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04 Aug 2015 @ 6:28pm

Lieutenant JG Suteyo Alahanu

Name Suteyo Leonard Alahanu

Position Investigations Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Capellan
Age 40
Languages Capellan, Federation Standard, Terran English, Imperial Klingon, Colonial Romulan Dialects, Ferengi Merchant Syntax, Cardassian Fleet Standard, Boslic, Andorian, Vulcan, Rigelian, Angosian, Bajoran, Tamarian, Betazoid, Tzenkethi

Physical Appearance

Height 6'9"
Weight 240
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Suteyo is the smallest of his family, and generally small for a Capellan. He is not quite seven feet tall, but is 100% athlete in every respect. He is very strong looking, and towers over most other species he encounters, while able to stare a Klingon down eye to eye. He has short cropped black hair, and typically wears his Kligat on duty by special dispensation granted during the Dominion war. The tribal Tattoo on his arms are his personal legend and covering them a societal taboo, as one of the the only Capellans currently serving he is permitted for a modified uniform with short sleeves.


Spouse Saa'n
Children Same Gender relationship, infertile union- N/A
Father Pleniith Alahanou
Mother Selva
Brother(s) Kracek, Bonto, Coro, Maff
Sister(s) Mardin, Selva, Pael
Other Family Leonard James Akaar, Helo Of Coro Clan

Personality & Traits

General Overview Suteyo is a highly driven and dedicated officer, he isnt very outgoing but has a deep laugh, and appreciation for good people. His voice is a deep baritone and has a deadpan humor that often goes unappreciated. He is innately curious about individuals and cant help but collect data with every conversation. He is never off duty, as he always analyzes everything in his day with the same constant scrutiny, but can be distracted into games with fellow crew every now and then. He doesn't make friends easily, but he makes them for life. As most Capellans would assert, duplicity is "not heard" and he does not lie.
Strengths & Weaknesses Suteyo is relentless in his duties. He is on time and at ramrod attention the whole time. He is unusually flexible and surprisingly graceful. If given a task he will pursue its completion without delay and does not stop for anything. Though he follows orders, he takes too much initiative and often steps on his Commanding officers toes as far as authorized actions taken. He is also a capable swimmer, but not strong in water. His career discipline is infallible, but he will bend or re-interpret regulation as needed to complete the greater good as he sees it.
He has a cunning intuition about intelligent life, he can detect duplicity in the voder of a Medusan through nothing more than context, and is usually correct in his assumptions.
He has a mild bias against Klingons as they repeatedly interfered and armed the clan that hunted his family down.
Ambitions Suteyo desires a chance to work through Starfleet Intelligence and improve the lives of his people. As Capella is in one civil war or another, only special fleet operations go on there and he is forbidden by the ruling family of Capella (the one who hunted his clan to near extinction) from returning.
Hobbies & Interests Suteyo enjoys recreation for the memories he has of open fields and playtime on Capella. He generally hurts his shipmates by accident in sports so he stays to single player or holodeck games for skills and exercise. He also enjoys languages, having learned many of the Alpha/Beta Quadrant major species cultures and languages, he learns as many as he can as he aspires to serve in Intelligence.
He uses the Kligat, but also possesses weapons from other species he has had encountered, Honor blades, Kar'tikan, Mek'Leth, they are decorations only in the display sense, each has blood on them and sees use.

