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The Rescue Pt 6 - Good News & Bad

Posted on 03 Jul 2012 @ 9:49pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Lucas Mason

1,626 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: M8-A: Kzinti War - Recon from Hell
Location: Kzinti Territory - Between SB 24 and Kzinti Homeworld

[USS Achilles]

The bridge glowed red while Dan`nal stared at the tactical display as the situation unfolded. Things were looking good as the updates were coming in. The Kzinti warship would soon be in their hands…a huge intel victory. However before he could think anther thought, 5 blips showed up at extreme sensor range and he wasted no time.

The channel between the lower drive and saucer section of the Achilles had been left open as they circled the scene. =^= ALL SECTIONS PREPARE TO ENGAGE THE ENEMY! =^=

Ciara swore under her breath at herself. She was not supposed to feel this anxious at the fight. What was wrong with her? Being part of this attack should feel good. She had no time to contemplate anything. "Tactical, lock on phasers on the starboard ship, prepare to fire at my command!"

Ciara opened a channel to Da'nal. "Captain we are outnumbered," she said, stating the obvious. "The computer analysis suggests attack pattern 008Alpha, but the risk is considerable," she added

Tika sighed audibly as she looked at the display on the chair's arm rest. =^=I agree, Captain, but I have to insist taking a back-seat role here. The saucer section is the weak link and will be easy pickings for the Kzinti if we're directly in front. We'd do better with hit and run tactics than standing our ground with phasers blaring.=^= She said, gripping the chair as tightly as she could, watching the approaching vessels on screen.

It didn’t matter that they were outnumbered, Kretorg needed time. =^= We do what we must Commander and computers are too predictable...Mr. Mason Attack pattern Sierra 3; Commander Brianna, Pattern Beta; Commander Patil, Pattern Delta. Captain Kretorg, we will delay the Kzinti as long as possible! Once your people have taken the ship get out of here; we will meet you at the rendezvous coordinates! =^=

Tika nodded, though she knew the man couldn't see her. =^=Aye, sir.=^= She said, turning toward the helm. "Set us on a course toward the rear end of the smallest ship. Run us silent, I don't want them seeing us. Divert all power to weapons."

Lucas was beginning to leave in the moment. Ever since he joined the Achilles, all his expectations and dreams about being a pilot on Federation starship and been met and far exceeded. He had never be pushed to the extent of his abilities, not in training and not in any previous assignment, he was always sure he knew what to do. The answer was always clear before him. Now, the demands that Da'nal placed on his were pushing his skills to the brink, he was not flying on instinct, and it exhilarated him. He entered the commands that would allow the ship to execute patter Sierra-3. "Ready sir."

"Take us in! Full Impulse."

"Acknowledged," Kre responded from the DX. "This won't take long, my people are already on the ship, we need only a few minutes," he said.

[Holding Cells]

X'ae felt her heart jump at Charg's proximity. ~We are on their Deck 7. It is one down from their engineering. When you get to the big halls, my cell is on the port side,~" she explained quickly.

[Outside the holding cells]

Charg had met with some resistance while he found his way to the Kzinti detention area; no doubt the majority were at their battle stations. The few he did encounter he cut through in a rage as he released his control and took his revenge on them. By the time he reach the cells his his hair was wild and wet with sweat, his face covered in blood from his wounds and his bat’leth was splattered and dripped with Kzinti blood.

"Charg!! Here!!" X'ae shouted when she sensed her beloved near her. If it weren't for the collar around her neck, she would have tried to break it down. Even if it was completely pointless and counterproductive, X'ae jerked at the chain, but it wouldn't give. "GET ME OUT OF HERE!!!" She screamed enraged.

He could feel X’ae on the other side of the door and the only thing between then was a lone Kzinti. Charg’s chest heaved as he breathed in and out as he stood there. “Stand aside...or die.â€

The guard snarled, drawing his own blade from his belt. “I will earn my name with your death Klingon!!†And he charged.

Charghwl’IH – Son of Soval, last of the House of Morath was more than ready. As the guard charged he deflected, spun in towards his attacker and brought his bat’leth up into the Kzinti’s throat. The Kzinti tried to yell, but Charg’s blade pinned his jaw closed. With a final thrust he drove the tip up into the Kzinti’s brain. Jerking it free the massive Kzinti collapsed against his back and slid lifelessly to the floor.

