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21 Jul 2024 @ 10:33am

Lieutenant JG Nicolo "Nico" Rook

Name Nicolo "Nico" Rook

Position Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Male
Species El-Aurian
Age 30
Languages Federation Standard, Bajoran

Physical Appearance

Height 6'5"
Weight 200 lbs
Hair Color Dark Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Tall and well-muscled with wavy brown hair and broad-shoulders. He moves well, clearly an athlete, with a ready smile and a merry twinkle in his eyes. Off duty, his outfits are stylish and conservative. Isn't body shy at all.


Spouse Not Yet
Children None
Father Amherst Elias Rook, M.D.
Mother Emrys Rook
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family Dar Phelan

Personality & Traits

General Overview Strong-willed shows up in several facets of his personality. For example, he had the choice to change his name, to put behind him everything that his father had done, and refused to do so. He found within himself the courage and the determination to face things head on, good or bad. That's how he lives his life. He doesn't like feeling scared and literally fought against it, fought against the fear until it went away. A chilhood of tutors and rules put him ahead of his classmates in some areas and far behind in others. He faced that too and discovered just what a social life was all about.

He's relentlessly curious and willing to try almost anything. When you couple that with his natural tendency to fight against his own fears, you get someone who is a bit of an adrenalin junkie. Laughs easily and often with a good sense of humor. Had a bit of a reputation in school, when he was finally allowed to go, for practical jokes and that resurfaces now and again if he's in the right crowd.

The fact that he's El-Aurian (which comes under the heading of yet-another-thing-my-parents-kept-from-me) hasn't really registered. He was raised by a Bajoran as Human and that's how he feels for the most part. At the Academy, he read what he could about them, the El-Aurians, but its not something that he as yet feels belongs to him. Work in progress.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths

> Strong-willed, self-reliant, independent.
> Observant, Analytical, Good at Figuring Things Out
> Athletic/Competitive
> Good in hand-to-hand combat, especially Mixed Martial Arts
> Marksman - both with long and short range weapons

Physical Stuff:

> Virtually no gag reflex -- which helps when you're forced to attend a diplomatic function where the food just doesn't look much like food.
> El-Aurian physiology


> Strong dislike for counselors, especially telepathic ones, who want to dig into his past.
> Doesn't forgive his own faults easily. After all, his father was a serial killer and it took him seventeen years to figure it out.
> Bit of an insomniac. The memories, you know, sometimes they creep up on a person. Then too, if he's working on a particular problem, sleep is the first thing to go.
> Bounces a ball off the wall, helps him think.
Ambitions * See what's out there
* Stop the next serial killer in less than seventeen years
* Make peace with his childhood
Hobbies & Interests Hobbies:

> Weight Lifting/working out
> True Crime Novels
> Working cold cases
> Basketball

Personal History Amherst Rook, a well-respected surgeon, was always a driven man. Work came first and his wife, Emrys, understood this though few others in their social circle could say the same. A talented artist, she contented herself with studio time while Amherst worked long hours at the hospital or lectured at conferences out of town. Sometimes, she went with him, because to an artist, everything they see, do, and feel becomes fuel for their art. But those shared trips became fewer and fewer. Emrys, pregnant now with their first child, arranged for a romantic getaway at a remote cabin. Amhert, excited by the thought of having a child, was happy and attentive. And to Emrys, it felt like the early days of their marriage. Sadly, she went into early labor and died before the medical team could arrive to transport her to the hospital.

That changed things. A child, especially one too young to communicate with, was beyond Amherst's understanding. And so, he hired Phelan, a taciturn Bajoran, as aide/housekeeper/gatekeeper. Amherst, who was not a demonstrative man at the best of times, believed in strict guidelines in the home. No pets. No overnight guests. Straight A's in school. Nicolo Constantine Rook, Nico to his friends, knew early that he came a distant second to his father's work. He learned independence and self-reliance at an early age. He became comfortable on his own.

Nico and Phelan were stationary, living in the San Francisco Bay area, while Amherst traveled nine months out of the year. The worst, at least for Nico, were the three months that Amherst remained at home. Because what became painfully clear over time was that father and son didn't particularly like each other. Amherst wasn't easy to know and Nico was too direct, too quick to point out flaws that Amherst wasn't willing to admit existed. Their relationship grew strained and over time, as he grew up, Nico's attempts to forge a good relationship with Amherst were rebuffed. The child's mistakes could not, it seemed, be forgiven or overlooked.

