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18 Apr 2015 @ 10:41pm

Lieutenant JG Giada Lindert

Name Giada Hadley Lindert

Position Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 33
Languages Federation Standard, Italian, Spanish, Vulcan

Physical Appearance

Height 5'7"
Weight 142 lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description While on duty Giada will keep her hair in a bun and off the collar. Off duty, she is often found in jeans and a t-shirt. Her hair is sometimes in a ponytail, or just loose and she sports her West Point ring on her right ring finger.

Giada's standard equipment consists of a hand phaser modified with a pistol grip, stun baton, tricorder, and knife.


Spouse N/A
Children N/A
Father Alano Lindert
Mother Elena Pendola Lindert
Brother(s) Michael Lindert
Sister(s) Clarissa Morrison
Other Family Richard Lindert, Karin Schmidt, Todd Schroeder, Arline Troy, Aeliana Pendola , Elden Morrison

Personality & Traits

General Overview Giada respects the chain of command, although she will circumvent it if need be. Distrustful of Romulans & Klingons, wary of Vulcans. Giada tends to have a clear vision of how things should be accomplished and is willing to step into the leadership position to achieve that vision. Having started her career in the enlisted ranks, Giada respects their opinions and experience.

Being the middle child, Giada quickly learned how to be self sufficient.
Ambitions Giada is unsure of what path her future will take. At this point she is likely to make a career out of Starfleet, although if the right position on a frontier world opened up she would seriously consider leaving Starfleet.
Hobbies & Interests Swimming, Skiing, Guitar, Jiu-jitsu, Krav-maga

Personal History Childhood:

Giada, (pronounced Jada), was born and raised on the Zephera colony. Her mother was a school teacher, and her father worked as a news reporter. The mountainous terrain and long winters of the Saeulia province resulted in Giada learning how to ski at an early age. As she matured,she would often spent a portion of winter vacation on ski trips.

When there wasn't enough snow on the ground to facilitate skiing, Giada would frequently join other youth at a local swimming pool. In junior high she joined the school swim team, and continued that trend during high school.

Her mother ensured all the children learned Italian alongside English. Not only did she feel it was good to learn a second language, but it helped them remember their Italian heritage. In high school Giada took Spanish classes to fill the language requirement as it shared a common ancestry with Italian.

Upon graduation from high school in 2149, Giada knew she didn't want to follow her brother who signed on with a freighter crew. While deciding on her future plans, Giada worked at the local space-dock as a cargo handler. It was there she saw a recruiting poster for the MACO which caught her eye. Deciding it provided an exciting career, plus a way off the Zephera colony, Giada soon signed the enlistment papers.

In January 2150, Giada found herself on a transport to Delta Pavonis in order to attend MACO Basic Training. Twelve weeks later she graduated with the rank of Private First Class. From there, she spent another two months in infantry school.

Upon completion of infantry school, she was assigned to the 55th MACO Squadron. While with the 55th Giada didn't see formal combat action, but did assist in the apprehension of a group of raiders who had been harassing local trade routes. Giada served with the Squadron for almost 2 years before she left for West Point Military Academy on Earth. She did so at the urging of her commanding officer who saw leadership potential and encouraged her to work towards a commission.
West Point Military Academy:

In July of 2152, Giada became a fourth class cadet at West Point. As the Cadets were required to join in some sort of structured athletics program, Giada joined the West Point swimming & diving team. During her third year at West Point, Giada and the rest of the team defeated a team from Starfleet Academy . That same year, Giada joined a squad for the annual Sandhurst Competition. While they placed 10th overall, a different West Point squad won the competition, with a squad from Sandhurst taking second, and one from Starfleet placing third.West Point also defeated Starfleet in the annual Football game making the 2154-2155 academic year a high point for the Black Knights.

In March of 2156, the cadets were released for spring break with little indication of the drastic changes that would shortly affect them. Word soon came in that the Romulans had launched an attack on Station Salem One. While the United Earth government and the Coalition of Planets met to discuss their response, the cadets were recalled to the Academy. Unsurprisingly there was an overwhelming vote to declare war on the Romulan Empire. The first class cadets were informed that barring any sudden need for extra troops on the front-lines, they were still on track to graduate the first week in June. Despite that, they were told their original assignments may be modified due to the conflict. Due to her major in International Relations, Giada was slated to assigned to the embassy on Andoria. However, she was informed that instead she was to join the 349th MACO Battalion.

Romulan War:

The 349th was assigned to the planet Adrarth located near the Romulan border. Previously uninhabited, it had been turned into a forward operating base at the outbreak of hostilities. Those stationed there were expecting to take the fight to the Romulans, but those plans never fully panned out. The Romulans never personally engaged Starfleet in ground battles. Instead they either bombarded the planets from orbit, or used mercenaries to engaged in ground battles.

