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21 Jul 2024 @ 10:33am

Ensign Tora Zalos

Name Tora Zalos

Position Science Officer

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Cardassian
Age 24
Languages Kardasi, Risan, Federation Standard, Klingon (basic, fluency lacking)

Physical Appearance

Height 5'3"
Weight 60kg
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Amber
Physical Description Tora is a curvaceous young Cardassian woman with dark gray skin and scales, Cardassian scale ridges stand out prominently on her head. Her eyes are a deep, shade of amber and seem to constantly be gleaming with playfulness and intelligence, which tends to draw people in whenever she looks at them.


Spouse None
Children Oh god, no. Not yet, anyway.
Father Glinn Duvat Zalos (deceased)
Mother Roja Zalos (deceased)
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family Glinn (RET) Yuvar Zalos (maternal uncle and adoptive father, older brother to Tora's father)
Grada Zalos (Yuvar's wife and adoptive mother)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Tora used to be the most popular dabo girl in her old boss' bar for a good reason. Well-read as she is about a wide variety of topics and with a sharp mind and wit to match, she is capable of intelligently engaging almost anyone in conversation while striking a delicate balance between that and the subtle seduction a dabo girl employs at work - which continues into her working life as a Starfleet officer, drawing people in like moths to a flame.

Elsewise Tora is a rather carefree individual that appreciates the pleasures of life in all its forms. She takes pride in her appearance and knows well the impact she can have on others - though she is quite partial to playful teasing and flirtation with those she finds attractive, always in good fun. So long as she's managed to make someone's day better, that's really all she needs to feel good about herself.
Strengths & Weaknesses Tora is well read on a variety of general topics, and able to intelligently converse with almost anyone on them. This skill of hers served her well as a dabo girl, drawing and keeping the attention of any and all who interacted with her like metal to a magnet, and it continues to serve her well now. That being said, she is equally capable of doing the very same at short(ish) notice, nimbly coming up with ways to engage in conversation even if her knowledge of the subject matter at hand is limited. Like most members of her species Tora has an excellent memory, having gone through most of the same mental training that most Cardassian children go through, courtesy of her uncle. That being said she isn't quite an encyclopaedia of anthropological knowledge, in spite of her honors qualification in xenoanthropology, and needs to refer and look things up the same as anyone else from time to time.

Tora really, really dislikes violence. Perhaps she was indeed spoilt, growing up on peaceful, idyllic Risa where conflict is a rarity rather than the norm (and always has been, really); her tendency is to shy away from physical confrontations and aggressiveness if possible rather than try to Of course, she has learned over the course of her studies that violence is an inevitability - though it is because of this same dislike of violence that she doesn't do well in violent arguments, period. She's more likely to give in to the other party and let them win in that situation rather than try and de-escalate. Also for this same reason she didn't do well at the mandatory Security-related modules at the Academy; her instructors commonly noted that she found it hard to seem fierce or firm enough to prove much of a deterrent.

Being raised on Risa and growing up in its culture of service to others Tora cares greatly for quite literally everyone else around her and often goes out of her way to be of help to them - a good trait, indeed, until it isn't. In true Risian fashion Tora take the adage of 'what's mine is yours' to heart, even if that 'mine' is her own time and well-being, often helping until she is burnt out to the point of mental and physical exhaustion. Just ask that one classmate she burnt the midnight oil to help every day for a month just to help him improve in his anthropology studies, and he'll tell you how ill she fell afterwards.
Ambitions Tora aims to one day start a family of her own, preferrably with two children at most. She believes that motherhood is the greatest joy any woman can experience; watching her child grow up, develop and come into themselves would be the greatest things in life that she could possibly experience.

Before that happens, however, Tora hopes to one day be inducted into the Federation's Diplomatic Corps and put her degree in xenoanthropology to good use in helping the Federation build better relationships within itself, and outside of itself. If during her time in the Corps she got to participate in a First Contact diplomatic party it would be the highlight of her career in her opinion.
Hobbies & Interests Tora is a bookworm, and always has been. She'll gladly read anything and everything she can possibly get her scaly hands on, and drink in the contents over the course of a few days. Doing this all her life has helped her to become the woman she is today; she wouldn't give it for any other hobby if she had to pick something else in lieu.

