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Heart to heart 6: Help goes both ways.

Posted on 01 May 2012 @ 6:41am by

871 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M8-A: Kzinti War - Recon from Hell
Location: Xos quarters
Timeline: After the arrest

"This time it is just the Captain," Ciara said glad to have veered the conversation off. This woman must think she was a cry baby if she got so upset just because of being appointed against her will, but it was okay. "My resignation couldn't be sent off anyway, we have radio silence," she said with a wry smile. "But messed me around, yes, I know no one on the crew. All I wanted was to go home and.... " she wanted to say something different, but caught herself. "... and start a new life...." she said.

Zaria's perceptions rarely failed her. Some liked to say her ability to read people made her a natural empath. Zaria wasn't so sure about that. She preferred to say that she was just an avid student of human emotion and worked very hard to be open and understand not just what a person was communicating with their words but with their eyes, facial expressions, and body language...the sub-text. Yes, that was it. She considered herself a specialist in sub-text. Now, like any specialist, she knew she mis-read things sometimes, but more often than not...she hit the issues right on the nose. She hoped that now was one of the situations where she was hitting things on the nose and not misreading the situation.

Gently, carefully, she pulled back a bit from Ciara. Still touching her shoulder with one hand while using the other to make sure her companion was looking her in the eye, Zaria said softly, "You hesitated, my friend. What are you trying hard NOT to say?"

Ciara picked up a picture and stared at it, wiping her eyes for a few moments, before she handed it wordlessly to Zaria. It was a picture of a dark haired man, with his arm around Ciara's shoulders, both leaning with their forearms on the back of a couch behind two boys and a girl sitting in front of them.

Studying it for a minute or two, Zaria gave an understanding and sad smile, saying, "Family?"

Ciara nodded, feeling a bit numb emotionally. "I was waiting for them to be transported to the D'ama... the Kzinti fired......there was an explosion...they never came," she forced herself to say.

Ciara nodded, tears streaming down her cheeks again. "They were right behind someone who barely made it....she saw it ..." Ciara fell silent, the raw pain of loss burning her throat. "I still can't believe it, it is so unreal....." she said.

"Reality only sinks in with time and the ongoing loneliness, the grief that doesn't feel like it will ever end..." Zaria said quietly, sounding as if she knew all too well from experience, her tone suggesting that she herself was often haunted in such a way.

Once again Ciara got up and patted her face with cool cloth, using the time to bring her emotions under control. When she sat down again, she leaned against the back of the couch a small brave smile tugging at the conrners of her mouth. "Seems you know what you are talking I will believe you..." Ciara said softly, squeezing Zaria's hand. "I don't know how I will cope witth them not being here....we were married for twenty years.... how did you cope?"

"Not well," Zaria admitted, "And we weren't married all that long..."

At least Zaria was honest and Ciara smiled. "Come to think of it.... I won't have too much time on my hands to think, I will be too busy.... it is just the alone time...." she remarked, wiping her eyes, as the tears spilled over again. "I suppose I can sleep in the mess hall..." she said jokingly. "Or get a very demanding dog...."

"Or connect with me when you're feeling down," Zaria offered with a quirked half-smile.

"As long as you are still here I will," Ciara said smiling now, then her expression changed to some concern. "But you have that big Klingon and the children to take care of, I don't want to burden you...."

"It's not a burden," Zaria assured her with a smile. And it was true. Ciara smiled and gave her a hug. "And I am here for you too..." she said. "Now I got to get this face presentable..."

"Shouldn't be too hard," Zaria smiled and winked, sitting back and moving away just a bit.

Ciara used a spray she replicated to reduce the redness around her eyes, nose and cheeks, applied some light makeup and lipgloss. After redoing her hair into a pony tail with a clasp, she turned to Zaria. "It won't last, but at least I will feel better.... looks okay?" she asked.

"Yup," Zaria said with a smile and stood, "I guess it's time for me to go, huh?"

"I am going to have a look at medical, see how they are coping and so on, you can always join me if you's like?" Ciara said.

Zaria smiled. "No, let me go have a look at how my children are," she said.

The women parted, new friends made and Ciara felt more ready to face her new life.


Commander Ciara Brannagh

And Lt Comdr Zaria Creighton
MA IKS D'ama


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