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Furthering the Pain

Posted on 31 May 2012 @ 9:59pm by Lieutenant Sara'Marbela Har'tar

2,155 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: M8-A: Kzinti War - Recon from Hell
Location: Unknown Kzinti ship
Timeline: Concurrent with the rescue mission


Screaming near the top of her lungs, Bel, awoke in the cell in which she was fling into near moments ago, by the bastard Kzinti. Breathing heavily, cold wrapped around her as she looked around her cell. She saw Xea and other females were asleep. She looked down at her hands and saw them trembling and covered in sweat. Bel's mind was racing as it wrestled with explaining the dream of her Beloved and the death that was delivered by her friend Kre.

"Why..." she uttered softly as she rubbed her throat and felt the Kzinti collar "...would he do that to me?"

She was paused as to why her mate would want to kill her, let alone why her friend and captain would kill him. She didn't have time to dwell on her dream, when collar activated and her body stiffen briefly as she was gasped for air. She looked over to see two Kzinti at the cell door and she snarled at them.

"Co...wa...rdl...y pe...ta...'Q" she uttered between gasps of air

"So the captain, wants this woman to fight the male?" stating one of the guards

"Yes he does and I've seen what this animal had done to a Vulcan..." the other stated just as Bel's naked body collapse onto the cell floor and she blacked out from the pain delivered by the collar.


X'ae was still exhausted from her mental fight with the Kzinti telepath, but held on to the information tightly in her mind, as if that was the reason for her existance. She sensed the Kzinti approach and watched them through slithered eyes. ~Bel killed that Vulcan!?~ she thought.

The two guards had knelt down, lifted up the naked body of Bel, and began to drag her out of the cell, before handing her over to another set of guards to continue dragging Bel away from the cell. When the two guards entered the cell again, they looked at the Hybrid Klingon.

"What about this one?" asked a guard

"She's coming as well." returned the guard "she can best be used to warm up the other animal before her fight"

Both of them laughed as one withdrew the collar device and pointed it towards Xea.

The underestimated X'adell and that suited her well. She had not had to fight anyone so no one knew what she could and could not do, except that she had disabled the Kzinti telepath completely. Maybe they thought her only capable of mental maneuvers. Her well defined muscles should have alerted them, but they did not regard her that closely.

Male Cell

Sara, had done her best to patch up the man that she knew from Tupac, was Kronyx, her cousin's mate. As she helped bring the warrior's strength up, she informed the warrior of what has been happening to him, the others, and how Bel was handling the current ordeal with the Knizti.

"They see myself and the other as mere sexual objects, do what they please with our bodies, Kronyx. The weaker beings, like humans, Bolians, Trills, and the other Federation woman, don't hold out. Vulcans and us cross culture off spring, fair much better." Sara explained "While the Kzinti, see males as objects of sport, as well, Bel'a'Tar. From what I have gather, she already killed at least three or so Kzinti, as they tried to rape her. So the captain of this vessel decided to use her as sport and fight other females as they dine. It is only a matter of time, before he decides to send in males to battle my cousin"

Kronyx was still not completely well and his head felt as if someone put a bath'leth in it and left it there. "She is a good warrior and will fight and fight till she dies...." he said tiredly.

Sara smirked and nod "That she does, Kronyx"

When the swoosh of the main door opened and eyes and heads turned and looked towards the bright light rushing in. Sara and no doubt the others, squinted at the brightness, before she heard the door to the cell she and Kronyx were. She was about to ask what they planned to do, before her collar activated and dropped her to the Kronyx bare chest.

"It would appear that the male animal has been healed?" stating the guard as he knelt down and exam the bandages, before his eyes shifted as he grabbed a hand full of the Hybrid Andorian lifted her head up to look at her "plus this woman was comforting him, not sure how she was doing it."

"Who cares how she was doing it, she was thrown in her to please this Males, before they were brought to battle." the other guard stated and kicked the Andorian Klingon in the leg "beside, the captain wants this male for the main event."

Tossing Sara to the side, she watched as the two guards dragged Kronyx out of the cell towards who knew where. She softly uttered an Andorian pray for Kronyx safe return, before, she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Main Dinning Hall

When the one eyed warrior doctor awake, her eye scanned her surroundings. Even though they were small she felt someone pressed against her. She rose her head slightly to look to see who was with her, but with the room being small, it was also dark.

'Great' she thought bluntly as she looked about the small box like room 'Looks like I'm going to be fighting again.'

Fully alert now, X'ae scanned her surroundings. There was no other telepaths around, except some Vulcans somewhere. What she did sense was strong anticipation in the cowd outside, making her realize what was going to happen. "It does," she said evenly, keeping her emotions out of her voice. X'ae was trying to concentrate and physical touch disturbed her right now. She turned to Bel. "Please can you move up a little.."

With a sigh the warrior doctor, moved a little to give whomever the other person some room "It isn't much, but it will have to do"

"Thank you..."

Bel was a little taken back upon hearing Xae was with her, but she had an idea that she'll be fighting her soon.

"Welcome" she return before adding "you know we're going to be fighting one another"

"Right...." she said flatly. She had not gotten to know the Doctor before, so X'aedell sat quietly in the dark, gaging the Klingon's frame of mind.

