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I don't have time to Bleed

Posted on 31 May 2012 @ 9:55pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant JG Teresa Wendsar

925 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M8-A: Kzinti War - Recon from Hell
Location: Holodeck 2 - Recovery Ward
Timeline: Serious Back Post - Following staff meeting


Grolath began forcing himself up. He knew he wasn't on the Dama but he knew he wanted out of the bed he was laying in. Judging from the amount of padding he was on a Federation ship. He continued to rise only to have a pair of hands try to push him back.

Teresa walked into the holodeck where the recovery ward had been set up. It was a scene of organized chaos. She found herself amidst a bunch of Klingons, some who were intent on not remaining in bed. Letting out a sigh, she went to the nearest Klingon who was trying to rise. She laid a hand on him, and gently pushed him back onto the bed. "Remain where you are. Victory will come for you soon, but not while you are still injured. You will obtain honor in battle soon enough."

Kinarra growled at the Federation doctor and stood in front of her. "I want to get off this ship," she said forcefully, ignoring her wounds. Her uniform was different to that of the D'ama crew, with the rank of Major.

"Major, Ma'am. You're injuries need to heal before you return to duty. Should you return to duty too soon, you will injure yourself further. I am unable to release you. I do not wish to stitch you up again, just because you are being stubborn."

"I am Klingon, you Federation PetaQ!, I dont need to stay in this stinking healing place!!" Kinarra retorted, stubbornly, yes.... that was the word

Teresa turned to the male Klingon that was attempting to get up from the bio-bed not to far away from Kinarra. "That goes for you too, young man. Reopening old wounds would only slow recovery time. There will be enough Kzinti to hunt when you are released from sickbay. Now, please return to your beds."

Picking up a bio-scanner from a nearby table, Teresa turned to check on a few of the Klingons that were still unconscious. She kept an ear open to see if the two Klingons she had told to get back into bed were going to comply.

Ignoring the Federation Doctor. "We are not fragile humans, we are Klingons!" Forcing himself to his feet he began to limp towards the door while holding his side.

Teresa turned back towards the Klingon who was leaving. "Fragile? Hmmmm... I would say you don't know humans all that well." She said as she ran forward and planted herself in front of the Klingon. "I am no longer making it a suggestion. Get your Klingon butt back in that bed, now. That is a Doctor's orders. I do believe on a Klingon ship's doctor's orders outrank that of a captain. However on a Federation ship they do."

The young warrior looked into the eyes of the woman then back to Kinarra. She reminder him for their doctor...but he straightend himself. "I am not subject to your Federation...."

Teresa lost her patience with being nice. She grabbed him by the throat, swung him around and pinned him against the bulkhead. "Listen here, you Klingon jerk. I don't know what humans you've dealt with, but I'm definately not some weakling human. Now, get that Klingon butt back in bed before I do more than just pin you to this bulkhead. You might not like to discover what Federation antique restraints feel like!"

Batting her hand away he glared at her with a mix of anger and respect. He looked her up and down, "I'm sure they do not compare to an old fashion Klingon agonizer. Once I am healed I'd be interested to see how you measure up. You must have Klingon blood in your veins." He pushed past her and complied with her instructions.

Kinarra also stepped back, raising her brows in mild surprise. "I do need to get out of here as soon as possible," she said and pushed a lesser Klingon off the biobed where he was sitting and sat there herself.

Jarva was distrought with their behavior. "And you will. Just try to remain calm."

Ciara had not been to sickbay since her appointment as XO and felt a moment of awkwardness, because the last time she was there she did the autopsy on the man's who's place she just took. She walked to Teresa, her hands clasped behind her back. "Lieutenant, it seems you have found a way to control the Klingons" she commented friendly, obviously trying not to be in the way.

"That's an understatement." Jarva retorted.

"I am Commander Ciara Brannagh, the new XO, I just wanted to see how you are doing down here..." she said.

"It would be better if everyone would just calm down and take thier place. Other than that I'm fine." Jarva stated.

"I suppose it would," she said as she looked around at the mayhem. "If you have trouble with the Klingons call on the D'ama security chief, he will sort it out with a growl or whatever is appropriate for the Klingons, though you seem to handle it well. Let me be on my way, " she said with a small smile. If you need anything, please let me know," she said.

This was not Jarva's first run in with klingons. Over the symbiots 300 plus years in the universe it had developed a knack for dealing with them. "Will do."


Commander Ciara Brannagh
XO, USS Achilles

Major Kinarra
CO, IKV Koloth
(NPC by Sharon)

Warrior, IKS D'ama
(NPC by Chris)

Lieutenant Xavian Jarva
Chief Medical Officer
USS Achilles


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