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23 Oct 2015 @ 2:54am

Lieutenant Elas Vonti

Name Elas Vonti

Position Counselor

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Ullian
Age 35
Languages Federation standard, Betazoid, Ferengi, Vulcan, Terran

Physical Appearance

Height 6'1"
Weight 160
Hair Color Golden
Eye Color Dark Green
Physical Description He is considered attractive by many humanoid species, Tall and well toned with an air of confidence and undeniable aplomb he is a force of attraction. He has a soft face with a gentle demeanor, slight laugh lines and a constant smile. His skin is a darker beige, and looks like a gymnast in terms of physique, very spare and all muscles taut. The hairless bulge is slightly recessed, the equivalent to early male pattern baldness in Terrans.


Spouse Not married
Children Countless Unions have resulted in many children, Ullian culture allows the parents to be absent if support is provided through other means, mainly his extended family who adopt his triste offspring gladly.
Father Todan
Mother Marra
Brother(s) Several, far flung no other in starfleet
Sister(s) Several, far flung no other in starfleet
Other Family Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Ullian families get large for mutual support.

Personality & Traits

General Overview He is a very pleasant and mild mannered person, able to make friends easily. Many people assume he is a pushover or a suckup, but he genuinely loves and respects everyone until they give him a reason not to. Over a distance his telepathic ability diminishes exponentially, but with contact, he has shown the ability to even glean details out of Ferengi minds. Though capable of mentally dominating most species he is too kind to even consider such action.
Strengths & Weaknesses He is an extraordinary Counselor in every respect, able to divine details from slight clues and empathizing with a practiced ease. He is insightful and very cunning, able to ask sideways questions to trick people into revealing information. A shrewd judge of character and very inscrutable he plays games of bluff with joy.
He does lack strategic skill, losing often in 3D chess, even 2D Chess for example. not for lack of intelligence but in his belief that predicting behavior limits your responses, games with him typically break the mold and are confusing in the extreme. He also unwittingly reads peoples intents by general feeling, some species detect this as intrusion but he cant help it.
He is also very active socially, to an excess degree. While he maintains clinical detachment with crew, expect him to make the rounds of any non fleet crew and avoid attachment. Ironically the Counselors life is very messy emotional, and he likes the chaos.
Ambitions He has achieved his career goals of Chief Counselor of a Deep Space explorer, now he wants to have fun, this lack of ambition makes for erratic behavior occasionally.
Hobbies & Interests Swimming, Wrestling, Water Polo, any sport with near sexual levels of nudity or contact. He likes sex, lots, and is not shy about showing interest, in anything he likes, male, female, other, or neither. Enjoying himself and serving Starfleet are his life ambitions.

Personal History Elas spent a great deal of his youth breaking laws and shirking authority. He was the fourteenth son of twenty, and seven sisters, most of his brothers married early and left to serve in the merchant marine fleet, a few stayed in local politics and business. One brother, the eldest had served in Starfleet but was KIA at Wolf 359. This spurred the family into anti Starfleet sentiment which Elas still carries. His counseling is to help people deal with the grinder that was the savage and mighty Starfleet, and is often the voice of the minority in a debate.

In 2378 Inspired by the crew of Voyager and the tales and numerous holo-stories spawned by it, he makes the rash decision to join Starfleet, but his desire to remain outside conventional authority drove him to Starfleet Medical, and his skills naturally guided him to choose a Counselor role.
Service Record 2380- Graduated early from Starfleet Medical for active service under senior Counselor Te'lana of USS Saturn. Medical relief vessel, assigned to Betazed, Algeron Prime, Galondoncor, Cardassia and Acheron war zone repair. Offered Carrington award for number of patients saved by impromptu method of triage to diagnose those with greater need in psychological maladies. methods became refined are now standard for Fleet Medical techs.
2381- Promoted to Ensign, graduated Starfleet Academy with honors. Special certifications for Social Engineering, memory recovery and subliminal therapies. Permanent station at Deep Space 12.
2382- Promoted to Lieutenant j.g.
2383-requested assignment to deep space vessel, approved with passing review of combat and operating specs, command skills approved.
2383- Re-assigned to USS. Cavalier, a long range lightship. Commendation on file for exceptional duties performed on several occasions as ship suffered intense casualties after several attacks in deep space.
2383- Field Promoted to Lieutenant, permanent upon return to Federation Space.
2384- USS Cavalier decommissioned after 5 year mission is cancelled due to Tzenkethi raiders inflicting catastrophic damage to vessel.
2384- Assigned to USS DePauli on border patrol at Romulan DMZ. Increased activity in Zone.
2385- Promoted to Lieutenant first class after successfully advising several situations with potentially hostile Romulan commanders, the Depauli had been ordered to obtain information, and was caught upon completion of a few agent recoveries and incursions.
2387- Additional training undertaken in Telepathic research, Daystrom Institute temporarily requistioned.
2388- Transfer requested from USS Depauli due to extended refit. Daystrom project concluded, results available in SM 22.01SMPSY. Re-assigned to Starfleet Medical to aid in designing protocols for mass relief and how to best use the counselors on board. Results: EMH to be updated with new protocols for counseling,standards for ship duty and maintenance, psych screenings bi annually to be part of physicals, records and annexing information for mass population movements, inventory and quality control for outgoing supplies, training for local authorities to manage crises within. Awarded the Tolley Citation for original thinking in his designs.
2388- requests re-assignment to deep space, declined post for USS Kalo, a lightship similar to Cavalier. assigned to active duty at Deep Space 19. Further research into Post traumatic recovery efforts and therapy. Applications and research done in field.
2389-Assigned to USS Achilles- Chief Counselor