Personal History The A'ahnou clan of Capella III was a proud clan of scholars and artisans, smaller than usual clans but ancient and well respected. However the Klingons fueled an uprising by a large but deposed clan to "reclaim" Capella III from the elitists who "stole" their birthrights. From the hundreds of thousands spread over a continent, to scattered bands of refugees hiding under allies protections his clan was nearly hunted to extinction before Starfleet and other Capellan families intervened. Admiral Leonard Akaar was on the ground during one engagement and the bravery of young Suteyo ended up helping Akaar secure a large group of the family and rescue them all from certain death in the warzone. Akaar offered to sponsor Suteyo to Starfleet as there was no home for him to go to, which he accepted.
At Starfleet, he was pushed into Command training but was unable to grasp the advanced physics a starship was subject too and switched to an Intelligence/Tactical track. His experiences on Capella had made him tough and shrewd, and Capellan society has strong taboos against deceit allowing him to detect lies, duplicity with instant accuracy. His skills have lead him to an Intelligence track where he currently serves as a special investigator, and occasional Deep Cover Operative.
Service Record 2362- USS Rutledge Captain Benjamin Maxwell. Tactical adjutant to the Cardassian Conflict, was part of early operations and saw direct battle at Setlik III as well as other actions during the disputes along the Cardassian Border.
2363- Continued operations with SI in the Bajoran system, took executive action in the event of Gul Darhe'el of the Gallitep Mining facility.
Reprimanded for unsanctioned assassination, Hearing testimony revealed the Gul was committing acts in violation of Federation Standards by murdering Bajorans in the hundreds daily through direct violence, deprivation and labor. Recalled for court martial-results found him in violation of orders with official reprimand, no other actions taken.
Reduced in rank to Ensign, 2nd class.
Re-assigned to SI: Adm. Jellico for further orders.
2363- Redacted by SI. Operations in Neutral zone as vanguard to intrusions across NZ.
2364- Redacted by SI. Operations on earth and greater Starfleet Command investigating possible infiltration by parasitic life forms.
2364-Redacted by SI. Operations involving internal information leaks. Silver Palm awarded. Comments redacted.
2365- Investigation of Borg activity, data. Assigned to Deep Space 5 as Tactical Liaison to SI
2366- Redacted- Assigned to task force providing support to High council during Klingon Civil War.
2369- Reassigned to Bajor to aid resistance in Cardassian opposition. Was instrumental in liberating many of the labor camps fueling the finally months of open warfare.
2370- Continued involvement in Bajoran system with emphasis on Maquis development. Developed ties to several vessels allowing other SI operatives to infiltrate Maquis vessels.
2370-Aided in deposing "The Circle" Bajoran extremists. Cover was blown against orders but DS9 was recovered in part due to actions taken, no reprimand though SI will not assign him to Bajoran sector again for concerns of his objectivity. Christopher Pike Medal of Valor rescinded.
2370- U.S.S. Helios is assigned to explore the Gamma Quadrant, to gather intel on Dominion. Attached as Tactical Officer, 3rd grade. Lt. Commander Nolan notes "Very intelligent, but needs to adhere to Chain of Command better. Prefers to work alone."
2371- Helios recalled after disastrous Romulan-Cardassian task force annihilated at false homeworld of Founders. Intel returned was substantial, rates of production, basic scope and size of Dominion, member races and make-up... re-assigned to SI task force to liberate Allied POW's.
2372- Assigned to the U.S.S. London, a troop carrier for frontline action against the Klingons. Starfleet Extended Tour Ribbon awarded, Star Cross Awarded
2373- Redacted- re-assigned to join SI task force investigating Founder intrusions.
2373- Under special orders, rejoined the Ibex for covert ops against Dominion facilities in Cardassian Space. Given loose orders to disrupt and hamper efforts, remove priority targets when able.
2375- Removed from action due to severe injuries on the run as Damar's resistance cells were wiped out by Dominion troops. R&R assigned, light duty to follow. Leg injury for remainder of career likely. Starfleet Medal of Valor awarded. First Legate Sida Torran comments, "We were dead, all of us. As I lay bleeding he was still working the controls... we survived through his vigilance."
2375- Offered position aboard U.S.S. Hood as Tactical Officer 1st class, promoted Lt. Jr. grade. Accepted with demerits on file acquitted. Service with SI suspended until further notice.
2376- Starfleet Medal of Commendation- Actions performed under duress by boarding action from renegade Mirror universe insurgents. Captain DeSoto comments "He had a choice, two of us, looking identical, and he made it. I couldn't have been so certain, but he just knew... And He made the right call, he always seems to."
2379- USS Hood assigned to Battle Group Omega, field promoted to Lt.
2382- Joint operations with U.S.S. Titan, Temporarily re-assigned to U.S.S. Titan for duration of Romulan Conflict
2383- Offered Previous position on U.S.S. Hood, declined for further field work in SI, in his home sector. Granted by Adm Omuz for 3 year tour in Capellan Sector.
2386- Tour entry complete, Successful results in establishing a stable confederated assembly of the Ten Tribes. Overtures of modern medicine and educational aid accepted from Federation for first time in Species history with UFP. Preliminary talks opened with Diplomatic Corps. Star Cross awarded.
2386- Training position requested for duration of service term, stationed at Deep Space 5 for extended training tours with cadet crews.
2388- Re-Applied to SI as Investigator, transfer to U.S.S. Achilles upon completion of current tour
2389- Transfer to U.S.S. Achilles