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The Rescue Pt 7 - Bettering the Odds

Posted on 09 Jul 2012 @ 7:29pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Sara'Marbela Har'tar

1,511 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: M8-A: Kzinti War - Recon from Hell
Location: Kzinti Territory - Between SB 24 and Kzinti Homeworld - Achilles, VaQbach, Koloth, & Kzinti vessels


HoS'a' returned the phaser back to the stunned human, "There is no issue that cannot be resolved by shooting it."


Everything took place before Charg could voice his objections and order her to evacuate. However he had managed to catch her as she began to drop to the deck. "She's been through enough don't you think?" Scooping her up and handing X'ae over to Cha'Hombe' , "...we will discuss this later. Get them out of here!"

With that he re-slung his bloodied bat'leth and headed to the bridge. As he ran, =/= Charg to K'tala. I'm on my way to the bridge, prepare to return controls here. What is the overall condition of the ship? =/=

K'tala had hated being left behind but she knew someone had to mind the store, she checked the systems running it through an algorithm she wrote so she could more easily interface with their computer using her more familiar style portable system.=/="Understood.." She began tapping keys, "Standing by. The ship is in rough shape, 25% shields, 45% weapons, engines are offline."

=/= Understood, Charg to Kretorg! We need repair crews transported to K'tala's position, a security team to secure the unconscious Kzinti and I need at least two to help me fly this thing!"

Kre swung around and barked orders quickly over his shoulder. Kre could see that Koll itched to go, and he nodded for him to go. He was a very competent pilot and the best one to get that Kzinti ship flying. "Take K'lo with you, he is old but is experienced," he added.
He then called Aakan to take the helm of his ship.

Koll stood saluting smartly fist to chest then waved Aakan over to take his place at the main helm. He looked at the Helmsman of the D'ama and spoke with clipped sentences. "This is not a Vorcha. It is slow to maneuver and sluggish. Be ready to get hit. That is what the ship is designed for." Koll's pride in the Negh'Var was thick in his tone.

Aakan nodded he knew from what he had seen already the ship turned slowly and was not very responsive. At first he had thought Koll inept, but the crew that game with the ship respected the young Klingon's skills so he had allowed for it to be something unavoidable. Now he would have his chance to find out! "I will take your words to heart Koll, Glory and Honor."

Koll was off walking fast and waved K'lo to join him. That was unnecessary as the older Klingon had heard the Captain and was going along unless death claimed his heart! Koll made good time to the transporter pad and he was joined by several other crew to operate the alien ship. K'lo had not been so happy in years, a good chance for a glorious death this. What could be finer?

Orders were relayed and people ran to implement them. In less than thirty seconds Kre got the report that the requested people were standing by to transport.

In the transporter room, Soran pulled Charg and Ktala's signals to the transporter control. and set the timer A moment later a ping confirmed the lock. Ensign Komex would take the repair crew to Ktala. She would go with the security team to Charg and make sure that everything on the bridge of the Kzinti ship would actually work. A second before the pad energized, she dived into the midst of the Klingon warriors. She wanted to see a lot of dead Kzin.

=/= "Kretorg to Charg, your people are transporting as we speak" =/=

Leaping the unconscious Kzinti Charg replied =/= Understood =/=


Divok followed the fighter screen back in once more. This would be the last trip and they were picking up instead of delivering. =^=Tre'gok you have the midship pick up. Take three boats and dock as quickly as you can. Contact Lieutenant HoS'a Math when you are set.=^= Divok was heading towards the bridge to pick up the rest. The sooner the better.

Kraden roared in strafing as he came. Stex his wing was higher and doing the same. Return fire was less now and it was a sign of their success. Kraden had heard five kzinti ships were closing and time was short to get away. He dove under the Kzinti Warship and blasted another defensive battery to junk metal.

