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For Duty...Part 4

Posted on 25 Oct 2014 @ 11:35pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Robert Williams & Ensign Jessica Logan (PNPC) & Sergeant Major Arcenio Velez & Gunnery Sergeant Jason Frey & Commander Travis Stone & Commander Karen Myles & Lieutenant Kordah Himars & Lieutenant Elas Vonti & Major Richard Sharpe & Lieutenant Caleb Gray & Lieutenant JG Suteyo Alahanu & Lieutenant JG Kassi Denterius & Lieutenant JG Tobias Todd & Ensign Tomek Dardos & Civilian Capim Jothy & Lieutenant JG Alana Tambor
Edited on on 25 Oct 2014 @ 11:47pm

2,395 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: M12: For Duty or Honor
Timeline: MD 6 - 0632

Kordah looked to the XO, but, didn't say a thing, for he knew XO was in the right for doing this and he wasn't going to question the senior officer appointed over him in this and awaited for this orders. However he was going to lend an hand to the Admiral later when needed against the cowardly peta'Q for striking down the Admiral's father, for it was the klingon way, plus, he thinking over what the Admiral stated as well and wondered how he was going to help his CO.

Suteyo stood stock still near the turbolift exit. During the exchange he had nearly bolted but discipline stayed his hand. Rightfully so as the Admiral allowed himself to be removed. Suteyo saw the Marine bodyguard perform the disarm and arrest with disdain. Travis was taking over with his internal loyalties, using regs and the computer to justify his stance. No, he would not stand for this, but he had to play it smart for now. He gave the smallest glance to Da'nal, and an upward tilt of his chin, otherwise saying nothing, doing nothing.

Lower lip nipped within the grasp of her teeth as she looked to the Commanding officer as they lead him away. This had been a first for her to see, yet she knew the XO was right in what he'd done after all it was one of the lessons all officers learned well over the years. After all that Da'nal had just witnessed, he wasn't thinking straight and needed time to mourn or fight out his pain as Klingons tended to do. Though hearing her own Chief, she couldn't help but to wonder if he agree'ed, or he he'd felt they should have sought out the Commanders revenge now. It wasn't the time to ask though, who knew if it ever would be, though she did give him a shy glance.

[Deck One - Outside the bridge]

Once off the bridge Jason had called for the lift and when it opened and Intel type he hadn't met practically ran into them.

Caleb raised an eyebrow and stared at the Marine escorting the Admiral that stepped off the lift toward him. For some reason they must have figured he didn't give them enough space to walk through given the way they almost pushed their way through him. A sour impression to say the least. Then again, Caleb was used to working alone, so manners on a Starfleet ship were bound to be different than the places he had spent the last few years. Not only that, but he was dealing with a Klingon and a Marine here. After all, there was a reason stereotypes existed. Regardless, fortune seemed to be working against him on this day. There was nothing more the agent would have liked to have done than to follow the Klingon to some secluded place and confront him, but with the Klingons nipping at them, survival was the order of the day. For now at least. With a careful eye on the Admiral, Caleb stepped into the lift and waited for the doors to close so he could be whooshed away to the bridge where his services would likely be needed if they were to get through this alive.

Her face was sour as she walked toward them. "Admirals biggest pains in the asses the galaxy has to offer." Karen said flatly. "I can't access a computer terminal without getting hit with ten notifications that you need to be checked out." A safety measure to ensure the regulations weren't being abused, a fast response time by a physician to check for abnormalities or attest to extreme emotional state could also save a career from ending.

She looked at the two men now stood with Da'nal. "Let's go, he needs to be in his quarters, and I don't have all day." She motioned to the open turbolift door.

Jason's head darted to the Doctor. He had seen the anger rise on his features at her comment but for some reason the Admiral said nothing and simply entered the lift. Jason on the other hand, "Show some respect ma`am...I would think an officer of your rank would know better!" With that he stepped into the lift and closed the door leaving the officers where they stood.