A few months after arriving at Adrarth, Giada was assigned to the Intrepid Type starship, UES Polaris. In late 2157, the Polaris responded to a distress call from the Denobulan colony of Chendri which had fallen under attack. The MACO were transported to the surface in order to supplement the local security forces. Together they were able to hold off the hostile forces long enough to evacuate the civilian population.

The Polaris was destroyed 3 weeks later by a Romulan Warbird, which necessitated Giada’s transfer to the Daedalus class UES Ares. In August of 2159, Starfleet learned the Romulans were using Sector 2148 as a staging ground for a planned invasion of the Sol system. Launching a preemptive strike, Starfleet was able to drive out the Romulans but a the cost of several hundred troops and multiple starships. Suffering major injuries during the battle, Giada was sent back to Earth to recuperate.

After the Battle of Cheron and the resulting peace treaty between the Coalition of Planets and the Romulan Empire, the MACO once again had to adjust to the new climate. The creation of the Romulan neutral zone meant many troops would be stationed along or the Starfleet side in order to provide a quick response should another conflict break out. However, the lack of an active enemy meant the MACO would likely be downsized in the coming years.

Therefore when Starfleet offered security positions for current or former members of the MACO, Giada took the opportunity. She was given a commission in Starfleet equal to her current rank with the MACO and the position of assistant security chief aboard the Starship Nansen. As the NX-Class vessel had yet to be built, Giada was temporarily assigned to work security at Starfleet Command. It was in this role that she helped ensure the safety of the the signing of the Federation charter in August of 2161.

In October of that same year, the USS Nansen was launched from the San Francisco Fleet Yards. The ship was assigned to the Zostradus sector, the edge of which bordered the Neutral Zone. In late December the crew of the Nansen responded to a distress call from the inhabitants of New Klevia. It was soon discovered they were suffering from what would become known as the Useon virus. The ship remained in orbit for several weeks until a cure was developed and distributed to the population.

Loss and Reappearance:
The Nansen’s report of success at New Kleva was the last report received by Starfleet. A search was conducted for the starship, but when no signs were found after 2 months, the ship was officially declared lost with all hands. In November of 2387 the ship was discovered by the USS Canberra, battered but intact. An investigation by Starfleet and Temporal Investigations revealed the Nansen had traveled through a temporal anomaly. The decision was made not to send the crew back to their original timeline, but to allow them to remain in the present. Severely damaged, the Nansen was towed back to the Sol System by the Canberra. Thanks to the efforts of both ship's engineering teams, the Nansen was able to make the entry into the Sol System under her own power.

Modern Starfleet:
During the trip to Earth, Giada made the decision to join the modern day Starfleet. With 200+ years to get caught up on, Giada enrolled in Starfleet Academy as a security major. During her time at Starfleet Academy, she took interest in both the Cardassian and Dominion Wars. While not around for the rise and fall of the Maquis, Giada made some waves for her retroactive support of their cause.
Despite the time-gap, Giada's previous training enabled her to complete the Academy in less time than the standard 4 years.

USS Achilles:
Upon graduation from Starfleet Academy in 2390, for reasons known only to Starfleet Command, Giada was assigned to assist with the Romulan relief effort. A year after graduation, Giada was promoted to Lt j.g and re-assigned to the USS Achilles as Assistant Security Chief.
Service Record January-March 2150: MACO Basic Training @ Delta Pavonis

March-May 2150: MACO Infantry School @ Delta Pavonis

June 2150-June 2152: Private First Class, 55th MACO Squadron.

July 2152-June 2156: Cadet @ West Point Military Academy, Earth

2156: 2nd Lt, 349th MACO Battalion @ Adrarth

2156-2158: MACO on-board UES Polaris (2 Lt/1 Lt.)

2158: Promoted to First Lieutenant

2158-2159: MACO on-board UES Ares (1 Lt)

2159-2160: Patient @ Kocher medical facility, Earth

2160: Transferred Commission to Starfleet with rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade

2160-2161: Starfleet Security, Earth ( Lt. j.g.)

2161-2162: Assistant Security Chief, USS Nansen (Lt. j.g.)

2162-2387: Temporal Anomaly

2388-2390: Cadet @ Starfleet Academy

2390-2391: Ensign; Romulan Relief Effort

2391-Present: Assistant Security Chief, USS Achilles (Lt. j.g.)

Awards Received:
Purple Heart
Romulan War Service Medal
Bronze Star
Honor Grad- West Point Military Academy
Extended Tour Ribbon
Marksmanship ribbon: Rifle and Small arms