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USS Freedom

Posted on 13 Jan 2015 @ 10:09pm by Commander Johnathan Pike

383 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: M13-A: From the Old to the New
Location: USS Freedom
Timeline: Current

Jonathan stood in the transporter room of his former ship the USS Ragnor. The room was cool and was fairly empty only him and the New Commanding officer his former first officer Lieutenant Commander Lisa williams. "Are we ready?" he asked as he looked her. It was almost time for him to transport to his new ship the USS Freedom.

"Yes sir" she replied with a little sadness in her voice.

"Dont be sad this is what you always wanted your own ship" He said as he stepped on to the transporter padd and faced her. "One to transport when your ready" he said a moment latter the transporter activated and he was gone. one moment he saw a room hed seen a million times then next was a strange room to him. He stepped of the padd and looked to see a ensign working the trasnporter.

He took a deep breath as he turned and exited the room. The new ship was a bigger then his last but size never mattered to him. He walked the long halls headed to the bridge. He reached a door and paused he then stepped forward as it opend and onto the bridge. His eyes quickly worked the new bridge and every officer in there.

"Captian on deck" called a ensign from the navigation chair as they all came to atention.

"Thank you, if you need me ill be in my ready room" he said as he looked out of his view screen and saw the USS Rangor leave. The crew returned to there dutys as he headed into a room on the far side of the bridge.

He looked at the room as he made his way behind the desk and sat. He knew soon they would get mission orders and then it would be time to see how then crew dealt with a new captian. His head hurt, there were so many things racing around his mind it was hard to keep track of it all. "Computer dim lights to 30 percent and play music classical 1960's english composers" he said as he closed his eyes and began to rub his temples the lights dimmed and the music began and so did his work reading personel files.

Commander Johnathan Pike
USS Freedom
Commanding Officer


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