Bel laughed as she shook her head and thought 'I rather not do this. I've grown tired of this' but she said "unless you have a way to get out us of here, then, I don't think you'll be seeing your beloved on the living plain."

She was right, she intended to fight her, and the bitter taste of gall rose in X'aedell's throat. She supressed her temper, her face set in her own resolution. X'aedell was confident in her own skill as a warrior, physically and mentally.

X'aedell turned her head slowly to face Bel. "This is no laughing matter, Lieutenant," X'aedell said slowly. "Have you forgotton what you are?" she challenged her. "Or have you become like one of them?"

Bel shook her head "No I have not, forgotten who I am and where my blood line came from and I am not some mere honorless peta'Q. Never. But, there does come appoint when even the greatest of warriors of old, dwell on action against a weaker foe. There is no honor in killing the defenseless."

By now Xaedell was livid, but she controlled her breathing. "I don't even understand what I am talking about..." she said in a clipped whisper. "You are a member of the D'ama crew, Lieutenant, it seems like you have forgotten to behave like one..." she continued.

Bel sighed outwardly and looked in the direction of Xae "You and I are going to fight, it means a lot to me to final face a true warrior, even if that warrior is a half breed."

X'aedell stared at her exasperated. Bel really didn't get it.....

Bel slugged at Xae arm out of friendship and only wished she had gotten to know the Xae, but the one eyed warrior hoped she got her point across that the last several fight didn't seat well with her, and she hated herself because of it. But, she didn't have to think all to long when she heard a commotion taking place.

"Well, my friend. I wish you an honorable death" Bel stated "and I shall see you in Sto Vor Kor in due time."

The two were hauled out of the cage before X'ae could respond. "You are very mistaken...!" X'aedell shouted over the noise, while she was pushed untill she stood facing Bel. The Kzinti walked away leaving the two women. X'aedell set her mouth and squared her shoulders. Her eyes were two flames of fire, her body tense with the rage she was trying to control. "I will NOT fight you...!" she growled. "You dishonored yourself by fighting and killing an ally, the Vulcan! Now you want to disgrace yourself even more by fighting your own crew member!? I refuse to take part in this," she said. X'aedell was willing to give her life for this principle however, she had to stay alive for the sake of the codes she had extracted, for when the D'ama comes for them. She also refused to give up hope.... ~Charg where are you!?~ she shouted in her mind, while she watched Bel. She could order her not to fight, she was the senior officer of the two, but she doubted if that would count anymore for Bel. It seemed like the Kzinti somehow did get to her, which allowed a pang of sadness to penetrate the anger and frustration she felt.

Bel looked puzzled and confused upon her face upon hearing X'ae, plus recalling what she and her had exchange in the cell before arriving to the fighting circle. For a moment, Bel recalled her talk with X'ae, yet something just didn't feel right to her. But when she was about to question X'ae, she heard a male voice that seem to come from out of no where, which was soon followed by a sharp pain in the back of her head. The warrior doctor screamed as she placed her hand in the back of her head, which was soon replaced with a loud roar of rage and a thirst for blood with in her eye.

"You speak too much" she spoke in a deep sounding voice as she lunged forward "Time to DIE!"

X'ae ducked out of the way, much to the obvious dismay of the Kzinti, but realized she would have to disable Bel as she was dealing with someone altered. While avoiding Bel's attack she planned her own ocunter attack. X'ae was an accomplished warrior herself, having trained in competitions and with her husband, the current bat'leth champion. Hand to hand combat was her strength and she knew most Klingons used weapons. X'ae blocked the attack, looking for an opening to administer the blow that would disable the doctor.

Both women were perspiring and already bore bruises and some wound of their fight, when X'ae felt something.... someone's presence.... ~CHARG!!!!!~ she screamed mentally, and nearly got taken out by a kick from Bel.

Bel stumbling back away from X'ae, as she placed her hand on the back of her head. She heard a woman scream, inside her head which seemed to disable whatever link the warrior Doctor was under. Confused, with what just happen, let alone just about everything that has been taking place. Bel looked left and right, before her eye looked at the naked friend, but realized that her mouth badly hurt. Puzzled by this, she heard the roars of Kzinti, she turned her back towards X'ae, to exam her surroundings, before looking back at X'ae. She had questions upon questions, mostly about why she felt as those her memories out of place, but she quickly quieted her mind and focused her thoughts on more pressing issues at hand and the fight which she currently was in.

But she could question all of this on her own and or with X'ea help her collar was activated and the warrior doctor screamed in pain as the roar pass her lips as she dropped to her knees and gripped at her collar.

X'aedell grit her teeth, panicking as she lost the connection. "NO!!!!" she screamed, breathing heavily. Suddenly she sensed her beloved again. Her eyes flickered around her as if she was trying to see him. "Charg!!!!!" she screamed as loud mentally as she screamec with her vocal chords...


Sogh [Lieutenant Bel'a'Tar, daughter of Har'Tar

Sogh X'aedell Kelan
KDF Diplomatic Liaison
IKS D'ama
(PNPC by Sharon)


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