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Heart to heart 3: Getting deeper

Posted on 01 May 2012 @ 6:32am by

888 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M8-A: Kzinti War - Recon from Hell
Location: Mess hall
Timeline: After the arrest

"He asked me to be his XO on Dama, to temper him and help out with Starfleet. We just ...spent so much time together, trying NOT to be a
couple that we ended up talking and deciding it was worth a try," she shrugged. In all honesty, that part of the story was a little fuzzy. Finally, she admitted, "I think at first we just ...couldn't resist the sex..." and flushed crimson.

Ciara didn't want to look more surprised than she already looked, but she couldn't help it. She placed her hand over her mouth, to stop herself from giggling. "I am sorry..... " Ciara said trying to control her urge to laugh again. "This is too funny ... and romantic....the sex.... you have sex with that ... big man?" she asked, her eyes gleaming with good natured curiosity.

"Yes," Zaria answered, her entire face looking like a cherry tomato as she added in a high-pitched, embarrassed squeak, "Quite a lot of it,
too..." then she bit her lower lip before adding in a soft mumble, "Of course...not aggressive, Klingon sex...I've had to make more allowances on that kind of stuff than I ever dreamed I might be remotely comfortable with but...for the most part, it doesn't completely suck..." She then thought about how that might sound and she added hastily, "I mean, the part about him sleeping with other women...Klingon women...not the part about him not having aggressive, Klingon sex with me..." She stumbled over her words, trying to make them make sense and finally just stopped, shutting her mouth and biting her tongue.

Ciara had enough people skills to see that Zaria was embarrassed talking about this, but at the same time she needed to share it with someone and she probably could not talk to anyone on the D'ama about it. "You are so in love with him," Ciara said with a soft smile now,
her eyes now glimmering with tears that threatened, not only because the conversation inevitably brought thoughts of her own husband and
children, but because of the sweet happines of the young woman in front of her. Ciara was a firm believer in true committed love and Zaria just confirmed her faith in love. "I am so happy for you, and, my dear, cherish that love, it doesn't come by too often...." she added, placing her hand on Zaria's and squeezing it. However, there was something that she needed to clarify. "What do you mean he has sex with other Klingon females? How do you handle that?" she asked.

"Not well," Zaria admitted with a shrug, her gaze now avoiding Ciara's, "But the aggression is in his nature so he has to have SOME outlet. I'd rather it be anyone but me even if I don't like that it happens. Of course, worse are the ones that he sleeps with TRYING to impregnate them..." she frowned and sighed. This was something she avoided thinking about, let alone talking about. It hurt too much and was next to impossible to understand.

"Impregnate them? He tries to get them pregnant?" Ciara asked, not sure that she heard correctly. "Is he the head of a major House? Or the heir?" she asked remembering that she read somewhere that it was suspected that in some Klingon Houses, the head of the House and his
heir and or selected sons did impregnate many females in order to strengthen their numbers or spread their good genes so to speak. That
was not official literature, but still.....

The pain that washed over Zaria was too much and she closed her eyes as she nodded, breathing shallowly for a few breaths until she thought she could control herself and then she took a deeper breath and forced herself to open her eyes. The pain was still more than evident in her eyes and her voice was raw with emotion as she explained, "He is the heir of the House of Torath..."

"Oh shit.... sorry..... That is a big House.... I don't know a lot about the Klingons, but I know that name, they are strong proponents for the Alliance, but against inclusion," she said thoughtfully, but also giving Zaria breathing space. "Oh, my dearie, that must be so hard," the older woman said, biting her lower lip, trying to control the resonating pain in her heart "You can't have children..." she verbalized her conclusion. The twins, the ex, the love for the Klingon prince, the pain in those doe eyes....Ciara's own loss was suddely so close that she couldn't keep the tears back. She wiped her eyes. "What a pair we are..." she laughed between the tears.

Zaria nodded and laughed as well but her own tears spilled down her face and she began to sob, burying her face instantly in her hands.
She couldn't control herself but still, she didn't want those around them staring at her, either. "I...I'm sorry..." she mumbled breathlessly, feeling like her heart was being brushed to pieces within her. "Dont worry.... I have huge shoulders..." Ciara said, getting up. "You know quarters are not too far from here and then we can talk..."

Zaria rose as well, nodding as she stood, following the other woman in a manner that could only be described as defeated.



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