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Checking In

Posted on 26 Jul 2024 @ 5:19pm by Lieutenant Jason Rhineholt M.D.

982 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Below Decks
Location: Various
Timeline: Current


Doctor Jason Rhineholt had just left primary sick bay on deck 7 heading for the tertiary sick bay on deck 11. Every few weeks he made it a point to carve out some time to visit the other two sickbays to keep things running as smoothly as possible; today was no exception.

Both sick bays were the size of those found on a Defiant Class ship; much smaller and with only a half dozen bio beds in each. On the rare occasion, except when the ship was executing MVAM, anything beyond their capacity would be sent to the primary sick bay which was setup to handle many patients at one time with the capability to expand their capacity if need be.

Exiting a nearby lift Jason walked into the sick bay looking around for either Medic Klovac and/or Nurse Baroose. Seeing the Medic just finishing up with a patient Jason walked over with a smile “Medic Klovac how are things going around here” he inquired.

Turning seeing who was addressing him “Doctor Rhineholt, this is a pleasant surprise, what do I owe the pleasure” Klovac inquired returning the Doc’s smile “Things are going well; we’ve had a few patients today so far.”

“That’s good to hear. So are you all set for medical supplies and equipment then” Jason asked wanting to make sure the sick bay had what it needed.

“Yes we’re all set” then he paused “I did requisition a couple of new scanning devices for our medical tri-corders; the ones we have are quite old and have a mind of their own if they want to work or not. Ensign Emerson checked ship’s stores and found us some new ones. By the way that lady is really on top of things; if you don’t mind my saying so.”

Jason grinned “Thank you, that’s always a good sign when others see the value in their peers and yes the Ensign knows what she’s doing which makes my job easier so I can get around and have the time to do things like visit the other sick bays.”

Just then two of the crew came rushing into sick bay with one holding his hand over the other’s arm “Could use a little help here please” the flustered crewman stated.

Seeing just how bad the other crewman’s arm was Jason grabbed the other side of the injured person “Here sit him on this bed” as Jason could see a blood soaked piece of material over the other’s arm. “Lieutenant, I’m Doctor Rhineholt, the CMO for the ship, what happened to your arm” he inquired.

“I was doing some work in the storage bay on deck 9 when a metal strap let loose and nailed me right across the arm” he replied then asked “So how bad is it Doc; am I going to be alright.”

Jason removed the piece of material from the wound as the blood started flowing “You’ll be fine as soon as I get this bleeding under control” looking to the Medic “Give me a compress and inject the Lieutenant with 20 cc’s of axonol to stop any infection.” The Medic did as directed as Jason scanned the wounded area “The good news is you didn’t knick any bones or sever any nerves or muscles.”

Letting out s sigh “Well that’s good…..I was worried it was really bad” the Lieutenant commented with some relief in his voice.

Jason grinned “It’s bad enough but nothing that can’t be repaired” he stated as he helped his patient lay down on the bed. Rhineholt initiated the medical tunnel on the bed which covered the middle part of the body where he then started the sterilization field so the wound wouldn’t get infected. A few minutes later he released the tunnel, as it disappeared back into the bottom edges of the bed.

Seeing what Rhineholt was going to need Klovac had the transdermal regenerator all set for the Doc to use. Looking towards Klovac “Excellent” was all he said before picking up the instrument and proceeding with the repair.

About ten minutes later “Ok Lieutenant, looks like you’re all set” as he handed him a small container “These are for any pain; one very four hours. Also you have the rest of the day off so go back to your quarters and get some rest. Tomorrow check back in here and the Medic will clear you for duty. Any questions” Jason explained.

“No I’m good but I think there may be a nap in my immediate future; I’m feeling tired all of a sudden” the Lieutenant replied with a grin.

“Between the trauma of being injured and the drugs we gave you, not to mention a good amount of blood loss, your body needs time to heal and recover so a nap or two wouldn’t be a bad idea” Jason explained.

The Lieutenant rose from the bio bed “Thanks Doc for everything” as he turned and left for his quarters.

Klovac walked over to Jason “Thanks for your help Doc. I would have had my hands full with that one” he commented.

“Any time you get a bleeder like that and you don’t think you can handle the situation don’t be afraid to initiate the EMH; that’s what she’s here for” Jason explained “Or if the person is really bad then call primary sick bay and we’ll transport a Doctor to you.”

Klovac smiled “Thanks Doctor I’ll remember that for the next time.”

“Good” as he realized the time “If you’ll excuse me, I need to get back to deck 7. Have a great rest of your day” Jason stated with a smile then turned and left the area.


Lieutenant Jason Rhineholt, M.D.


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