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A Loan

Posted on 31 May 2012 @ 9:43pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

452 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: M8-A: Kzinti War - Recon from Hell
Location: Klingon space

Admiral Klaw leaned back in his chair. "chu So'wI' [Engage the cloakin device]"

"Cloak engaged," came the answer from the second gunner station.

Klaw grunted at the thought that the whole bridge would be slightly altered to accomodate the Federation systems and stations that would clutter the area. He understood very well that it was needed, but he was glad that he would not have to use this ship. "ETA to the coordinates" he asked.

"Eleven hours, eighteen minu...."

"Dor-sho-gha!" Klaw cut him off with a impatient wave of his hand. "Increase speed to emergency warp," he barked. he paused for a few moments. "ETA!!?" he asked annoyed, impatient at the lack of initiative on the FCOs part to anticipate the Admiral's next question.

"Three hours, twenty three mintes...." he answered rather rapidly.

"That sounds better... " he grumbled. On this ship was a retrieval team for the D'ama. Of course he would have liked to stay on this ship, but it had been long since he had to prove himself on the battle field.

"You have the bridge," he informed K'rel, the chief gunner. "Inform me when we reach our destination," he said and went off.


Klaw looked at the orders he was to give Captain Kretorg, not his favourite man. He had never trusted him fully, probably because he could never read him. He always seemed to have his own hidden agenda, like his father. They were simly not his particular cut of Targ. Politicians... he hated them. But oders were orders....

A knock on his heavy door jerked him back to his surrounding. "Hu'teq!" he swore frustrated at himself. He was getting too old, he never used to get so involved with reading something that he was not acutely aware of what was happening around him. This ship was new out of the docks, so all systems were not fully installed yet. He looked at the chronometer and deducted that they should be close now.

He got up and walked to the door opening it manually.

"We have arr..."

Once again the wave of the hand, silencing the warrior. "I know..." he grumbled and made his way to the bridge.

"We have found the IKS D'ama," the tactical officer said. "But there is no other ship in the vicinity...only a few warp trails. The most recent one has a Federation signature..."

"Get the team over to the D'ama and get that ship ready to be taken back .." he ordered. "Set a persuit course, and call me when found the ship!"

Klaw left the bridge again and then took his time taking a tour of the ship. It still stank of new equipment, which was another thing he hated.



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