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26 Jun 2012 @ 9:26pm

Captain John Blake

Name John Michael Blake

Position Investigations Officer

Rank Captain

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 28
Languages English

Physical Appearance

Height 6' 0"
Weight 165 lbs
Hair Color Dark Brown
Eye Color Green
Physical Description John is average height with short (shaved) hair that is graying. He is slim and a lazy posture often makes him look a little smaller than he actually is.


Spouse Lisa Blake (divorced)
Children None
Father Captain William Blake (Deceased)
Mother Maureen Blake
Brother(s) James Blake, Robert Blake

Personality & Traits

General Overview Michael grew up as the eldest of three brothers. He is easy going and friendly but can be protective of friends or family and in instances become defensively aggressive.

When alone, he likes to read or spend time on the holodeck. In social situations he is observant and slow to warm up. He often takes the role of the comic, attempting to lighten the mood of those around him or draw attention to himself through humor.

Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths
* Adaptive Thinker
* Observant

* Sometimes known for a short temper
* Prone to over analysis and overcomplication
Ambitions Since the death of his father, John's ambition has been to follow in his father's footsteps and command a starship. This has proven more difficult than expected and at times he hopes to just be more than that "officer no one remembers"
Hobbies & Interests Tennis, holodeck sailing, stargazing

Personal History John grew up with his mother on Earth. He was born in London, England and transferred to starfleet academy after highschool. He had originally gone to school to study performing arts and acting but joined starfleet to honour his father's memory. The arts were John's passion, he enjoyed the history of literature, the excitement of the stage, the costumes, the flair. He had hoped to go on to drama school at the Royal Academy, against his father's wishes. The Blake family had always produced great starship captains. John would have been the first boy to go against the tradition in twelve genertions.

On stardate 60559.4, John's father, Captain William Blake, responded to a distress signal three kilometers within the Romulan Neutral Zone. The U.S.S Kilburn disapeared shortly after entering the Neutral zone. No futher communication has been recieved to this date.

John responded by joining starfleet. It is unknown whether he did this to honour his father (out of guilt or a sense of honour) or to earn the chance to investigate his father's disapearance. John's time in the academy was hard. He was initially recommended as an Engineer and studied for two years on the Engineering track. During his third and fourth year at the Academy he specialized in communications and starship piloting / navigation.

On graduation he applied for numerous positions but was turned down for only having aobve average grades. He eventually accepted a position on the USS Akira as an Engineer. Life on board ship was harder than he expected and many times he regreted his decision. His peers saw him as being less skilled than them and resented his commission, rumouring that he had earned a rank as Ensign because his father had died, that Starfleet felt sorry for him. A year later an opening came up in Operations and he applied to transfer. The work there was a lot more enjoyable and more to his skill set. He spent another two years on the Akira.

At the end of the second year, the Akira made port at Starbase 24 for routine repairs. At the time, Starbase 24 was having problems with an OS update to their communications platform and was looking for extra hands to help with the upgrades. Blake offered to volunteer his shoreleave and eventually applied for transfer when the continuing work was scheduled to last longer than the Akira's planned stop. Blake's work on the Starbase was interesting, mixing Engineering and Operations style work, plus giving him a chance to do some shuttle piloting on the side. The larger environment allowed for more personal interactions and he stated dating Ran Elise, a Bajoran engineer whom he had met on his first day at 24. His career seemed like it was starting to brighten...
Service Record Stardate 61337 Graduated Starfleet.
Stardate 61337 U.S.S Akira: Engineer (1 Year)
Stardate 62337 U.S.S Akira: Operations Officer (2 Years)
Stardate 64328 Transfer to Starbase 24 Operations Division