=^=Lieutenant HoSa'Math we are docked at the same location we dropped off your team and ready to take you back. Honor and Glory await your victory!=^= Tre'gok thought to himself~ that is if we get out of here quick enough!~

Divok spotted a sealed breach in the hull closer to the bridge team then where they had made their assault from. =^= Bridge Assault team this is your exit ride and we are outside Deck-'2' and ready to receive you.=^= Divok made this magnetic clamp smoothly and prepared to receive the teams. His two other boats hovered just off the hull waiting their turn.

=^= Tu'rocK acknowldge, get the others first my team and will hold off the enemy as they evac.=^=

[Rescue Party]

(Earlier – prior to gas release)

As the Klingons slowly made their way down each corridor, they were facing battle harden Kzinti's warriors who made every attempt to resist the Klingon's movements. With each push from the Klingons, they resisted and move all the prisoner's they continued to hold. The mass of them, were Federation. Yet, being dragged along were two Klingons, a male and a female.

"Best not die on me, cousin." stated Sara "For I refuse to tell your father, how you died. Let alone your mate?"

She didn't say anything; she was too badly beaten at the hands of the Kzinti guards to even care. All she wanted to do, was remain in the arms of her equally beaten Mate's arms. Her head was resting on his shoulder, while her arms were wrapped around his mid-section. As the sound of fighting grew closer and closer, Sara, was moving to each person in the small cell, patching wounds and other injuries. For the Andorian Klingon, decided, that if was going to be killed at the hands of the Kzinti, she might as well, die helping those feel better. The sounds of a thud slammed against the far door, just as the door swooshed open to revile a pair of Klingon warriors.

Despite that she was naked as the day she was born, the Andorian Doctor, rose up from her patient, to look at them "I'm Doctor Har'tar."

The warrior's looked to her and then to the beaten warriors, leaning up against the wall.

"Kronyx and Bel'a'Tar. I see they've been through hell at the hands of these honorless peta'Q, Doctor." the elder of the two stated as he shot the locking control panel to free the prisoner's "I have orders to bring you all, back to our ship"

"Good" Sara return as she stepped over to both Kronyx and Bel'a'Tar "Now give me a hand and carrying these bags of meat."

[Evac point] (Currently)

Hos'a and his team arrived at the hole in the roof. Around it lay a number of unconscious Kzinti who had succumbed to the gas before being able to deactivate the cylinder that had been left in place on their arrival. Ro'beq leapt and grabbed the lip first, then leaned back to help pull X'ae and then the other prisoners through. Then the Starfleet Ensign. This left Cha'Hombe' and HoS'a' alone for a moment in the corridor. Cha'Hombe' stepped forward suddenly and bit HoS'a' then leapt through the opening to be caught by Ro'beq. HoS'a' wiped the blood from his cheek in a purple smear. Today was proving to be very interesting.

The two warrior's helped the Andorian-Klingon and brought them to the evac point. After contacting the VaQbach of finding more Federation and two Klingons, and a naked Andorian Klingon woman who was knelt over two equally naked Klingons warriors had beamed over to the VaQbach. Sara, looked over to medical personnel, who hurried over to them. Sara, placed her hand onto her cousin's belly to make sure, the child with her cousin, was still safe. Her eyes, shifted over to medics, as they arrived to them.

With a leap he was through the hole. The security officer sealed the lock behind them and HoS'a' punched the intercomm, "GO!"

With a roar the assault boat leapt away like a stung Targ, and headed for open space.

[IKS Koloth]

Kinarra conferred with the information Kre sent her and she looked up. "Go join the USS Achilles, let's go even those odds a bit!" she said.

Ryder slowed to give the other ship time to engage. "We have an excellent angle Captain whenever you say we can hit them in the backside, about any angle you like!"

On the way she contacted the Captain of the USS Achilles using the frequencies Kre had sent her. "IKV Koloth to Captain D'anal. This is Major Kinarra, Captain Kretorg said we could be of some assistance..." she said



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