[Marine Country]

Down in the bowels of the ship, Captain Sharpe felt the jolts of the impacts against the ship - and wondered at what point he and his people would be needed. The annoying thing about his role was that he only got information on an as-needed basis, so he was completely obvious to the events on the bridge. He'd gone up there earlier on, and had been at the staff meeting, but his duty was down here - so here he'd come after the meeting. He'd left SSgt Frey in charge of the marine detail on the bridge, and was due a report from the Sergeant in ten minutes.

The Red Alert had the Marines gearing up, armor and rifles included. When the first impacts hit the ship, Jason and others braced and wondered what in the world was going on now. Unfortunately, there was no news yet, and they were now forced to wait on the Captain's word before they could do anything.

[IRW Dhelan]

The movements of and aboard the Achilles had been interesting. Isha was determined that Da'nal would not know she had followed unless her presence was necessary. However she would not leave her defence entirely to a force that could flit away as a greater duty called.

"Hang back, tr'Vainlli," she instructed, "and maintain cloak. No communications. We wait."

[USS Achilles - Bridge]

Walking to the command chair, he shook his head and pressed the button for the ship-wide all call. After the familiar tone sounded through the ship, he took care to look every person on the bridge in the eyes so they would know he meant this. "Achilles crew this is Executive Officer Stone. Due to the personal attacks on Admiral Da'nal and his family by renegade Klingons, I have been forced by regulations to remove him temporarily from command of the Achilles. Most of you do not know me yet, however the record of this ship and crew stands on its own. I fully expect you all to act within the oath you took as fleet officers. Anyone with concerns or worries, bring them to your department head who will then bring it to my attention."

Kordah had a feeling that Admiral was going to do something rash, at least in the eyes of the Starfleet, but, he remain quiet knowing that what he just saw firsthand with the Admiral's father, was that the Admiral was going to find an way to bring Honor back to his house and family. He knew this, but, said nothing of it. It was for the Admiral as he stated before departing. However, the no house, any house that was allied with the house of Duras during the Klingon civil war, hoped he got his point across to the Admiral that he was going to risk his own career in aiding an fellow warrior.


Elas had been assisting in Sickbay, largely busy with minor injuries from the scuffle on their retreat. The announcement of Travis Stone taking command however, made him stop mid procedure. He clicked his fingers for a nurse to finish, she scolded him but he was already on his way out the door. He also realized along the way he had not taken his medicine for the day, the thoughts of nearby crew were seeping in. He held them at bay until he felt Ayrens presence flare in his mind, they were both in trouble.

=/\= Elas to Commander Myles, I am on my way to Admiral Da'nal's quarters, meet me there as soon as possible.

[USS Achilles - Bridge - Science Station]

The events unfolding on the bridge had been disturbing to say the least. Not emotionally, no, but it went against everything Tobias had learned at the academy and since. His own emotions boiled far beneath the surface, held in check by programs and algorithms but even as his hands flew over the console to tackle the immense data streams from the sensor arrays he was too aware of a difficult decision he was making.


Tomek groaned as he unbuckled from his secure seat where he rested during a red alert. After all, what else could he do? He grabbed his phaser that he had requisitioned for the reason of, "pacifying my patients." He also threw in a roll of medical tape into his belt. He was off to rescue the Admiral.

As he strode out of the science department, he thought about his reasons. The Admiral was a good man, a rare somebody that Tomek could actually converse with. He liked him. Tomek couldn't begin to understand why the Admiral would have been removed from rank. Perhaps there were traitors aboard the ship? He knew the Admiral, and would not believe that he would be demoted for something little. He reached the turbolift, and keyed in the floor which contained the Admiral's private room. That was where he would most likely be kept. Tomek was off to break him out.

[Marine Country]

Velez looked over to Sharpe, "What the F....who the hell is Commander Stone?!"

"New XO, just joined." Sharpe replied, grimly. "Apparently, he doesn't waste any time, and clearly has ambitions, since he just performed a coup against the Admiral." Richard checked his logs. "You heard from Frey yet, Sergeant Major?"

"As the Admiral's guard he is no doubt escorting him to his quarters..." A beep sounded on a console in the Marine CIC, "...confirmed he has just requested a guard detail to be sent to the Admiral's quarter. This is going to be one hell of a day..."