Opening the door he entered the room to see X’ae naked and haggard, wear some kind of collar, but alive.

Suddenly he stood there, bloodied from the battle and fierce from his victories. Unconcerned with her own injuries and blood dripping from her hands and neck, she jumped forward towards him, but the chain jerked her back. "Please..... get this off me...." she said, her voice nearly breaking with emotion.

Looking about he saw what was needed to open the cage. Darting back he took up the Kzinti’s sword and severed his hand. Placing the paw against the control padd and the door slid open. No sooner had the door began to open than he was with her. He took her by the nape of her neck and pulled her mouth to his.

With complete abandonment and caught up in the moment, she kissed him back as if they were the only ones in the universe. ~You are here!! You are here.... you are here....~ she said over and over. Though the kiss lasted but a few seconds, it felt like a eternity in that moment

When they parted he asked, “Where are the others?â€

She tore her eyes from his and pointed towards the door. "Come, follow me," she said ready to take on the Kzinti. As she took him to Bel's cell, she grabbed some blade weapon, a sword of some kind off a dead Kzinti. One her husband killed. "Thank you...' she said with a grin on her mouth, even if it was swollen on the one side. The fight was back in her.

=^= Charghwl'IH to Kretorg. Key ships systems are in our control and I recovered the first of our crew...ALIVE! =^=

=^= Well done!" =^= Kre responded elated. =^= Get them out of there as quickly as possible and keep me informed. Captain Da'nal has engaged more Kzinti ships closing in on our position. If we can use this ship against them, it would be really good..."=^= Kre added.

[Port Side]

Door to the cell slid open. Instead of the usual Kzinti tormentor though, a large Klingon stood in the door. it took Kronyx a moment to recognise his 2IC, HoS'a'. He nudged Bel awake.

HoS'a' levelled a disruptor at the chains and fired. There was a glow as the length of chain vanished, thought he collar remained intact. The pair stepped out of the cell to find Ro'beq retrieving his weapon from the Kzinti guard and Cha'a' watching the outer door. A Federation Ensign was replacing the panel where he had been overriding the door controls. He moved forward to assist the two injured Klingons but was stopped with a gesture from HoS'a'. No pity, no sympathy. They were captured and injured, a great insult among his people, but they should be allowed to walk out of the stalls on their own.

"Movement in the corridor," Cha'a' called. "Time to go."

HoS'a' and Ro'beq leapt into the corridor and levelled their weapons. Chargh and X'ae stood in the entrance of their cell leveling weapons back.

"Stand down!" HoS'a' called lowering his own weapons. "Head count. Do we have all of the prisoners?"

Before a reply came the vents throughout the ship began venting the gas developed by his friend on the Achilles. The gas would deal with any other Kzinti on the ship. The battle was over...the ship was theirs!!

Charg looked at the mix of surviving prisoners. Some were of the Dama and one was not. The news that there had been others and that they had been executed enraged the hybrid and his grip tightened on his weapon. "Lieutenant, get these people back to the VaQbach! I'm head back to Engineering to help secure our prize. Inform the Captain that the ship is ours!"

HoS'a' acknowledged the order then turned to the bedraggled group, "Back to the Assault boat. Our first priority is the recovery of the crew. MOVE!"

His hand flashed out and caught X’ae just as she was about to head after Charg, "That includes you, Lieutenant."

X'ae swung around to face the large Klingon. "No, I want to assist here!" she retorted and tried to free herself. "Let me go!! There is nothing wrong with me," she growled, she was not done fighting.

HoS'a' considered what to do. He was over a foot taller than she, heavily armed and well equipped. She was naked and near exhaustion. However, she was the XO's mate.

"You'll need a weapon," he said, reaching across and pulling the Starfleet officer's phaser from his belt. As X'ae reached to take it however, HoS'a' fired it full into her chest. The stun beam took effect instantly and Charg caught her as she fell.

HoS'a' returned the phaser back to the stunned human, "There is no issue that cannot be resolved by shooting it."



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