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New Quarters

Posted on 14 May 2012 @ 12:01am by

504 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M8-A: Kzinti War - Recon from Hell
Location: USS Achilles

Having spent years unsure of which direction to take his life, fate had finally decided to intervene.

The USS Achilles needed a new Chief Tactical/Security officer and James was the most suitable candidate on the ship. He had the necessary qualifications, his extra curricula activities during his time at Starfleet academy would support his application and even his former teachers had recommended him for the role (the latter being the most likely reason that he found himself in his current situation). Truth be told James just didn't feel ready. Real life and responsibility was something he had always been nervous about and his new position on board the USS Achilles felt all too real.

However, a new position meant new quarters and despite the assortment a moving boxes strewn about the place, James could tell he much preferred his new home; a little bigger, a little more spacious and a better view. It had been a long day and James was not in the mood to start unpacking but the days of having plenty of time on his hands had come to an end. He fumbled through one of the boxes and pulled out a glass case. It was the mint condition, classic type-II hand phaser he had won during his time playing in holo-marksman tournaments back at the academy, a rather apt place to start unpacking he thought to himself.

James placed his reward in pride of place on his mantle and studied it for a moment. Those academy days had been fun times. Although James graduated only recently his time at the academy already felt like a lifetime ago. James was a keen marksman, better than most and would often put off work in order to practice. However the idea of hunting sentient beings had always repulsed him and therein lied the problem. Holo-targets were one thing, but firing upon a living target was something James found himself at odds with. If one target was difficult to come to terms with he couldn't imagine what firing on a ship full of people would be like. The idea of having a Klingon for a Captain also made him uneasy. Nothing against Klingons, they just had a sixth sense for sniffing out any type of cowardice and were notoriously unforgiving when they found any. James decided it would probably be for the best to keep any idea of unconfidence to himself, perhaps there won't even be a problem. With that James shook his head a dismissed the notion.

"Irish coffee, two sugars."

James sat back in a chair, took a swig and studied his datapad. 'If I'm not unpacking then I might as well do some homework' he thought to himself. He brought up the database on the Prometheus class starships and began to read.

It wasn't long before James was bored to tears and teetering on the edge of sleep. 'Think I'll skip through to the... ah, there... multi-vector assault mode, that should keep me awake for a few more minutes.'


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