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No real way to GO

Posted on 31 May 2012 @ 12:00am by

289 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: M8-A: Kzinti War - Recon from Hell
Location: Her office

Time and again, she listened to those that wanted to be heard about their concern and issues that brought them to her. She had over the last few days and hours, had listened nearly non stop about this and that, and yet, she still didn't care for any of it. Tapping away on her desk, she listened to a human woman, rattle off about her something or another, and Niemi just gave the woman a cookie cutter reply as she watched the clock on her screen.

With a sigh, she was growing bored with the never ending complaints, concerns, personnel issues, and everything else. She missed the openness of space, were she could be herself and lay about naked in her own little happy world. Were she can venture to a planet and hustle a person for their hard earn money. But, here she was, sitting and listening to crew of Achilles.

"Well," she stated to the woman "Your is coming to an end, deary. I want you to think over what has happen, also, try out that holodeck program, I suggested. Should do you wonders. Okay."

Once the woman departed, Ba'al, rose to her feet, went to the door of her office and locked it. Pressing her back onto the door, she slide down until she sat upon the floor. With another sigh escaping her person, she wondered, if any that she was getting to these people, plus why she felt like crap.

"Who do I turn too, with issues" she outwardly stated. Seating there for a few more minutes, the Orion just merely listened to the engine softly rumbled in the background and before long, Niemi soon drifted off to sleep on the floor of her office.


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