual whoosh. Charg noted again how much he had missed that. Entering the room with Oz in tow, Charg interrupted whatever conversation had been taking place. "Captain, this Lt. Ozwald Goodshire, he has developed something that could significantly aid in our efforts."

K'tala stopped reviewing explosive compounds and looked up, waiting to see what this new arrival would have for them.

Oz swallowed hard. Even though he knew Charg stand their with battle hardened Klingon warriors staring at him made him a bit nervous. "Well uhhm..Right. I'm primarily an entomologist and was trying to work that into our curretn situation. I..."

"Entomologist!?" Kre asked with explosive tension. He glared at Charg who brought him in. "This better be good or you will end up as bugfood!" Kre growled at his XO.

"You deal with bugs?" K'tala said her voice neutral as she tried to figure out how that was supposed to be helpful.

Oz rolled his eyes a bit. "Yes; I deal with what. Anyway, some of the BUGS in my collection are varying degree of severity and while som might kill one individual, they might not harm another."

He paused slightly to see who was getting where he was leading...a couple obviously didn't. "I was looking for a venom that would only effect Felinoid DNA..." He held up a vial. "...and here it is."

That peeked Kre's interest and he leaned forward. "That sounds good," he said coldy.

K'tala's eyebrows went up briefly, "Bio warfare.." she thought, "Could be tricky..."

Charg nodded in agreement with K'tala. He'd experienced some of Oz's mishaps first hand and had no desire to do so again.

Tossing the vial to his obviously skeptical friend. "Agreed. But we have several options. It can be as mild as a tear gas or as lethal a nerve agent. The delivery options are even more diverse....hypospray, gas grenade, aerosol, you name it; but I'll leave that to you all. I knew you were planning a rescue and thought you might need an additional option."

"As far as I am concerned, we use the gas, and get it over with," Kre stated. "This is an enemy without honor, I will not die by their hand, nor do I want my crew to do so. We will send a team in to disable the shield generator, then see if we can lock on our people to transport them off. In that is not possible, we can dispense the gas to knock everyone out, then we can go get our people and key prisoners, then dispence a leathal dose and take the ship," Kre said. "Charg will lead the team to disable the shield generators, K'tala you need to be on that team and Tu'rock and Ho'S', you will each lead a team to get our people out in case we can't transport them off. You will also dispence the gas. You," Kre said Oz, "prepare a no-lethal and a lethal variant of the gas," Kre said.

"Any questions?" Kre asked, but it was clear he was not really interested in questions.

HoS'a' stood at up and faced his Captain, "I will follow your orders to the death, for the honour of my ship and house. I will not use poison to kill our foe. If you wish to use this gas to subdue and capture our foe, I have no objection. The fact this foe has no honour does not excuse me from fighting and dying with honour. I will recover our comrades, and fight and die to give you whatever time you need, but I will not use poison, or order anyone under me to do so."

He pulled his d'k'tahg and handed it, haft first, towards the Captain. This was his final protest. If the Captain was to insist on this method then he would die, but he would die with his honour intact. If the Captain relelnted and found HoS'a' another way to serve, without fatal poison then honour was still served.

Tu'rocK stood, "I share HoS'a' view, and also suggest that while Vengance is ours to take by tration and law. I sumit that some live enemys might supply us with a tactical advantage."

Kre sighed frustrated and slapped the knife away. He didn't have time for this. "Dor-sho-gha!!" he said and banged his fist on the table. "You have the ears of a clay targ!! That is why I said, dispense the gas to knock the Kzinti out when you bring our people, then take key people for prisoners, which implies they are alive!" he growled. "If you have difficulty understanding orders, then you don't have go along," he said to Tu'rock. He gripped the table with his fingers. Then he glared at Ho'S'a. The man stood up for what he believed, Tu'rock too, which made them good officers, but Kretorg was not going to have anyone die now, if it caould be avoided. "Put away you knife," he ordered. "I don't want to loose good officers, but I will kill you if I have to, I already have to kill Kronyx IF he is still alive for disobeying my orders!" Kre said angrily.

K'tala had kept silent her part in all this was the explosives, She did make one point however, "They may attempt to kill the prisoners if we 'front door' it. Just noting a point.." She said almost mildly. She was not the tactician and so didn't attempt to be she merely pointed out a possible concern.

"Frankly, I see no difference in using a non-leathal dose to weaken the enemy and using a leathal dose to kill them...." he said, pausing a little. "Killing a weaker enemy is dishonorable in itself and this enemy will be weakened by the poison," he said, challenging their argument, letting them know that he had already thought of that. "These circumstances are abnormal and then we have to take abnormal measures," he said now more in control of his anger. "I will deal with the consequences of you challenging me later, but for now," he said in a reasonable tone. "If we can't transport our people off, then you will get over there, dispence the non-leathal dose in a spray form, so that only the ones that need to be will be affected, tag our people and prisoners and make sure they get to safety or off the ship. Depending on how many Kzinti there are, together with the Achilles teams we will take the ship, using the poison to diasble the enemy and if too many, use the leathal dose to kill them. You can chose not to carry the leathal poison, but if we loose people because of that decision, their blood will be on your hands. Likewise, if we fail to take the ship because of your decision not use the leathal dose, that will be on your heads," he said with finality.

As it should be, HoS'a' thought, returning his knife. The Cpatain was strong and firm, if a little unorthodox. HoS'a' would do his part.

"Will you still want explosives prepared as back up Sir?" Said the ever efficient engineer, K'tala.

"Yes, you will probably need explosives to disable the shield generators if you can't do it another way. It will be up to you to prepare the canisters for the poisen," he said.

"Now you know what you have to do, dismissed," Kre said and got up.

HoS'a' immediately contacted two other Klingon warriors he knew to go with him. He also selected a human, whose job it would be to deal with the poison gas. When the crew were assembled he led them to the armoury, then the transporter.

=^=Captain Kretorg, please come to the bridge immediately =^= Came a message just as Kre left the tactical room

=^= On my way =^=


HoD Kretorg of the House of Torath
CO IKS D'ama

Captain Da'nal of he House of Varal
CO USS Achilles

Commander Charghwl'lH son of Soval
XO IKS D'ama

SoghHom Tu'rocK of the house of Ghawran

Sogh HoS'a' of House Matlh, CSO IKC D'ama

Lt. Commander K'tala of House Valdyr, CEO IKS D'ama

Lt. Ozwald Goodshire
USS Achilles. NPC by Chirs


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