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His least favorit place

Posted on 31 May 2012 @ 9:50pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Captain John Blake

1,076 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M8-A: Kzinti War - Recon from Hell
Location: sickbay
Timeline: prior to - A Loan 2

After things wrapped up in engineering he lifted his hand to his head as he made his way down the crowded corridor. With the tossing of the crew and the ships passengers the number of injured had no doubt increased. He was proof of that and Da`nal found himself outside sickbay.

It had taken time but he had finally been able to separate Anita's death from the generality of sickbay. Though he had found it easier to walk into sickbay when she was there, but for a long while he had had an additional reason to stay away. However with blood still flowed from his head wound and dripped from his chin.

Ciara had been there for a while, and noticed the Captain, and the strange expression on his face, even if it was there only for a few moments.

Seeing his new XO he stepped over several crew members and made his way over. "Aren't you supposed to be on the Bridge?"

"Sir?" Ciara said slightly confused as he reached her, her heart bouncing, wondering if that was where she was supposed to be. "You left the second officer in charge and I am doing rounds to meet the department heads where I can," she said. "I am on my way back there shortly..." she added.

Chatter. Chatter was the first thing Blake heard. It almost seemed as if the darkness would consume him. He had dreamed, teetering on the edge of a vast darkness, filled with silence. The chatter was re assuring for a moment. Then a wave of pain, nausea, and the brightness of, what appeared to be,0 sickbay took over. He struggled against something, a restraint and grew frustrated and claustrophobic.

"Where am I!?" Blake shouted, "Get me out of here!"

Doctor Jarva moved to comfort the man, "You're in Sickbay." He continued to run his medical tricorder over him.

Da`nal to moved to the man's bedside. He didn't recognize the man... ~must be of the station survivors.~ He thought to himself. "What is the last thing you remember?"

John tried to focus on the people around him, it was hard to focus, hard to concentrate. Everything was spinning and his body was wracked with pain. His lungs hurt and it felt like his chest was on fire. "Sickba..." he croaked; the exertion from screaming before had taken its toll.

Ciara stepped over heard the young man's agony and accessed the patient data to confirm his identity and to see what happened to him. "This is Lieutenant John Blake, he was brought here from engineering," she informed Da'nal, seeing how he searched his face. "He was an operations officer on the Station," she continued.

The voices started to blend together and Blake could feel the darkness taking over again. In a way he felt comforted by it, even though he knew he didn't belong there. He let another gurgle pass from his lips before everything went quiet again and he passed out.

An unfamiliar redhead was tending to Da`nal's wound as he looked questioningly. "What's wrong with him? How long has he been unconscious?"

The CMO had to move off to deal with other critical patients, handing the tricorder off to the Dama's EMH...who was much easier to deal with than their own.

Rebecca took the tricorder having already accessed the man's medical records and her own memory files. "He was brought aboard the Dama in a catatonic state. He had suffered from vacuum exposure as well as a severe concussion. Dez and I had treated what we could and monitored his condition to keep him stable. His equilibrium is probably off from being tossed when your ship warp field collapsed. I can give him a hypo to stabilize that and bring him around."

Da`nal continued to look to the redhead and nodded. "Do it." While he waited for the medication to take effect, Da`nal accessed the Lieutenant's service record on his padd.

John lurched up on the bed, eyes wide and dilated. It took him a second before his breath caught up. He found himself gasping momentarily before realizing he could breathe normally. His head swam.

"Where am I?" Blake asked; his voice sounding horse.
"You are on the USS Achilles, I am Captain Da`nal. How are you feeling?"

John looked at the man in front of him. Klingon and a Captain. Blake felt his last shred of dignity drain out of him as he realized he had probably shamed himself before a superior officer.

"I've felt better sir," he replied

Nodding slightly as the lieutenant propped himself up. "Of that I have no doubt. However, my operations department is now critically undermanned, you are here by transferred to this ship and I am appointing you this ships Chief Operations officer."

Rebecca interjected. "Sir he has been in a coma and needs time to..."

"We are at war Doctor. Get him on his feet and ready for duty."

Da`nal then turned to Ciara. "Bring him up to speed. Engineering is beginning the process of reinstalling the warp core. I want it reinstalled and this ship operational in half the time. In our current condition we are vulnerable to attack...Light a fire Commander."

Ciara nodded. "Understood Sir," she said.

Da`nal turned and headed to security to complete the rescue planning.

Blake nodded, it was the best he could do to let the rising nausea pass. "Thank you sir,"

"Congratulations, Lieutenant," she said softly, and started to tell the new ops chief of the recent events, the picking up of the D'ama crew, their current mission to save captured crew and of the explosion in engineering. "When you are ready, go to engineering first and assist there, we need this ship ready for war. Let me know if you need anything," Ciara concluded.

John nodded and stood up. He felt like he was going to throw up, the room had started to spin enough to where he felt disoriented but not enough to fall down. "If you'll all excuse me, ill be getting to work now," he said as he put his head down and made his way out of sickbay. He had no idea where Engineering was. It was something he'd have to figure out.


Captain Da`nal

Commander Ciara Brannagh
XO USS Achilles

Lieutenant (JG) John Blake
Chief of Operations
USS Achilles

Lieutenant Xavian Jarva
Chief Medical Officer
USS Achilles


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