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The rescue Pt 1 - The Begining

Posted on 26 Jun 2012 @ 9:21pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Lucas Mason & Captain John Blake

1,271 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M8-A: Kzinti War - Recon from Hell
Location: Kzinti Territory - Between SB 24 and Kzinti Homeworld


The two ships had closed in on the Kzinti warship, surely and steadily over the last few hours. Tensions on both ships ran high as the neared this ferocious enemy. Uncertainty about what they would face, how many Kzinti ships would be close added to the mix of feelings of excitement, apprehension, deep anger and rage and fear.

[IKS DX 009A Bridge]

Kretorg paced a hole in the floor behind his chair, he was impatient to get into this battle, to get his people back. Da'nal would help him get his crew back and in return, Kre's would assist Da'nal to take this ship. Kre's people could download a copy of all the tactical information they could use. The bridge was relatively quiet, too quiet. There had been no tactical sensors warnings that they were within one five million kilometers. From the warp trail decay rate, they knew they were closing in. The DX had been cloaked as was the Achilles, for the last hour to prevent detection at all cost. They have also kept an open comm link on standby with the USS Achilles to ease communication.

Neela was helping Sam at the science station on the bridge. She monitored sensors as the two ship traveled through the void and she relayed the data to Sam.

Sam was glue to her terminal on the replacement D'ama. Her fingers were dancing about the keys managing just about everything there was on the ship. The resident Andorian, along with Neela, made sure that this ship did end up like the D'ama. The two reviewed each sensor input, and then sent whatever was needed to the right location at the right time. A larger than life smile, appeared upon her lips as she worked and rattled off information to Neela, before relaying it to the captain's arm rest.

Koll was tense trying to match course and speed with another ship was one of the most difficult tasks to accomplish at warp. He was honored to be given the chance and was not about to fail. Koll had been calculating and rechecking his navs and speed on a constant basis trying to close with the distant ship.

Suddenly the tactical screen sprang to life. "What is that?" Kre asked Tu'rock who manned the tactical station at this time.

Sam observed the data that was pouring in about the other ship. Her fingers touched the screen, selected weapons and shield array generators, then transferred it to tactical.

Tu’rocK was manning the main tactical station when suddenly the enemy just appeared on his sensors he activated tactical alert “Captain enemy vessel 10 million Kelli cams to port.â€

"Cloak and drop from warp!" Kre said

"As you command Captain,†Koll deftly raised the cloak even as the large ship dropped from warp a smooth transition. Koll had trained hard and it showed in the skill he displayed at the controls. Koll still had a touch of longing to be with the assault boats and getting into the real action. Maybe the Kzinti would counter board! A wicked delightful grin crossed his face at the thought.

"Open the channel to the Achilles," Kre said.

With fingers flying over the console, she opened a channel. "Channel opened Sir."

=/="Kretorg to USS Achilles, confirm that you have the Kzinti ship,"=/= he said.

[USS Achilles Bridge]

Sensors on the Achilles alerted the bridge when they reached ten million kilometers perimeter. Nearly immediately the Klingon ship cloaked and dropped from warp, and the Achilles followed suit.

Da`nal nodded to his XO while he issued orders to the helm. “Take us in.â€

Lucas merely nodded and increased their velocity to close on the target.

Ciara looked towards the tactical officer and he nodded. =/= We confirm that we have them, =/= Ciara said over the comm.

Blake looked up from his terminal. "Message sent and confirmed received"

[DX bridge]

With the confirmation, Kre turned to Tu'rock and Ho'S'a. "Prepare the away teams and be ready to transport from transporters rooms one to four. "Charg, K'tala, you are on..." he said.

Jayne was on the bridge with Captain Kretorg, though she was staying out of his way as he paced. He was agitated. Hard to blame him; they all were. "Your warriors know what they are about," she said quietly and calmly, despite the knot twisting in her stomach. "And we both know that a Klingon with a reason for vengeance is the most powerful force in the known universe."

"You are right, Commander," Kre said, turning slightly towards her, she had picked up on his underlying tension and he studied her for a moment. "However, in close quarter fighting, they will annihilate us. Defeating them requires measures our warriors are not used to. Klingons find it hard to adapt to different ways of battle, and this is one of those times when we have to adapt or die..."

Tu'rocK saluted before turning to lift and heading to armory and from the transporter room.

"Qapla'!" Kre said to the away teams.

"Helm, bring us into transporter range, nice and steady..." Kre said to Koll

Sam's fingers were dancing over the keys of her station. Her eyes were fixed upon the display. She was doing her best to keep things in the green, while the world around her was being eaten by the beast known as chaos. She looked the rear of the ship and watched the man she adored depart for his mission. She uttered an Andorian prayer for a safe return, before she looked back to station to continue to help the captain and the other on the ship.

Koll had adjusted course as the Captain had spoke to the away teams. Koll was envious that he could not go along, but his job was here and he had performed so far as well as anyone. He was proud of the skills he had and when the Captain spoke he complied with a drft hand on the console. As he closed he brought the ship closer and closer to a perfect match of speed and course. When hr reached the required nearness he spoke quietly "Captain we are in position."

"Charg and K'tala, stand by for transport," Kre said and nodded to ops to initiate the beam over. "Sir, they have some kind of dispersion field, I cannot complete the transport on the other side...." said the Operations Officer.

K'tala had been ready for this and left her deputy in charge in engineering, at the command she headed for and jumped onto the transporter pad her tools secured in various pockets and such in her uniform.

Charg felt the transporter take hold but only to find himself rematerializing back on their own transporter pads. Immediately he knew what had to be done. They were going to have to do this the old fashioned way. “Transport all boarding teams to the Shuttle bay. NOW!!!â€

K'tala didn't say a word but held for the transport. She tipped her engineering hat to the enemy. They were well prepared, worthy enemies of the Klingon Empire so when they fell it would be even better. These and other thoughts followed her as she reappeared in the shuttle bay and beat feet to the nearest shuttle. She threw herself into the pilot seat and began the rush version of preflight checks and prepared to take off. Thank Kahless for that pilot certification on shuttles she'd finally bothered to get, it'd help if their pilot didn't arrive in time....


"I still can't get them over..." Micha' said frustrated, but then they rematerialized back on the DX pad.



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