And yet, if you asked him, he would tell you that his childhood was a happy one. Phelan, followed Amherst's rules to the letter but within those rules, Phelan helped with homework, hired the tutors, while baking cakes and managing Amherst's affairs. Injuries were handled by Phelan who had medical training. Nico lived in the private world concocted by Amherst (who was only 'Father' on the rare occasions when himself decided to make an appearance) and wanted ... more.

The tutors changed in response to Nico's educational needs; most were interchangeable in his mind except the last one. William, or Wills, as he was called, had a passion for mysteries and adventures. It was through him that Nico was introduced to Sherlock Holmes and how logic and observational skill could be applied to a problem. They would listen to news vids and discuss the events of the day, tying them back to historical events, and discussing the cultural aspects of those involved. Wills was curious about everything, always asking questions, especially Nico's mysterious father, Amherst, and a murder that happened while Amherst was away at a conference.

Wills started leaving the house at night and Nico, unable to sleep, noticed and followed him on one of those excursions. More out of curiosity then anything else; what he discovered was the that Wills was following his father. A pattern quickly emerged. When Amherst was home, Wills would follow him at night and that meant that Nico followed them both. He wasn't good at it, nearly got caught several times, but he was determined to discover why it was all happening.

Amherst went to a small storage facility; with Wills following and Nico following him. Nico hung back and lost sight of Will; as he was turning a corner that would bring him into a pool of light, a hand reached out and pulled him back out of sight. It was Wills. The conversation was whispered and heated; Wills took Nico home, warned him not to follow again, and promised to explain everything.

He never got the chance. He was found dead in his apartment of apparent suicide the next day. Nico was devastated. His father, in an uncharacteristic act of what Nico perceived as generosity, allowed his son to attend a regular school and for a time, the novelty of being among others his own age caught and held his attention. Wills though, Wills stayed with him. For the first time, his life wasn't scheduled and orchestrated down to the minute. There was time for him to pursue his own interests since he only returned to Phelan for holidays and vacations. And truth be told, he would have forgotten except for two things. He received a package from Wills which laid out his suspicions. Circumstantial mostly and while disturbing, not proof but then, he remembered that storage facility.

He waited until the next time his father went out of town and, with the help of his new friends, broke into the storage facility. What he found there, well, it changed everything. He contacted Starfleet who sent a security team to the site immediately. In the weeks afterward, the story unfolded. Amherst Elias Rook, Chief Surgeon, widely respected, was responsible for the death of twenty women. They found him at home, reading over a glass of good wine, and arrested him on the spot. It was believed that there would be more caches in other locations and indeed, they found two more.

He was six months short of his eighteenth birthday and he was responsible for the arrest and conviction of his own father -- though he made sure that Wills also received credit for his part. As it turned out, Phelan had had his suspicions but never said anything and it was the guilt of that, combined with advancing age, that ended his life. When Phelan died, Nico was the only mourner at his funeral.

On his eighteenth birthday, he enlisted in Star Fleet and that was where another huge secret was revealed. As part of the process all cadets went through, Nico was expected to visit a physician. It seemed strange, to have other hands than Phelan's working on him. The doctor was a young Trill, enthusiastic to have an El-Aurian as a patient, his first. When Nico corrected him, the truth came out. He was human. Amherst was human. Emrys was human. What was the man talking about? So, they went through the science together and everything he knew about himself suddenly shifted. Reoriented.

He was El-Aurian -- who knew how far back his father's crimes went. The thought was chilling but he was Star Fleet now and then came the counselors. Some wanted to help but many, more than few, wanted to dig into his brain, use their cunning and their telepathy to learn about the first known serial killer of his species and about the son who might, after all, be the same.
Service Record 2363: Born in the San Francisco Bay Area, Earth
2381: Entered Starfleet Academy, Security Major/Command Minor
2384: Graduated, Assigned to USS Scylax, Security Officer
2389: Transferred to USS Faraday, Asst. Chief of Security
2393: Transferred to USS Phoenix, Asst. Chief of Security