Elswise she prefers to partake in sports such as swimming, volleyball and has even tried surfing once in her entire life - sports that one can easily play at the beach, some have noted. They are how she stays fit and maintains her figure, in addition to the occasional morning run when she finds the time.

She can occasionally be found playing chess or other board games with her colleagues off duty, or on if there's no more work to do, and challenge her mind that way amidst the occasionally mind-numbing work that she has to do.

Personal History Tora was born just a few years before the Dominion War on Cardassia Prime, living a normal Cardassian childhood until the war itself broke out. Her parents joined the resistance movement against the Dominion spearheaded by Legate Damar and were susequently killed by Jem'hadar while she was taken in by her uncle, a Union military veteran. She would not learn of her parents' death till she was sixteen years old.

Determined to keep her protected as his brother would've wanted, Yuvar and his wife moved with her off world during the after-war repair efforts to Risa, where he was certain they would be safe.

Living on Risa could only mean that Tora was immersed in the planet's rich culture of pleasure and hospitality, and the diversity of people that came to its shores for relaxation. Adapting to this new lifestyle that encouraged self-discovery, hedonism and inclusiveness was somewhat difficult for her to adapt to, being a near complete inversion of her life on Cardassia before then; she did eventually adapt, however, with the help of her Risan classmates, who treated her as one of their own without exception. Perhaps it was their influence that eventually made her the woman that she was.

Her time on Risa spent interacting with visitors to the planet fostered a sense of adventure and a yearning to explore the wider universe beyond the pleasure planet's boundaries. Guests to Risa came from practically every nook and cranny of the universe, bringing with them a plethora of stories and cultures that she found herself thirsting to learn about. Tora's thirst for knowledge and understanding grew, inspiring her to seek opportunities for personal growth and intellectual stimulation. As such she took up reading in the resorts' extensive libraries, eagerly absorbing any all information that she could get her hands on any and all topics she fancied while her new adoptive parents kept their textiles business alive.

Eventually, Tora's thirst for knowledge and new experiences led her to leave Risa and seek opportunities beyond the pleasure planet. Eager to experience the wider universe firsthand, she set her sights on Deep Space Nine first and foremost. There her personality, intelligence, and of course looks caught the attention of Quira, a Ferengi woman looking to start her own bar, who offered her the chance to work as a dabo girl. Not only would she get paid and be able to live largely on her own terms, she would also get to meet a variety of people - what wasn't to like?

She would spend the next few years of her life working for Quira at her bar set up on Deep Space 7, though she continued to study and gain knowledge during her spare time. During this time she would pick up a love for science, especially biology. Eventually, inspired by the Starfleet personnel she interacted with on a daily basis she decided to apply to Starfleet Academy, much to the disappointment of the patrons of Quira's bar. She approached the station's commanding officer and expressed this desire to her as well in the hopes of obtaining a recommendation letter, only to find that she'd already heard much about her from her subordinates and their teams. Tora's reputation for connecting to people and making them feel appreciated preceded her, in fact, and captain Judy Templeton was more than happy to give her the opportunity to use that skill of hers for something bigger than herself. She even encouraged her to one day train as a diplomatic officer rather than a scientist, so that she could put her communication skills to good use in negotiations.

With the captain's recommendation many of her crew were perfectly happy to help Tora study for the Academy entrance exam, and she attributes her success and eventual passing score to their efforts to this day.

While she would hardly describe her time spent at Starfleet Academy as easy, she did find it enjoyable. For one, learning about the other races and planets that shared the galaxy with her was one of the most fascinating parts about her education. She drank in everything that was taught to her; it was like studying in the libraries of Suraya Bay's central resort again, only this time she knew she could put all this knowledge to good use.

She would go on to take up swimming and a few other sports as ECAs in order to maintain her personal fitness in addition to her diplomatic officer's studies and training. She would eventually graduate with an handsomely passed first class degree in xenoanthropology, an achievement she is proudest of.
Service Record 2393-2397: Cadet, Starfleet Academy

2396: Received the Commandant's Coin for most improved cadet