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The Rescue Pt 4 - They got in

Posted on 29 Jun 2012 @ 7:25pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Lucas Mason

1,307 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M8-A: Kzinti War - Recon from Hell
Location: Kzinti Territory - Between SB 24 and Kzinti Homeworld

[DX Bridge]

"Sir, the probe is in place, they haven't noticed it yet!" Micha said with a grin in his voice.

=^= Kretorg to Charg and K'tala, stand by for transport =^=" Kre ordered. Then he turned to Micha. "Initiate transport!" He hoped that Charg and K'Tala would be close enough to the generators. The Kzinti should be distracted enough to give them a chance.

Micha informed Charg and K'tala and in seconds they dematerialized in the reddish swirl of the advanced transporter of the Negh'Var class ship.

[Assault Craft]

Kraden and Stex had enjoyed the honor to launch first and they led the To'Duj squadron directly at the Kzinti warship. Now they reformed into a tight formation as they prepared to escort the Assault teams. They raced in to draw fire from the assault boats to follow. Kraden's predatory grin widen as he saw the heavier Kzinti TAAS fighters re-emerge to greet them. This was going to be an excellent day to die. He scanned the stars drawing them in for what might be the last time. He would miss them, but this was to be a glorious fight!

The four V-6 assault fighters launched Divok of house Rannuf [NPC V-6 pilot] was the lead pilot of the Squadron and he lead the way into the open end of the 'V' formation of the fighter screen ahead. In boat-2 Tre'gok[NPC pilot] sat in the pilot's seat and wondered how that Chief Engineer had made out transporting in. Even if he was not among the first team to board he would be in the assault force and that was better then being in reserve!

Kraden opened fire as soon as his disruptors were in range and soon all his fighters were firing a steady stream of destructive power at the Kzinti fighters. They began returning fire as well and a To'Duj exploded soon after. Kraden saw a few of the Kzinti TAAS fighters shields winking and was proud to see his target was one of those in trouble. He fired a pair of micro torpedoes and then pounded the front of the oncoming fighter. Several other of his squadron also released torpedoes as they sped forward!

The V-6 assault boats had teeth =^= Assault squadron drop beneath the fighters and lets add some firepower. On my command release all full sized torpedoes then return to formation. Divok dropped first and watched for his flight to follow, They dropped low beneath the fighter screen at Divok's command they unleashed a spread of full sized torpedoes then popped back up behind the fighter screen. Divok spoke to Tu'rock as soon as they released their ordinance "Prepare for a bumpy ride! Things are getting exciting soon Lieutenant! Explosions rocked the the assault shuttles soon after.

HoS'a' held grimly to the hand rails in the rear of the second transport. Cha'a swore as the ship bucked again, but HoS'a' never spoke. There was a noise of twisting metal as something tore into the side of their ship. This was the risk of assault transports. There was nothing for the marines to do but hold on. Either they would make it or they would not.

Kraden saw his target explode just as a wave of torpedoes sped past them into the TASS Squadron and was delighted to see several more of the Kzinti heavies explode. They raced past the remaining fighter screen and toward the warship. With a target this huge they need not aim. =^= Divok where do you want to land on this beast?=^=

Divok frowned "Lieutenant where do you wish to begin the assault? Near the bridge?" Divok asked excitedly as the bridge would have to be well defended and the chance of glory would make anyone practically drool!

HoS'a' came over the comms. -,'.- Our target it the holding cells. They would most likely be at the rear and towards the base of the ship, though without a floor plan there is no telling. Are we getting any None-Kzinti life readings? -,'.-

Kraden used his squadron channel and the To'Duj split up to fire on the Kzinti defensive turrets. Kraden raced across the warships hull his shots sparkling off it but doing little harm, He did have the satisfaction of seeing a few defensive turrets explode. Stex his wingman warned suddenly =^=TAAS returning Kraden!=^= Kraden rolled away fighting his controls, the ToDuj was very agile but the controls often did not compensate correctly and that meant a fight for control. Kraden and Stex sped away to engage as more of his squadron vanished, one to the defensive fire of the warship and one to the incoming fighters. Kraden smiled though as that warrior, Kurn had turned his fighter into the oncoming fire to save one of the assault boats. Kraden flew past and hooked onto the Kzinti fighters tail. He rained death into the TASS and it tumbled into its on Warship creating even more damage. Kraden's predatory grin widen "For you Kurn my brother, he shall serve you always."

Divok smacked into the warship's hull hard and activated the magnetic locks. "Magensium breaching charges ready at your command Lieutenant."

Tre'gok nearly wrecked as he hit far too fast. Still his magntic clamps held and he deployed the breaching charges. "Charges set at your word Sir."

HoS'a' pulled his heavy disruptor, hand pumped the charging chamber and bellowed, "Do it!"

There was a shower of blinding white light and a hole appeared below the ventral docking port. HoS'a' leapt through the air, dropping to his feet and sweeping the corridor with his rifle. It was empty for now. He rolled clear as more warriors dropped through after him. Last to come was the Federation officer with the gas tanks.

"Plant a tank here. We don't want any Kzinti cutting off our retreat. Ro'beq, access that pannel and get me a schematic!"

[Fighter Assault]

All four V-6's made the trip and their boarding teams were moving in Kraden regrouped his fighters as they evaded the Kzinti defensive fire. Kraden led four fighters at the Launch bay doors pouring all the firepower they could muster into that vital area. The ship shuddered as damage penetrated the bays. They saw the ship forced to lock down the sector as they pulled away. Kraden called his fellows =^=So much for their fighters interference, now we concentrate on the defensive batteries! Back to the ship for the next wave.=^=

[USS Achilles - Upper Stardrive Section]

"Captian the Klingon's have managed to transport their people onto the Kzinti ship."

=^= ALL SECTIONS HOLD FIRE! Establish a perimeter at 20,000 kilometers and scan for enemy ships, they may have managed to get a signal out.=^=

Lucas swung that ship about and brought them 20,000 kilometers from the target.

=^= Acknowledged =^= Ciara answered from the lower stardrive section, and ordered her helmsman to his new coordinates. "Continuous long range tactical scans, we need to find them before they find us," she said towards the tactical station.

=^=Aye, sir.=^= Tika announced, adjusting herself in the command chair of the Achilles Saucer section. "You all heard the man." She said around the Bridge. "Helm, 20,000 Kilometer perimeter. Continuous long range scans coordinated with the other sections. Tactical, weapons on hot standby. Let's be ready but avoid wasting energy." She commanding, noting how comfortable she felt in the command chair now. She was used to being in the middle of the room, the one in charge. She kept her mind from wandering to the fact that she'd been passed over for promotion, there was more pressing business to attend to.

As his officers acknowledge Da`nal opened a channel to Kre. =^= Achilles to DX, we are pulling back to 20,000 kilometers to watch for reinforcements. Qapla!=^=

=^="maJ my friend!"=^= Kre answered. =^= we will let you know when we have our people! Qapla'! =^=



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