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Temporal integrity - Setting things in motion - Part 1

Posted on 21 Jul 2024 @ 10:33am by Captain Ricardo (Rico) Montoya & Lieutenant JG Lauren L'Vor & 2nd Lieutenant Emily Spicer & Senior Chief Petty Officer Anita Valentine & Lieutenant Commander Aiden MacMahon & Lieutenant Jason Mitchell & Lieutenant Urushi Yaotome & Lieutenant Jason Rhineholt M.D. & Lieutenant JG Nicolo "Nico" Rook & Ensign Tora Zalos & Lieutenant Tavana of the House of Torath & Gunnery Sergeant James Wickman

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: M-18 The Past is Future
Location: USS Phoenix


Modification to their deflector dish had been completed before they had been returned to the Phoenix and Rico watched the view screen as the time ship engaged it's temporal warp drive and vanished into space/time. They had been given the information needed to wake the rest of the crew and after looking and the unconscious bridge crew he look to Aiden, "Guess we should wake everyone up."

Aiden pursed his lips and nodded. "I will send out a notification for a briefing," Aiden said. "We are going to have a lot of confused people here," he said

"Computer, release ADTH into the ship's air supply at 6 parts per million".

Together they saw to a the bridge crew as they woke.


Jason Rhineholt was sitting on his couch when he woke. Stretching he felt refreshed; when he looked down he noticed the latest Star Fleet Medical Journal laying on his lap opened. "That's odd" he thought "Usually that keeps my attention." After thinking about it for a few moments Jason dismissed the notion chalking it up to fatigue having been very busy even before he ever set foot on the Phoenix.

[Secondary Sickbay]

Anita found herself on the floor by the biobed she had been stand by. Her arm and head hurt and judging by the mess about her she had collapse into the supply cart. First thing first she got to her feet and checked on Doctor on duty and her patients. All seemed to be waking up, but from what.


As those on the bridge got their bearing Rico pressed the panel as he stood near Ops. The all hail whistle sounded throughout the ship; "Attention all hands. This is Captain Montoya. Right now you are all wondering just what has happened. We were all incapacitated by a beam from another ship. Answers to your questions will be coming soon. Anyone that may have been injured as a result of our incapacitation report to sickbay. In the mean time all senior staff to the bridge. Montoya out."

Moving to tactical as the officer on duty held a hand to his head, there was dried blood on his face. After activating the temporal shields that had been installed he called for a relief officer and sent the woman to sickbay.

[Marine Briefing Room]

The last thing Spicer remembered was going over her plans and expectations for the detachment, why then was she face down on the deck? She was on her knees and felt a few hands helping her to her feet when the Captain's voice came out over the comm. ~He hadn't set the ship on alert so he must know what had happened and why. ~

"Gunny, I want everyone armed and at their alert stations...just in case."

James looked around in confusion as he came alert again, and he was just as confused how that happened. A daytime nap was not his normal. As James climbed to his feet, the lack of an alert also set him on edge until he heard the Lieutenant. "Aye Lieutenant, we'll get everyone on point and get a status check on everyone. Someone owes us some answers."

"Agreed. Get the troop deployed and I will head to the bridge and hopefully get those answers."


Lauren had been slumped over her console but even as she sat up she had to get her bearings. Something was off...her hand moving to her neck. Her memories were jumbled and conflicting, as if one set were trying to override the other. Closing her eyes she directed her body to compartmentalize the conflicting RNA and after a moment she had incorporated the new memories while preserving the old.

She opened her eyes as she completed the integration and for a fraction of a second revealing her yellow, cruciform pupiled, eyes...before they reformed to the baby browns of her current form. There was a threat to the humans and not the her kind, at not yet. Patience was needed as was more information.


He was lying on the deck place, could feel it beneath his back, and listening to the announcement from the Bridge. Beam? We were hit with a beam? We were hit and I'm ... where am I? He opened his eyes slowly, wincing at the pain in his head, and found himself staring into the eyes of his Chief. He wanted to make a joke of it, how they were both asleep on duty, but the words died unspoken. He surged to his feet as his training kicked in; the scene was easy enough to read. An equipment rack had fallen over. From the pain radiating from the back of his skull, he, Nico, had fallen backward and hit the edge of a console. The Chief had taken the worst of it; he knelt to check for a pulse, breathing sounds. But there were none. Still, doctors sometimes performed miracles. "Security to Sickbay. Medical emergency in the Armory. Chief's down. Dead, I think."

Hearing the call Doctor Rhineholt tapped his comm "On my way" came the reply then turning to Doctor T'Vel "There's a medical emergency in the armory so hold down the fort until I return." The Vulcan tipped his head to one side "The fort?" as Rhineholt hustled for the Armory.

While he waited for Sickbay to arrive, Nico went about the task of setting things right. He started with lifting the equipment, moving it to a better, safer spot, and, once the rack was emptied, set it back on its feet. He was just completing a message to engineering, asking them to replace the bolts that had sheered off the rack, the reason why it had fallen in the first place, when medical showed up.

Seeing the person laying on the floor Jason rushed over opening his black medical bag grabbing his medical tri-corder then bent down to run a scan. After a few minutes he looked up at Nico "I'm sorry Lieutenant but your Chief didn't make I'm it afraid." Tapping his comm "Transporter Room Two, Doctor Rhineholt lock onto my signal for a sight to sight transport to the Morgue, deck seven" came the request. Moments later the Doctor and the Chief vanished.

And just like that, Nico was standing alone in the Armory, staring at the spot where the Chief had been moments before. It seemed wrong somehow. There was disconnect in his mind that stubbornly refused to go away; he shelved it for later examination and headed up to the Bridge to report in. Some news, he thought, was best given in person.

[Science Labs]

Tora's head hurt. It was a dull aching of sorts, throbbing behind her eyes. Uncomfortable but not unbearable. The Cardassian sat up with a groan and rubbed her face as the world around her seemed to churn. What had she even been doing on the floor anyway? Granted her memory wasn't as good as the rest of her people who'd lived on Cardassia all their lives, but even she wouldn't have holes in her memory like that. She clutched the edge of a console as she got back on her feet and sat down. Blinking away the grogginess she tapped on her computer console in an attempt to piece together what'd just happened.


A resounding scream caused Jason to sit, or more like bolt up in his desk chair. Something felt off, but he couldn't place what that was right now. Heading out into Main Engineering, his first response was to check the status boards for the various internal systems. The notice of a command authorization from the bridge to release a substance into the air was noted, and with no other major catastrophes brewing, Jason started going to check on his people.

The source of the scream was easy to find, with one of the computer techs screaming at the body of a crewman in front of her, laying at odd angles, clearly having fallen from the upper level when they were all knocked out. "Someone call in sickbay, and get me one of the thermal blankets from the emergency kits. People, we have a job to do, we'll process this after. Get me some status reports on the systems. Bridge will be yelling soon enough." Jason yelled out calmly.

As the summons to the bridge came through, Jason's expression was far from his usual as he gave out a few last instructions, grabbed a PADD, and made his way up.



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