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A Loan 2

Posted on 31 May 2012 @ 9:48pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

809 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M8-A: Kzinti War - Recon from Hell

[Unknown Klingon ship]

Unknown to the Klingon vessel, the delays caused by the warp core ejection had allowed the Klingon ship to close the distance with the Achilles. As a worker bee repair craft completed the repairs to the ejection ports a shuttle flew back to the ships shuttle bay and vanished as it entered the bay.

"Sir," said the conn officer, with a rather surprised tone. "We have caught up with the Federation ship, it is right in front of us!"

"On screen!" Klaw said, standing with folded arms as he watched the ... ah... Prometheus Class starship cut through space. "Distance?"

"Twenty thousand kilometers. The ship is called the USS Achilles..."

"Scan for Klingon bio signs."

"There are many aboard, Sir."

Then this had to be the ship. "Hold this distance," Klaw said and sat down in the Captain's chair. It squeeked and he grunted irrate. "Decloak and hail them."

[USS Achilles]

Having been called out of the planning for the recovery operation. Da`nal had personally overseen the final stages of the warp cores re-installation and now the only thing remaining was the final repair to the ejection port hatch, reconnect and test the various warp systems, and finally the reinitializattion of the warpcore.

Their long range sensors had been restored and were keeping a constant lookout for enemy vessels.

As the Klingon ship decloaked the ops officer spun in his chair. "CAPTAIN! A Klingon ship is decloaking to port!"

Da`nal looked over to Ciara at the announcement. "Captain Kretorg had mentioned he had sent a messege to the Klingon High Command. This must be their reply."

Nodding to the officer. "On screen."

The shape of a Negh'var class battleship filled the viewer and set Da`nal heart to pounding. While the Achilles had no match in the Empire; the Negh'var was close and was a true Klingon Warship. He rose from the center seat as the image of the ship was replaced with it's senior officer.

[Unknown Klingon Vessel]

"I am Admiral Klaw, representing the Klingon Empire, I need to speak with Captain Kretorg," Klaw said as the link was established.

=^= qaqIHneS 'aj (I'm honored to meet you Admiral). I am Captain Da`nal of the House of Varal. I will have him summoned at once. Would you care to come aboard? =^=

The Admiral looked at Da'nal as if he lost his mind. "No, I prefer to have my feet on a the deck of a real ship," he said proudly. Someone said something behind him, to which he listened. "But Captain, of course, I invite and your executive officer to join us here for fresh food."

Da`nal smirked slightly, but he wasn’t going to get into a pissing contest over who had the better ship. Beside the warp core was not yet online and he knew when fully operational the Prometheous class had no equal. “We would be honored. I will gather Captain Kretorg, Commander Charghwl’IH and my XO and we shall beam over.

The admiral looked towards his left front and closed the comm.

"You are not serious, Captain," Ciara said appalled, then checked herself and toned her emotion down to a milder version of shock. "I ... " she said clearing her throat. "I ...don't really eat Klingon food, I am a wee but queezy," she said, clearly putting it mildly. Then of course, it could be seenm as an insult if she didn't go. "But if I have to go I will..." she said, trying not to sound as meek as she felt.

Da`nal looked at his XO. "You were on a Starbase this close to Klingon space and are still intimidated by the food? Courage Commander, just stay away from the live or raw foods and you'll be fine. If you have any questions ask me."

Ciara flicked a glance to Da'nal, as close as she could come at that point to a glare. "Yes Captain...." she said and felt her stomach contract as if in rebellion just at the thought. ~It was *because* I was close to Klingon space...~ she thought.

Kre had received the message and appeared behind her on the bridge, sorry he missed Klaw. He would have loved to see his face and also gage his attitude. He was well aware that the admiral hated him, but he didn't care. He realized that this would have to do with his new orders, which must irk the admiral to no end. "I will be ready in five minutes," Kre said to Da'nal he said as he called to Charg to let him know.

Nodding to Kretorg. "Very well. Five minute in transporter room one.'

Captain Da'nal of the House of Varal
CO USS Achilles

Captain Kretorg of the House of Torath
IKS D'ama CO

Commander Ciara Brannagh
USS Achilles XO

Admiral Klaw


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