
  • 19 Mission Posts

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21 Jul 2024 @ 10:33am

Lieutenant JG Lauren L'Vor

Name Lauren Daughter of L'Vor

Position Science Officer

Second Position Astrometrics Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Female
Species 8472 (current cover: Vulcan/Human)

Physical Appearance


Personality & Traits

General Overview Cunning and ruthless. Though having assumed several beings within the Federation, has developed an understanding and a mild sympathy towards humanoids.
Strengths & Weaknesses Genetic superiority, Advanced scientific knowledge

Dependent on periodic serum injections to help maintain humanoid form

Personal History One of many, of what humans (and Borg) refer to as species 8472, currently assigned to observe and detect potential threats. Ever since the second encounter with the starship Voyager, the humanoid Federation has been the primary means of observation for that part of their galaxy. While, at present, the Federation is not considered a threat, that could change and the exploratory nature of these humanoids made them ideal for seeking out potential dangers without exposing themselves.

Current Cover Identity assumed in 2389:
Service Record Varies depending on cover identity

Having assumed the identities of many different beings at various levels over the years, all of whom had their memories absorbed, to ensure infiltration, and bodies dissolved, to prevent discovery.

The "Original" Ltjg L'Vor had:

Graduated from the Academy in 2386. Where her excellence in various scientific fields of study earned her a posting at the Daystrom Institute.

In 2389, when she heard about the planned deep space mission of the USS Achilles she immediately volunteered and had been accepted. That decision would lead to her death...although her memories and thought still live on.