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The Rescue Pt 5 - For Duty...for Honor

Posted on 01 Jul 2012 @ 9:42pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,603 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: M8-A: Kzinti War - Recon from Hell

[Kzinti Warship]

Charg, K'tala and their team materialized on the enemy ship, their task - The enemy’s shields, but he had his own task...the rescue of his mate and wife.

They materialized just outside the ships engineering area and where immediately engaged by the warriors there. One leapt at Charg tackling him. His blaster flew from his hand as the two landed on the deck but he managed to keep hold of his d'k tahg.

The Kzinti had more than a foot in height over the Klingon hybrid and the reach to match. Charg's only asset was his skill and his blended Klingon/Vulcan strength. As they came to their feet each held a blade and they circled slowly. With a roar they both moved in on the other gripping the other by the wrist of their blade was now a test of pure strength.

K'tala saw the others in the team wade into the enemy and mentally cursed. She had hoped for a little distance, she had a few smaller gernades that would of helped nicely. Well no help for it, she pulled the 3 foot long, 25 lbs wrench she always wore and using it as a medieval mace. She spun on the balls of her feet to smoothly use her full weight to slam into a nearby warrior with enough force to make him drop his weapon. She pulled out her own d'k tahg dagger and between the two began to slash and bash at anything she could reach on her enemy as she dancing around, oddly light on her feet.


HoS'a' and his team of four moved quickly down the corridor on the way to the holding cells. Arriving at a corner the Starfleet officer signaled a halt.

"Tricorder's indicate automated sentries. I suggest..."

KoS'a' rolled around the corner and fired his heavy disruptor at the automated cannon mounted on the ceiling. The first shot got its attention, the second dropped its shields as it turned and targeted him. For a brief moment it was a race to see which weapon would charge the fastest. KoS'a's disruptor won and there was a shower of sparks and hot metal as the weapon went off line.

"Rather direct, but effective," the human muttered to himself as they moved on.

A short jog later they came to a door. Again the human urged caution, "Two guards on the inside and another two at the far end of..."

The door hissed open and HoS'a' and Cha'a' fired down the corridor at the Kzinti guards. The two either side of them lunged out, too close to bring their beam weapons to bear. Cha'a was caught to the side of the head and dropped to the ground, but Ro'beq stepped in with his Mek'leth across the feline's throat. HoS'a' had used his disruptor to block the Kzinti blow but now the pair were fighting over the weapon, and HoS'a was not winning. There was a hot orange flash as the Starfleet officer hit the Kzinti with his weapon. The Larger foe staggered back but did not drop. It was enough to allow HoS'a' to swing his rifle butt and knock the opponent down and for Ro'beq to step in and finish the job with his blade.

As Ro'beq helped Cha'a back to her feet HoS'a grabbed the pahser off the Starfleet officer and examined the setting.

"Stun!" He demanded, unbelieving.

"I am not authorized to set it to higher levels," the ensign tried to explain.

HoS'a' snarled. He stuck the phaser in the man's belt and gave him one of the Kzinti rifles, "Now you are!"

[USS Achilles - Upper Stardrive]

The combined fire power of Captain Kretorg's new ship and the Achilles had disabled the Kzinti warships weapons and now the full out effort to recove the prisoners had begun. Da`nal watched the tactical display to montior the situation while the Achilles also watched for any incoming enemy vessels.

[Kzinti Warship]

Charg had managed to gain an advantage in his fight and broke the grip of the Kzinti he had been fighting. However no sooner had he done so than a massive clawed hand swept down and laid open his face, barely missing his eye. Locking the pain away he came in behind the Kzinti as it's left shoulder and neck was exposed.

Driving his Dk'tahg deep into the warrior’s neck and the Kzinti staggered but refused to give up, even though his wound was mortal. Taking the opportunity Charg pulled his bat'leth from off his back moved in to finish of the Kziniti and with all his strength he thrust the blade of his ancestors into his opponent’s heart. No matter what the others were like this Kzinti had been a worthy opponent.

