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Finding feet and stuff

Posted on 25 Jun 2024 @ 12:21pm by Lieutenant Commander Aiden MacMahon & Lieutenant Urushi Yaotome

706 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M-18 The Past is Future
Location: XO's office
Timeline: Backpost

Just before she left Urushi turned in the sickbay doors to look back at the Ensign. "Sleep well Ensign..." she whispered before taking the final step through the door and heading to her office. She had a lot of paperwork to fill out now.

Aiden bumped into the Science Chief just as she exited the door. "Oops sorry Lieutenant," he said as he grabbed her shoulders to prevent himself from pushing her over. "I nearly bumped into you," he chuckled. "You okay?" he asked.

"Yeah I'm ok. Sorry sir," Urushi replied. "Here to see Ensign Zalos?" She asked.

"Yes, that's right, how is she?" Aiden asked.

"Tired," Urushi replied. "Honestly, I'd come back later if you want anything out if her." She added with a small smile.

"I will do that," Aiden said. He started to turn to leave but then thought better of it, he needed all the information he could get. "You up for a cup of coffee?" he asked

Urushi smiled nervously. "This early. Always!"

"My office it is then," Aiden said. "I keep good coffee there...". They made their way there, greeting crew members and passing comments or instructions along the way. Once in his office, Aiden went straight to his coffee machine set on the top of a book shelf in the one corrner, containing a few books. The office didn't really look like one. There was no desk and the carpet was removed. There was a desk sized table, however, against the wall next to the door, with a few pieces of planking and other wood on it and hand tools left where he worked with them last. There was one higher chair at the work table and two smaller chairs close to the viewport. "How do you like your coffee?" he asked as he indicated for her to take a seat. "I can concoct a few variations."

"Extra sweet, plenty of milk or cream." Urushi replied as she sat down in the opposite seat.

"I don't know Ensign Tora very well," Aiden remarked as he prepared and handed her the mug of coffee. "What can you tell me about her? Not what I can read in her file," he chuckled, "but just in general," he asked as he sat down with his own coffee.

"She's good at her job. I know she's not proud of what the Cardassians did to DS5." Urushi said. "This is her first incident, but I've not had a lot of time with her."

Aiden nodded in understanding. "Please keep an eye on her, as I am sure you would. I am very concerned about what happened, and I want to make very sure it is an isoloated incident and that there is not more going on than meets the eye," he explained his line of questions. He sipped his coffee and shifted his position in his chair, as he shifts the topic of convdersation. "Tell me about your experience here so far? How are you fitting in?" he asked

"I'll make sure to do that," Urushi said. She shifted a little nervously in her seat. "Well, I'm fitting in just fine. I think. But Science Officer's are rather... rare on a ship thats built mainly for combat."

"You are quite right, come to think of it" Aiden agreed. "Maybe Starfleet knows something we don't, which is normal," he chuckled, partiallly because he noticed she seemed nervous. "We may go on missions that will prove interesting, interesting enough to warrant a Science Department. I am sure you will be kept busy," he said. "I am glad to hear you are fitting in, we are all new. I barely know where my office is," he added.

Urushi couldn't help but smirk. "I'm still finding things too."

Aiden chuckled. "As long as we find our feet somehow, we should all be allright. Oh before I forget," he said. "Your staff will only be expected to be on duty on the daytime shoft, but we will need someone to be on standby on a rotational basis. You can send me with the details of how you want to do that some time before the end of shift," he said as he got up and she left



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