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The Honor is to Serve - Part 2

Posted on 08 Jan 2015 @ 4:25am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Master Chief Petty Officer Lance Nelson & Gunnery Sergeant Jason Frey & Lieutenant Kordah Himars & Lieutenant Elas Vonti & Major Richard Sharpe & Lieutenant JG Suteyo Alahanu & Lieutenant JG Kassi Denterius & Lieutenant JG Giada Lindert & Lieutenant JG Tobias Todd & Ensign Karrak
Edited on on 08 Jan 2015 @ 4:32am

1,241 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M13-A: From the Old to the New
Location: Various

[Spacedock: Earth]

It was several days after courts found the Klingon Bajoran innocent of any wrong doing, when aiding his former commanding officer, an fellow Klingon, he restoring the Admiral's name and house. The former Operation's chief, now back being an Security officer at Spacedock, knew a few things. One of which, was, micro recorders, that were always active, except when it came to security and an need or privacy. How Krodah proved his case and was now sealed by the courts.

Word did spread to his former house, of his action with the admiral. But, nothing was stated, nor it seemed to him, had changed the mind of the head of the house. Though, he knew they knew and were no doubt, now debating the question of reinstatement of his parents and himself. Yet, he knew, only time would tell if there is a change and Krodah, continued on with his tasks in Starfleet.

"Mr. Himars?"

Looking up from his computer, the security officer looked directly towards the person speaking to him. he didn't know who the person was, but, he knew he was an Klingon and held the rank of captain and is an member of the house Du’Chon "Yes, sir? How can I help you?"

The captain looked down at him and gave over an data pad. Excepting the padd, Krodah, reviewed data up it. Most of it, was word from Qo'nos and the head of Du’Chon house. his parents were reinstated, however, himself, was not. Which, he wondered as to why he wasn't, but, didn't question it either. For he knew, he had to press harder to prove himself more. Which, when he got to the heart of the message, it was an message from Commodore Da'nal.

"I take it, the Empire and the head of the Du’Chon house, want me to aid the Commodore, sir?" stated Himars as he looked up at the Klingon Captain, no doubt about who he was working for here on earth.

"Yes on both accounts, lieutenant" returned the Klingon captain "You ship out to meet the Commodore in a day. Transfer orders are on that pad as well, also, we will be watching you closely, Krodah, do not fail in this assignment."

With an nod, the Starfleet officer rose from his chair, knowing that his former house and the Empire was watching him closely, saluted the captain and then stated "Qapla" which in return the Klingon captain, did the same, before departing.

[Earth: San Francisco - Family Resort]

It was good spending time with your family. Recent events had put many things in a new ... perspective. Tobias was stilling missing the full force of emotions usually associated with the people close to you, but that did hardly matter at the moment. His parents were off arguing about some recent decision in Starfleet or how to plant next years flowers. Or probably both. His sister had fallen asleep while reading one of her books, a proper book. He never saw why she liked books with pages more than a data pad.

When the message arrived, alerted by one of his subroutines, he made his way to a terminal. He tried to keep internal computing to a minimum, at least on holidays. As he read the message, he was filled with something he had been missing for a while now. Excitement ... anticipation.

As he went back to his chair, his sister lifted her head sleepily. "You are smiling Tobias. That looks so creepy, what happened?" "Nothing yet," he answered "but it just might."

He had sent an official request to join the mission of course, if the captain would have him. This would be the mission of a lifetime.

[Mars Station]

After everything that had gone on, Kassi was glad to be home for a bit. Even more of a surprise was the fact that her twin brother was there also so they all had time to catch up on things. Laughing as they relaxed in the living room in front of some old time movie, she elbowed her brother as he popped off with some memories from the academy. The sound of the computer going off had them all glancing over to it and for a moment no one made a move to check it. Finally, Kassi uncurled herself from the couch. "You get the snack refill, I'll get the computer." She told her brother as she headed over to the computer and sat down.

Closing the message she headed back to the couch about the same time as her brother and curled up under the blanket again. "It was for me... I'll deal with it later." She replied as her family looked at her curiously. As the movie restarted she settled in to watch, or at least act like she was. In the meantime her mind seemed to drift light years away. 70 years was a lifetime, and who knew when she'd see her family again. Yet, she knew in her heart what she needed to do. She was after all, a starfleet officer.

As the evening drew to a close and after her parents went to bed, she paused by the computer to send a reply back that she was onboard with the new mission. After hitting the send button, she couldn't help but to wonder who else might be rejoining.

[Earth: Danagher's Pub, Cong, Ireland]

“Okay, here’s one.” Cammy said, sitting at a table with Marines from the USS Eclipse. She enjoyed the opportunity to catch up with her former crewmates. “Who would win in a fight to the death: Helen Keller or Anne Frank?”

A blond clean-shaven man with a scar running down his left cheek twisted his face in contemplation. “Helen Keller.”

“Helen Keller?” A black-haired man with a long face looked at his fellow Marine incredulously.

“Yeah, Helen Keller.”

“Helen Keller had no senses, Jacob!”

“She had a sixth sense, Steve” the blond shot back as he sipped his drink.

“You’re insane!”

“Have you ever seen Anne Frank throw a shit-fit haymaker? No!” Cammy snickered as Steve shook his head in disbelief. “Helen Keller beat up her nanny for Kahless’ sake!”

“But her nanny was trying to restrain her. All you have to do is back up until she tires out.”

“You’re crazy! Anne Frank was…malnourished. She lived in an attic!”

“No…no…” Steve said, nursing a bourbon. “First of all, Anne Frank could see! And she’s angry! There’s a lot of tension and that shit could explode!”

“Who’s angrier than someone who’s wondering who’s touching them all the time?”

“She…she…she had NO senses!”

“She had a sense of touch…a sense of taste…” Jacob retorted, gently punching Steve on the shoulder to emphasize ‘touch.’

“Wait a minute…” Steve said, turning towards Cammy. “Is this with weapons?” He turned back towards Jacob “Quit hitting me!” Back to Cammy: “Can they use weapons? Or is this like a…Marquess of Queensbury boxing match?”

Cammy deliberated for a second while suppressing a laugh. Steve and Jacob always took their debates seriously, no matter what the subject matter. “…they can use weapons”

“There can be weapons? Helen Keller’d shoot herself!”

“Alright, now Anne Frank might take it.”

“She’d stab herself!”

“Hey, we were just given new information!”

Cammy shook her head, somewhat sad to see the exchange running out of gas.



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