K'tala had finished off her own enemies, she was barely breathing hard but had just barely managed to avoid injury herself and glanced at

Headless of his wounds he look to Ktala, they had work to do. Tossing two of Oz's chem grenades in to the adjacent chamber. "Let’s go."

Someone else may of said, "no you're too hurt, we need to do see to your injuries." What she said was, "Right, you need me to seal that.." She gestured to his wound as put her blade away. She couldn't use the first aid kit too much time but a disruptor on the right setting would seal it just as well in seconds. He allowed it and they hurried on their way.

With the Kzinti in the engineering compartment either passing out or fighting for consciousness Charg rushing in bat’leth at the ready. He stopped short as he took a look at the Kziniti warrior as they collapsed. They needed to work fast; there was no telling how long the effect would last.

Pointing to the control panel near what looked like the ships computer core “Commander, see if you can find their environmental controls. We can then infuse the gas directly into the air supply.â€

Her grin was truly frightening to see, she could fight but others were better. With computers and technology however, this was her domain. And she could make them do things that some likened to the best conductors in regards to orchestras. She nodded and headed for the panel, trusting Charg to watch her back as her fingers flew over the console. It was different then she was used too but she'd been studying everything they could get on the systems so that helped. What also helped was a portable Computer Console she swiftly hardwired into the enemy computer system, the outside world fell away as she worked with the make shift interface. There was some security in place that would prevent the very thing she was trying to do, grinning she slide in the system via the auxiliary databanks storage systems and peggybacking using a code breaking program of hers that used an oscillating code variance program to fool the systems. Finally she said, "I'm in enviro.." She worked to program the environmental controls with the gas. The inverted flux governor gave her a bit of trouble until she fried the safeties. "Gas programmed, ready for release." She glanced at Charg, waiting for the command as her hand hovered over the release control.

[Holding cells]

X'aedell was thrown into a cell with someone else, but not Bel. The ship rocked again as weapons fire exploded against the hull. Pandemonium broke loose. Then he was there! This time she shouted on the top of her lungs. "Charg!!!" No one even bothered. If he didn’t hear her voice, he should hear her mentally as clear as a bell.

[IKS Koloth]

"Hail the VaQbach," Kinarra said to communications.

"Channel open..."

"=/= This Major Kinarra of the IKV Koloth, respond =/="

=/= Good timing Major! Join the fight, I am sending you the tactical data now, Kretorg out!"

Ryder was pretty good at tactical operations, even if he was arrogant enough to think so himself. "Captain The Prometheus class has pulled back to a support position and it looks like the Negh'Var is sending in another wave of assault boats. So where do you want us?"

Kinarra conferred with the information Kre sent her and she looked up. "Go join the USS Achilles, let's go even those odds a bit!" she said.
On the way she contacted the Captain of the USS Achilles using the frequencies Kre had sent her. "IKV Koloth to Captain D'anal. This is Major Kinarra, Captain Kretorg said we could be of some assistance..." she said as they entered the fray.

[Kzinti Engineering]

With his work researching the Kzinti computer core on the Achilles Charg had managed to gain a good working knowledge of the Kzinti language and their encryption. Plus he tried the code X’ae had send him and it allowed him a great deal of access “THERE! I have access. I am rerouting bridge controls to here…†He was interrupted by the shout echoing, not in his ears, but through his mind. “...X’ae,†he whispered.

The ship rocked again as it took a blast from the Klingon ships. Completing his task as fast as his hands would allow he was able to transfer helm, sensors, shields, propulsion, and life support controls to K’tala’s console. “THERE! You should have control now, I transferred what I could be for they locked me out. Seal the doors behind me and call for reinforcements before for other Kzinti arrive!†With that he grabbed his blade and bolted out of the section. ~I AM COMING! ~



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