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The Honor is to Serve - Part 1

Posted on 08 Jan 2015 @ 4:21am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Master Chief Petty Officer Lance Nelson & Gunnery Sergeant Jason Frey & Lieutenant Kordah Himars & Lieutenant Elas Vonti & Major Richard Sharpe & Lieutenant JG Kassi Denterius & Lieutenant JG Giada Lindert & Lieutenant JG Tobias Todd & Ensign Karrak
Edited on on 23 Mar 2015 @ 4:10am

1,072 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M13-A: From the Old to the New
Location: Various


[Ready Room]

Sitting back Da`nal reviewed his work and being satisfied he summoned his yeoman and re-reviewed it while he waited.

...message reads...

TO: Starfleet OPM, Federation Diplomatic Core, Klingon Ambassador, Romulan Ambassador

SUBJECT: Request for personnel and Diplomatic representation.

A mission of historical proportions is available to those will to accept the honor of representing the Federation, the Klingon Empire, and the Romulan Star Empire. This mission is the exploration of the Alpha quadrant and Gamma quadrant; space between the the edge of Cardassian space and the Idran end of the Bajoran wormhole.

This mission could last well over 70 years and if successful will be of historic proportions. Starfleet personnel wishing to serve should contact Commander Travis Stone. Ambassadorial representatives can contact Commodore Da`nal.

Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal
Commanding Officer
USS Achilles NCC-181450-A

Da`nal had already spoken to a few people and offered them a posting. He was glad that his former yeoman had accepted his offer and resumed his old position and he looked up as he entered his ready room.

"That message ready sir?"

"It is...see it is sent out immediately to OPM, the Klingon, and Romulan embassies as well as directly to our former shipmates."

"Roger that." Lance headed back to his deck and first fired the message off to the official offices the to the former crew. He knew of several that would jump at the chance. That done he contacted a few people to make other arrangements.

Da`nal replicated a drink and relaxed a bit; now all he had to do was wait. In the mean time he go up and went to get to know his ship better.

[SB 145]

Karrak heard the message and jumped at the chance. He sent a message to Commander Stone to say he was in. The first Gorn in Starfleet would be part of the Achilles. He started packing and getting ready to come back to the Achilles and put in for a transfer there.

[Hobus Relief Zone- Reman Re-settlement colony Pixus]

"Kiscad?" A young Romulan ran into the bustling Community Center, his expression Quizzical as he searched for one Reman amidst hundreds. Pixus had become a haven for Romulans and Remans alike, it was so similar to the weather on Remus, and was even nice around the Equatorial regions. Romulans preferred the warmth, but Remans thrived in the cold and dark. This world was well within Federation space, and for the first time, there was actually hope for the Reman people,

"Aleriy, over here." Kiscad had an acquired skill for learning names, it had served him well in the diplomatic role he had been thrust into. Now, out of rote instinct he made it a mandate to know everyone around him.

The young cadet, clearly still in the new Stellar Operations academy the Vulcans and Starfleet had built here smiled that his search was over and approached Kiscad at his desk. "Here sire, a message from Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal, Commanding Officer USS Achilles NCC-181450-A

Kiscad let himself bear a grimace, the Achilles was lost, there would soon be a "B" on that prefix. Nonetheless, a contact from the Commodore was not expected. Kiscad's brief sojourn on the Achilles, had been exciting, but he had mostly been along for the ride. After reading it, there was no hesitation in his mind. There would be a Reman presence on this ship, his people were not sitting idly by in history anymore. He had a few calls to make, before he answered this one.

[Federation Embassy: Abluna]

Entering her quarters after work, Giada noticed the message indicator light was flashing on her console. Opening the message she was surprised to find it was from Commodore Da`nal. Apparently Starfleet felt the demotion was enough of a punishment, because now he was being placed in charge of an exploratory mission of epic proportions. While she was just getting settled into her current job, and it had the possibility to help advance her career, the mission proposed by the Commodore was a take it or leave it offer simply by the nature of logistics. Plus there was the lure of the unknown, which was the heart of Starfleet's mission.
After reading the message over several times, Giada sent a reply back. The Embassy staff wouldn't be happy with her departure, but she was sure Da'nal would pull the appropriate strings for her reassignment.

[Camp Anzac, Romulan DMZ]

Richard Sharpe, commanding a company of light infantry, sat in the field with a pair of range-finder goggles, watching his company perform a series of routine evolutions. This was a very green unit, comprising of a handful of veterans to bolster the ninety-five percent of the raw recruits just in from basic. He had balked when the Colonel had assigned him this command shortly after his arrival, following the Achilles court-martial. The assignment department at HQMC had not been kind to him, sending him out to the DMZ, to join a Brigade assigned to the Tau Juri Outpost, a forlorn place on a desert planet just on the border of the DMZ.

His company XO came over to Sharpe, saluted, and handed over a PADD. "Comm came in for you sir." He said, and went back over to the C&C tent that the Company HQ section were manning. These were the comm gear, up link units and other bits of gear that were required to command and control a company in the field - apparently.

Richard read the PADD, and smiled. So, the grizzly old Klingon had got himself another command after all. Sharpe had feared that the dishonored and demoted Commodore would find himself sitting behind a desk for the rest of time, after the mutiny antics aboard the Achilles. But it seemed that someone had a guardian angel on his side, not only did he have a new command, but a new ship to go with it. He picked himself up off the dune, and walked back down to his command tent.

"Send a comm directly to Commodore Da'nal, inform him that Captain Richard Sharpe will be joining him for his epic voyage." Sharpe instructed. "Also, inform Colonel Dupont that I'm requesting a transfer. You have command Lieutenant Savage." With that, Richard got into a convenient land vehicle, and sped back to HQ.



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