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The Rescue Pt 8 - Together or Not at all

Posted on 09 Jul 2012 @ 7:29pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Sara'Marbela Har'tar

1,419 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M8-A: Kzinti War - Recon from Hell
Location: Kzinti Territory - Between SB 24 and Kzinti Homeworld - Achilles, VaQbach, Koloth, & Kzinti vessels

[USS Achilles - Upper Stardrive section]

Da`nal watched as his section closed on the Kzinti warship. At a 3 to 5 vessel match up, and give the power of the Kzinti ships it was likely that they would not survive this fight...but their deaths would be glorious! Then without warning the transmission from the Koloth filled the bridge. =^= Your timing is perfect Major! Engage the enemy from the rear - pattern Sierra!"

=/=Acknowledged,=/= Kinarra said grinning. She turned to Ryder. "You heard the man, fire at will!"

Ryder watched the three sections of the Prometheus engage and shook his head. "Captain if we use Sierra we will be in their line of fire if they miss. I would suggest Delta-5 and keep on the rear flank. We can target two ships on the way in and we can pound the one we are hiding behind. We also will be completely clear of the Federation ship's fire."

Kinarra was now less interested in specifics and glared at Ryder, battle in her eyes. "I don't care about the attack pattern, just get them in the rear and dodge friendly fire! We have to distract and confuse them..."

[VaQbach Bridge]

=/=Kretorg to Da'nal, we have secured the Kzinti ship. Charg has control over the systems, we are preparing to join the fight,"=/= Kre informed Da'nal

[Achilles - Upper Stardrive]

Da'nal's section of the Achilles swept between several of the Kzinti battlecruisers, firing as they went. These ships were the same ships that they had faced at Mercer. Then he had had the Imperator and the Apocalypse with him, and then the Kzinti forces had been a mix of various classes and they only managed to take down one ship before having to retreat.

This was different entirely now they faced a formation of five top of the line Battlecruisers. Another console erupted as the Achilles took another blast. =^= NO! Send him to the rendezvous that ship’s too valuable a prize to lose! We will keep them busy long enough for him to get to get away before we withdraw!=^=

=/=Acknowledged=/= Kre responded and sent a message through to Charg.

With a swoosh, Ba'al, stepped onto the bridge. Even if she didn't have to be there, the Orion woman, wanted to be there to at least help if things got out of hand. Holding onto the Rail as the Achilles banked either port or starboard. Try as she might, the Resident Orion, tried to watch the main view screen as much as possible, but with the ship banking hard to either side, it was hard to do.

[Kzinti Vessel's]

The Caitian's had provided the Kzinti with the Federation coded frequencies to they had been monitoring everything...and had been ready for the approaching Bird-of-Prey. Now they heard that their ship had been captured! The Commander of the lead vessel bolted from his seat; "IGNORE THE FEDERATION SHIP! DESTORY THE BLOODLUST!"

The Kzinti ships increased their speed towards the captured cruiser.

[Captured Kzinit ship - KWS Bloodlust]

Charg arrived on the bridge as his crew materialized.

Koll was searching out the helm controls even as he materialized. The helm station had three positions but appeared to be controllable from the left hand station. The center seemed to be a monitoring station and the right was a secondary set of controls. Koll moved to the left hand position and motioned K'lo to take the right. The words made no sense but the controls seemed similar except they controlled left to right instead of right to left. As Koll began to speak K'lo shrugged "Yes you are correct, it is good that you noticed.

K'tala arrived and immediately hooked into a nearby system, tapping the final code that would transfer control back to the bridge. She began to work in the engineering systems from here. At least enough to be getting on with as a few worked from engineering. "Best secure these bodies..." She noted mildly as the others arrived.

Soran had her wish. The bridge was littered with Kzinti, though most were merely out cold rather than the preferable dead. The ship was designed for creatures almost twice her height and she took malicious pleasure in using a body as a step to reach the controls for what looked like the operations platforms. It took less than a moment to guess enough of the less sophisticated system. "Diverting power to helm, bringing impulse - " Something pinged on the next panel along. It was sensors, or possibly tactical. she leaned over, balanced precariously on the hips of the unconscious kzin. "Commander, we have a Kzinti vessel inbound at full impulse, heading 4.2 mark 70!"

Koll saw the lights come on and felt the power of the ship in the controls. "Commander Charghwl'IH are we turning into the Attacker?" Koll was already testing the controls to turn starboard and lift the bow toward the oncoming target. He was careful as he had no idea how responsive this alien vessel might be.


Koll believing the best way to evade was too close brought the Kziniti warship on a course straight towards the nearest enemy ship. Without shields or active weapons, seemed foolish to run away anyway. ~Death is an experience best shared after all!~

One of the security busy binding the incapacitated Kzinti relayed the Captains orders. "Sir we have order to withdraw!"

Charg knew the plan but looking at the information near what looked to be tactical. The VaQbach and Achilles were out match...and the VaQback still needed to recover their fighters.


"Engines online 55%, 50% of torpedo tubes operating, only one phaser array not slagged..Working on it..." K'tala called...

Soran had moved, and was working under the damaged tactical position. "Fire control is online. We can shoot!"

"No doom, Soran" Was K'tala's reply as worked her own controls. In K'tala speak that meant she thought Soran did a great job and doesn't wish anything bad on them.

"Confirmed Sir, you have firing control. We're bringing more weapons online as well...â€

=/=Charg to Kretorg. We will provide cover while you recover our transports. We leave together; be it to the rendezvous or Sto Vo Kor! =/=

=/= "maJ! Qapla'! ghIj ghet jaghmeyjaj [May your enemies run in fear]" =/= Kre said to Charg.

[VaQbach bridge]

Kre turned to the second gunner. "Recall the fighters!"

"Yes Sir!" the Gunner replied.

"Helm, once all the fighters are in, take us to the coordinates I am sending you now," Kre said to Aakan at the helm.

The navigation control was on the opposite side of that of a Vorcha class ship, so Aakan nearly confused the reverse thrusters. Once he set the coordinates the computer acknowledged it and plotted the course. "Course laid in..."


"Helm set a collision course with the enemy vessel!"

Koll smiled wide as it was exactly what he had in mind. What better death then to destroy two enemy ships at once! Koll increased speed rapidly, hoping the Kziniti ship held together long enough for its glorious end.

"What?!" Soran turned from Tactical in surprise. She hadn't expected a suicide mission.

"YOU HEARD ME A COLLISION COURSE! Prepare peel off at the last possible second. Soran, target everything we have to a point blank attack on the weapons and engines!"

Koll felt the sense of loss, but to live? If he did. What a tale to tell! He could feel the ship through the controls and was sure he could avoid ramming just as he had been prepared to ram. Life was good and then it ended. The days in between were to celebrate living well.

Soran worked the strange controls as fast as she could. First Engines, then weapons locked. Torpedos for the latter and phasers for the former. It was there was. "Targets locked," she replied grimly. "I'll fire on your mark."

K'tala didn't react to the idea she might die, all her attention was on her precious systems. "Second frontal phaser array online!" She nearly whooped. "Torpedoe capacity 65%...Shields 33%..engines at 39% capacity" . The shields would of been higher but they'd been completely fried up to point. There was only so much the engineering team could do in the time allowed so had focused, per K'tala orders, on weapons and the engines. Even as she worked she kept Aakan's face in her mind. If she was going to die there were worst images to take with you into Sto'vo'Kor....



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