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21 Feb 2015 @ 5:05pm

Lieutenant JG Kassi Denterius

Name Kassi Lillian Denterius

Position Assistant Chief Operations Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human/Bajoran
Age 35
Languages English

Physical Appearance

Height 5'6
Weight 150
Hair Color Blond
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Taking after the human race with her light complexion. She is slender built that seems to be mostly legs. Long blond hair often held back in a braid to keep it out of the way. The Bajoran wrinkles across her nose give way of her half breed bloodline. On the outside, she looks mostly human. On the inside though her body works as a Bajoran's.


Father Birth Father - Unkown. Her Adopted Father is retired Captain Fredrick Denterius
Mother Birth Mother - Unknown. Her Adopted Mother Angelica Denterius is a Civilian medic.
Brother(s) Twin brother -Sven

Personality & Traits

General Overview When given a job to do she sets out to do it, and most often then not she won't stop till it's done. Quiet at first around new people, it usually doesn't take her long to open up.
Strengths & Weaknesses Once she gets over her bout of nervousness, she is usually confident and sure of herself . At times a bit of a perfectionist in her ways. Though she appears strong and keeps her emotions in check, once she gets to really know and trust you enough to relax and open up. You will see she wears her heart on her arm.
Ambitions Her ambition for now is to lean all she can about the running of the ship.. One station at a time. And see just where life can take her.
Hobbies & Interests Reading, writing and drawing are some of the things that she enjoys doing in her downtime. She also enjoys singing, though few know that. Track, and Yoga the sports of choice for her keep her active. And of course horseback riding and camping.

Personal History No one could have expected the battle to go that way. The Captain's ship while intact had suffered many loses. They were on a mission to pick up refugees from a planet under threat. The ship was attacked and barely made it away. The refugee manifest taken, and there were two infants, obviously of Bajoran decent. No one knew where they came from. And when the time came, none of the refugees would claim the children. So, Starfleet took them under it's care. The Captain of that ship, was first in line to adopt the children. Feeling someone responsibility for them, like he was given their stewardship by some higher power.

Kassi was raised as a normal healthy girl. She spent the next two years with her brother on board the USS Franklin. Until Captain Denterius retired to the Mars Station to live the quiet life and raise the two beautiful children they were gifted with. Her parents made no intention to hide from her the Bajoran culture. In fact every time a Bajoran Diplomat came to the Station, the retired Captain ensured his children would get the opportunity to speak to him or her, and learn little things, nuances.

Growing up with StarFleet parents it was only natural for them to go into the Academy. Not surprisingly, she went into operations, having always being the one to want to know why and how things work. Excelling in it, she seemed to only struggle with any medical classes, even though her mother and best friend were nurses. Graduating in the top ten of her class. She was ready for whatever Starfleet gave her.

With her first assignment being on the Sunbird, Kassi did a lot of growing in her positions. Learning things in the academy was nothing like living it and having to deal with any little thing that was thrown at her in a time one wouldn't think was possible. Proving herself time after time, she started up the ranks and had plans to keep doing that. At least till she was handed new orders. A transfer was to happen.
Service Record 24XXXX.XX- Entered the Academy
24XXXX.XX- Transfered to USS Sunbird
24XXXX.XX - Promoted to Ensign
24XXXX.XX - Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade
24XXXX.XX - Transfered to USS Achilles