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The Honor is to Serve - Part 3

Posted on 08 Jan 2015 @ 4:30am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Master Chief Petty Officer Lance Nelson & Gunnery Sergeant Jason Frey & Lieutenant Kordah Himars & Lieutenant Elas Vonti & Major Richard Sharpe & Lieutenant JG Suteyo Alahanu & Lieutenant JG Kassi Denterius & Lieutenant JG Giada Lindert & Lieutenant JG Tobias Todd & Ensign Karrak
Edited on on 08 Jan 2015 @ 4:34am

1,169 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M13-A: From the Old to the New
Location: Various

“Hey Cammy!” Lisa said, making her way towards the table. “Have you checked your messages yet?”

“No,” Cammy replied, turning away from Jacob and Steve’s dwindling argument. “Why?”

“They’re looking for Starfleet personnel for an exploration mission!”

Cammy blinked. “Who?”

“Starfleet, of course!” Lisa beamed. “We might be serving with that Klingon officer again!”

“Which one?”

“You know, the USS Achilles?”

“Ah.” Cammy thought on that a moment. Exploration didn’t excite her per se, though the prospect wasn't completely unappealing. Still, if she’d be serving on the same ship as Da’nal, she couldn’t help but wonder if he ever found out who snuck into his quarters. Her interaction with him was minimal, and she liked to keep it that way when it came to senior officers. If he knew she was the one who broke in to his quarters, he may be inclined to keep a closer eye on her or deny her volunteering altogether.

“Cammy, this our chance!” Lisa interrupted her thoughts.

“Chance for what?”

“I’m always reading about history. This is our chance to really be a part of it!”

“That sounds wonderful…” Cammy said, sipping her shandy. “…especially the part where you convince your father to let you go.”

“Surely he won’t mind.” Lisa said, though her face told Cammy the woman hadn’t even discussed it with him. “He’s an ambassador. What better way for me to carry on his legacy than to serve on an exploration mission! Think of the new sentient species we’ll encounter!”

Cammy shrugged. Part of her wanted to stay in known space and continue searching for her parents. A rather big part of her, if she was being honest with herself. The chances of her finding him on an exploration mission were nonexistent.

Lisa must have seen some apprehension in her face. “I plan on going. I won’t make you come with if you don’t want to; this is a big commitment after all.” Lisa took her hand and looked directly into Cammy’s eyes. “But it would mean a lot more if you were there to experience it with me. Please?”

Cammy twisted her mouth as she thought. She wasn’t even sure there’d be a need for an infiltration specialist on this mission to begin with. As she gazed into Lisa’s eyes though, she found it easier and easier to say yes. Finally, she sighed. “Alright. Sign me up.”

[Security Headquarters]

Suteyo had only to prove the man was lying about his whereabouts and he could slide the rest of the evidence into place. This man had been smuggling Starfleet materiel on board Achilles for years and only its destruction had allowed Suteyo the “in” he had needed. The abrupt battle, mutiny, chaos, had resulted in a backup data list to be created on each level of the Achilles-A. The simpering Ktarian sitting before him was unable to access the older records on the third of the ship in Klingon space and cover his tracks.

“...attempted murder of a Starfleet Security Officer, one who was conducting an investigation so let's also add obstruction of justice as well. You won't be getting the cushy Penal colony in New Zealand Barrik, you are mining dilithium on Regus Centauri from now on, you understand? Or you can tell me who you have been smuggling parts to?”

Elas rolled his eyes at the questioning, Suteyo could crack tough nuts but this was a matter of dwindling patience. Barrik only tried to plead louder that he knew nothing, until Elas sat forward and fixed a level gaze at him. Barrik stopped moving right away, Suteyo lost his voice.

“You pushed a loaded crate onto my friend here, tried to blow up the cargo bay during a battle, covered tracks of munitions sales to dastardly types... I have no patience for the likes of you.” With the speed of a snakebite Elas slapped the man. He stood briskly and left the room and Sutetyo was left stunned. Elas wasn't one to strike someone else and simply walk away.

Suteyo stammered a bit, “Bbbarrik I'm sorry, that's not how things are supposed to happen. With a slight rush to his actions Suteyo bolted from the room. Once on the other side of the door however his face changed to slight humor.

“Did you get it?”

Elas smiled, “And more.”

With pride, Suteyo called up the Starfleet MP, and made his report. Moments later twin columns of light formed into two guards, their gear for restraint held neatly folded in their hands. The Brig officer took the two escorts into the interrogation room to emerge with a confused and subdued Ktarian. Suteyo looked to Elas, his newest partner, “I couldn't believe it when you told me, but you were right. A year and half I chased the wrong mystery. Thank you.”

Elas shrugged, “Friends right? Besides you can thank me by getting me off of planet side guard duty. Tactical is no fun for the lower ranks.” He looked at Suteyo intently, his jokes had gone away for the moment. Deep in the back of his brain Elas worked on his plans to take Ayren away, but those were far off and a million other things were in between. Da'nal would never let him close to Ayren, but Elas could get close to Da'nal who could get him to Ayren...

Suteyo considered Elas for a moment, “I'll ask if you can join me, I need an investigations department where I'm going anyway. No promises Elas....”

Elas gave a grim smile to his friend, "Da'nal owes me one, I threw away my career making things right with him and his mate, he still blames me for her... rightfully so. But I gave him help when he needed it....

[Marine Corp Recruit Depot - San Diego]

Jason was just getting off duty after another day of weapons training for the new recruits, there were times he though the Corps was in trouble but then again it was now his job to turn these raw, non-shooting, couldn't hit the broad side of a starbase, newbies how to do things. The drill instructors were there to tear then down and build them up; now he had to hone then to a razors edge.

Tossing his cover on the counter he saw there was a message for him in him on his computer. As he scanned the message his eyes widened and his head shook. "That guy had more lives than an Elurian cat..."

He was kicking back with a beer, contemplating how to get his transfer through his communicator sounded. "Frey here."

=^= Jason, Lance got you bags packed? =^=

"Need to get my orders approved before I start packing."

=^= I'll take care of that. You think you can pick up that item? =^=

"No problem. I'll requisition a shuttle a get it loaded up and bring it up."

=^= Excellent. Looks like the gangs getting back together. =^=


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