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23 Apr 2016 @ 2:16pm

Lieutenant Kordah Himars

Name Kordah Himars

Position Chief Operations Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Half Klingon/Half Bajoran
Age March 18th, 2351
Languages Klingonese, Bajoran, Federation Standard

Physical Appearance

Height 5"11"
Weight 185 lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Hazel
Physical Description His Bajoran nose and Klingon Ridges upon his forehead and nose are soft looking in nature. Short, but wild hair. Well trimmed Goatee. Friendly, well mannered, highly motivated and eager.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Aldi Sorel (Bajoran) (killed during the Dominion war)
Mother Krenna; Youngest daughter of the house Du’chon (Klingon) (Killed during the Dominion war)
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family Various on both sides of his dual heritage

Personality & Traits

General Overview An man born out of love and service to they're home worlds. Kordah, is Friendly, well mannered, highly motivated and eager. He also has no house to claim.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strength: Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage
Well trained in Klingon fighting styles in both fist and melee weapons.

Weakness: tribbles, Alcohol
Ambitions To restore his parents name back into the house Du'Chon. Explore the universe and help those with in the Federation and other non Federation worlds. Update: Krodah's parents have been restore into the house of Du'Chon. Krohad, however, still isn't excepted and remains Houseless
Hobbies & Interests Mechanics, Farming, Cardassian History, Fishing, Sailing, Painting

Personal History The house of Duras was once an great and noble house. Yet during the time before the Empire's civil war, the house was comprised many continents on many worlds. One such house is the Du’Chon house. Which, put forth quality warriors to serve the house of Duras. House crest bore the Twisted Ember Branch sigil received automatic respect. Krenna Du’Chon served as an dark operator that operated in deep inside enemy space, primarily the space held by the Cardassians. Her assignment had her meeting Aldi Sorel, an resistance operator, who hide as an farmer. Where upon the two develop an friendly and then loving relationship, which resulted in producing an child in result of their love for each other, Kordah. Krenna was with child and had smuggled her love back to Qo’nos, years before the outbreak of war.

When the civil war, divided the Empire into factions, the Du’Chon and the houses in which served the Duras family were called into battle. The house members, helped place Toral, the illegitimate son of Duras, as Chancellor. By this time, Krenna and Aldi, weren’t overly impressed with how things had developed between the houses, let alone did not want any apart of part with the fight and continued their farming and supplies to the house they were apart of. However, Kordah, at the age of sixteen, wasn’t old enough to serve along side those of his family and house, and was force to sit on the side lines and merely observed. When the civil war, was finished, the Duras house was disbanded and those house loyal to the Duras house, turned they’re collective backs against their former leading house.

With this choice, many in the former Du’chan, were upset, while Krenna didn’t have much of a say with in her own house, just out right followed the Chancellor’s orders. But, they had no place to go, for Bajor, which still under the control of the Cardassian Union, so she decide to go wherever her love wanted to go. Aldi, loved her wife as much as she loved him and they both simply decided to just remind on Qo’nos and support the people of Qo’nos together, while at the same time, convince both the Federation and Empire to help free Bajor.

When Kordah turned of age, he decided to wait until Bajor was free before enlisting into Service. In 2369, the Cardassian Union returned Bajor back to the Bajoran after fifty years of occupation. When news came that his second home was free, Kordah enlisted into service. For those two years, Kordah, was proving himself to the full blooded warriors, that he was an equal, despite his mix heritage. However, upon graduation, the newly pinned officer, was decline service to the Empire and placed in the Exchange service. Where upon, he was sent to Earth and attend Starfleet Academy.

This choice was the leading factor that forge the young Bajoran/Klingon to become an better man, then what he would have been in service to the Empire. With in an year, he had graduated the Academy and was assigned to the USS Enola Gay, an Akria class Starship. This assignment was at the right time, when the war Dominion war started. However, his mother was place within Dominion infested territory during the war, along with her Bajoran Operative husband. Where upon both Krenna and Aldi were soon discovered to be spies and were presumed. They were killed in the Cardassian Genocide by the Dominion.

The Enola Gay saw many fields of battle during the war, as well saw action against the Borg, when an lone cube entered Sector 001. When Kordah, found that his parents were murdered during the Genocide, he lost all interest in service to Starfleet and simply left to return back to Qo’nos, where an new fight took place. Not between nations, but, those of the house Du’Chon. It was an closed minded idea and they’re distaste for Krenna choice and spawned an bastard. For the next seven years, Kordah, was fighting for both his dead parents were honorable and provide to the others with in the house, that her choice of mates shouldn’t be an factor of her loyalty.

It was an up hill battle for the war veteran, which he was force to leave and his parents removed from the house books. With no house of his own, let alone no parents, Kordah returned to the Federation, where upon his arrival, he added the name Himars to his name. From that point forward, the Klingon/Bajoran become an Federation citizen and returned to service. Kordah, served on the John A. Harper, an Iwo Jima class starship and the Kylo Tol, an Defiant class. When the time came to advance his career, Krodah, sought out any opening to Chief Security/Tactical Officer, which happen to be on the Achilles. Which, he wasn't able find out if he was excepted to the new Chief spot, before he was captured by the Romulans.

Briefly promoted to the Lt. Commander, some time later, demoted to LT, Krodah has managed to to keep his honor pure, returned his parents back to the house Du'Chon, has been excepted into the House of Varal.
Service Record Education: Home schooled
KDF Basic Training 2370-2372
-KDF Basic 2372 Graduated 18th of 411 honor guard duty declined,
Exchange duty assigned.
Starfleet Academy 2372-2373
-Primarily focus: Security/Tactics
Service Record: Exchange duty: Starfleet Academy 2372-2373
-Graduated 3rd of 957 Tactical Division.
USS Enola Gay Akria Class 2373 - 2375
-Sec/Tact Officer
USS John A. Harper Iwo Jima Class 2381 -2385
-Sec/Tact officer
USS Kylo Tol Defiant Class 2385 - 2391
-associate chief Sec/Tact
USS Achilles Prometheus Class 2391-Present day
-Chief Operation Officer

Decoration (IC): Kobayashi Maru “Deadly Dozen club” (Destroy at least Twelve Command Ships in the Simulation)