[Poisoned Arrow]

Capim had locked up the stores and prepared his wardroom for the worst, Arran was prowling the empty space looking for something to Kill, the sentiment was finally welcome. Commander Stone had not been on board long, Capim doubted the man knew what he was getting into. Arran growled at a civilian specialist and chased them out of the bar, chortling with delight at her high pitched peal of terror.

[Infirmary Ward-Sickbay adjacent]

Alana was no doctor, but the inherent nature of her abilities afforded many of the same skills. He uncanny ability to lay hands and understand the injury allowed her to triage the patients effectively. Only seventeen injured, and thanks to her graces a few of them had been treated in minutes and returned to duty. Only four remained after twenty minutes of their efforts. She worried about the crew, as she felt the divided loyalties. She hoped the doctor or the counselor could lend stability to the situation, it was getting out of control.

[Transporter Room]

Tyce Backo was thigh deep in the transporter pad, of course the first shot had blown out the transporters primary buffer. they had the auxiliary working, but that was insufficient of course. Twisting two spars out of their housing the sudden release caused him to nag his elbow on the conduit wall behind him. As he was alone he allowed himself the luxury of screaming in pain and great indulgence of colorful vocabulary. Such was his cadence of anesthetic vulgarity that he missed the majority of the announcement that the XO made. Shrugging and assuming he would be given orders if they needed him he resumed the replacement of the fried buffer panel.

[Deck 3]

SSgt Jason Frey followed the Admiral from the lift as the XO's announcement sounded throughout the ship. The vast majority of the crew didn't know this man from atom...but he know the Admiral...what ever he had intended he had no doubt he intended to face all those ships alone. He had to believe that. Ignoring the announcement, the looks of astonishment, but nodded to those who snapped to attention as they passed.

As pair approached the Admiral's quarters a pair of blue uniforms were there to meet them. He recognized one of them as the ships counselor but he did not know the other. Jason shook his head and stopped them from approaching the Admiral. "Not now. What ever needs to be done can wait."

[Admiral's Quarters]

He followed the Admiral into his quarters with invitation and as the doors closed the Admiral turned on him.

"Your post is outside!"

Slinging his weapon and letting it hang behind him. "My post, Sir, is at your side..." Removing the Admiral's weapon from his belt he held it out to him. " matter what."

Da`nal looked at him for a moment. "I am honored, but what I must do I must do alone."

"Like hell….Sir. You risked your, crew, your ship, and yourself to get reinforcements to us during the Kzinti war. You'll have to kill me to keep me before I let you stand alone."

A snarling grin spread over his features. "We move tonight." Their options were limited but Da`nal filled him in on what was needed and why.

Nodding sharply he stepped outside and activated his commbadge, calling for two Marines to stand guard at the Admiral's door. He didn't have to wait long as they came running up.

"What the hell's going on Staff Sergeant?"

"No one is allowed in...or out. I have to report to Sharpe", he told them. With that Jason moved off to do what was needed.

Rear-Admiral Da`nal
CO - Stripped of Command

Commander Travis Stone
XO - Running things now

Commander Karen Myles, MD, PhD
Chief Medical Officer

Captain Richard Sharpe

Lt. Kordah Himars
Chief Operations Office

Lieutenant Caleb Gray
Chief Intelligence Officer

Lt. Elas Vonti

Ltjg. Giada Lindert

Lt. Robert Wallace MD
Medical Officer

Lieutenant JG Tobias Todd
Chief Science Officer

Ltjg. Tyce Backo
Asst CEO

Ltjg. Alana Tambor

Ltjg. Suteyo Alahanu
Investigations Officer

Ltjg. Kassi Denterius
Asst. Chief of Operations

Ens. Tomek Dardos

Ens. Jessica Logan
Operations Officer

SgtMaj Arcenio Velez
Marine Senior SNCO

SSgt Jason Frey
Marine Recon/Admiral's Personal Guard

Capim Jothy
Lounge Manager

Isha t'Khellian
Romulan Ambassador

Toran of the House of Moqrhat
Former Klingon Ambassador to the Federation


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