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The Rescue Pt 10 - We're Out of Here...prizes and all

Posted on 14 Jul 2012 @ 12:27pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,358 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M8-A: Kzinti War - Recon from Hell
Location: Achilles, VaQbach, Koloth, & Kzinti vessels


Charg watched as the enemy ship loomed closer and Koll turned the ship at the last possible moment. "Fire NOW...FIRE EVERYTHING!"

Soran slammed her hands onto the tactical panel. Phaser lines raked the incoming Kzinti ship across the midsection as the Bloodlust turned the phaser bank to face it. A moment later a spray of torpedos barrelled towards their target, dull red points of light that then blossomed into red balls of destruction as they pounded into the enemy's main weapons array.

The ship rocked from the shockwaves as they engaged the battleship at point plank range. Once they traveled the full length of the ship their task was done. Charg only hoped the smaller craft were clear. "Get us out of here!"

K'tala kept her station, working furiously and yelling orders over comm link to the team in engineering. Her entire focus now on throwing whatever they could at the engines.

Easier said than done they had to claw for separation to form a warp bubble or they would be consumed with whatever collapsed their bubble. They were taking hits as well and it was a long few seconds till they had the needed space to go to warp. Not that Koll was inactive during that time, besides fighting the controls of the large ship to gain speed he had to figure out how to set a course using the Kziniti navigation charts! Koll checked with K'lo several times for the older Warriors help. He quietly thanked Captain Kretorg for his foresight.

K'lo nodded and Koll smiled as he shoved the controls to warp speed "Course set and we are going to warp! The Kziniti warship extended into the stars and then leapt away stars streaming all around. Koll grabbed K'lo's shoulder "I owe you many drinks and thank you for your experience."


Ryder moved into position on the port flank low, his flight plan to stay behind the Kzinti portside warship and find a blind spot to hammer the big fellow, just like he did against raiders with his Raptor. The position was not the one the Kzinti had been expecting from monitoring the battle comms and that saved the Koloth. The Kziniti had to reem their rear batteries on the swift Scout class actual position and that brief few moments was enough time for the shield s to come up as the cloak dropped. Ryder saw right away the power spikes that meant they were firing and made the Klingon Scout jerk hard lower to the port and closer. The thick beams of energy barely missed and the nearest was strong enough to nearly drop the Shields just by proximity. "Sorry Tamar for ruining your shot but they were waiting for us? Just be ready we will get our licks in soon."

"Get us in closer, shadow them... maybe too close for their sensors..." Kinarra said.

Tamar was getting very irritated with the human, but there was no time to react now. The pilot did the right thing and he was certain better than Merkto. He readjusted his targeting scanners. "I am ready..."

Ryder brought the Scout in close enough to see detail on the hull, just below the main thruster nacelles. "Go ahead and use those Disruptors Tamar lets fry this engine." Without turning his head "I think this is a blind spot Kinarra, I don't think their weapons can depress this far, this close." Ryder was busy matching the Kziniti warship as it accelerated suddenly toward the other battle. He was showing considerable skill maintaining position on the Kziniti warship. "Of course if I am wrong we are toast, you realize that right?"

"Just make sure we are NOT!" she said.

Ryder laughed "By the time we know it will be too late. Say Kinarra did you notice they were tracking where we were suggested to strike, before we uncloaked? Not where we were mind you but where we were told to be? Something to think about?" The shields were nearly collapsed, "Tamar no torpedoes till I give you the word. I need to be able to get us out of here once you lose them or the blast will fry us as well as the target."

=/=VaQbach to the Koloth, fall back to the rendezvous coordinates! =/=

=/= Acknowledged =/= Kinarra responded quickly. "Get us out of here!" she said to Ryder. "And yes, I think they monitor communications, at least they don't know where we are going..."

"OK Tamar launch as many torpedoes as you can in three-two-one-loose now!" The Koloth seemed to be pushed back and up away from the Kziniti warship as Ryder hit reverse thrusters and lifted the backside keeping the weapons on target. The torpedoes away Ryder lifted the nose up and raced away straight up from the warship and went to warp-1 in an instant. Ryder was not really worried about seeing how much damage they did, just not being around for the explosive shock wave.

Tamar let loose on the torpedoes causing considerable damage to their hull, just before they went to warp.

The Koloth dropped from warp a few seconds later within shouting distance of the VaQbach, after a flight that felt like being in a roller coaster. He saw the expression on Tamar's face and looked over his shoulder at Kinarra "Sorry, I am a fighter pilot you understand?"

Tamar swore in annoyance at the hectic pilot. Was he looking for a fight!?

When the VaQbach sent the alert they were going to warp speed Ryder locked onto their signature and set the Koloth to just follow along. Maintaining position as if they were the giant ships wingman. He was getting the hang of this Klingon Tech by now and it was pretty easy to adapt his skills to the Bird-of-Prey.

[Lower Stardrive section]

"Shields down to 47 percent, Commander!" said the young operations officer. He never thought he would be toast on his first assignment. "We can't take another hit like that. Smoke were coming from several power couplings and conduits that had overloaded during the last attack.

"EVASIVE Pattern gamma 2!" Ciara shouted as she gripped her chair. The ship shuddered as weapons fire brazed them, but then it suddenly stopped as the attacking ship changed direction.

"The Kzinti ships are on an intercept course with the one that was captured!"

"Lay in a pursuit course and fire!" Ciara ordered. "They must know something!" she concluded "They cannot get to that ship!"

"That last hit knocked out the impulse drive, we have only thrusters."

"Use everything you have and keep shooting them!" Ciara said while contacting engineering.

Just then the message came through that the VaQbach had retrieved all their fighters and that they were to break off and meet at the rendezvous coordinates.

"Helm, fall back and lay in a course to the rendezvous coordinates," Ciara said relieved. "Maximum warp!"

"Aye Sir," the helmsman said. He too was very relieved.

[Upper Stardrive section]

Their shields nearly gone the Achilles had taken the brunt of the fight. They had taken some serious damage but they were still in the fight "HELM BRING US AROUND FOR ANOTh..."

Cutting off the Captain Logan spun in her chair, her normally neatly kept hair a mess, her face smeared and dirty. "CAPTAIN !! Everyone jumping to warp!"

"MR. Mason. Get us out of here!"


Captain Da`nal of the Houes of Varal
CO - USS Achilles

Captain Kretorg of the House of Torath
CO IKC VaQbach

Commander Ciara Brannagh
XO USS Achilles

Lt. Commander K'tala of House Valdyr
IKC VaQbach

Lt X'aedell Kelan
Klingon Diplomatic Liaison
IKC VaQbach (PNPC Sharon)

Ensign Koll of house Dermok
Chief flight
IKS VaQbach

Ensign Kraden of house Dermok
Squadron Leader Dueling Daggers
Acting Wing Commander
IKS VaQbach (PNPC Raymond)

1stLieutenant Ryder Gawyn
Helmsmen of the Koloth
(PNPC Raymond)

Lieutenant Maritza Soran
Chief OPerations Officer
IKS VaQbach

Dr. Bel'a'Tar
Asst. Chief Medical Officer
IKS VaQbach

Lt. Sa'matelaah Kata
Cheif Science Officer
IKS VaQbach

Lt. Commander Lahtika Phoenix-Patil
2XO & Chief of Strategic Operations
USS Achilles

Ltjg. Lucas Mason
Chief Helm Officer
USS Achilles

Lt. Sara`Marbela Har'ta
Medical Officer (POW)
USS Achilles


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