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For Duty...Part 3

Posted on 25 Oct 2014 @ 10:42pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Gunnery Sergeant Jason Frey & Commander Travis Stone & Lieutenant Kordah Himars & Lieutenant JG Suteyo Alahanu & Lieutenant JG Kassi Denterius & Lieutenant JG Giada Lindert
Edited on on 25 Oct 2014 @ 10:44pm

1,513 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: M12: For Duty or Honor
Timeline: MD 6 - 0628

[IKV Hed'not]

Toran smirked with any annoyed grin as he looked up from the dead body that had been the head of the House of Varal, "I declare the House of Varal to be no more and claim all holdings, property, and warriors to now be...mine!" With that he closed the channel. "Get rid of that, and destroy that ship!"

[USS Achilles]

"Damn" was all Kordah had to say upon seeing what took place on the view screen. However, he didn't have time to dwell on things such as that currently. The Bajoran Klingon moved his hands over the controls, making sure, damage control personnel was ready, let alone monitor the status of the ship for the on coming attack.

Kassi too had been in shock by what had just happened, though now wasn't the time to let herself dwell on it. She needed to keep focused on what she was doing, making sure her chief had the most updated reports on the ship and running extra scans as needed. At times a fleeting motion of her hand to point things out to Kordah to alert him of something she wanted to make sure he hadn't missed.

The silence on the bridge was deafening and Da`nal's rage was blinding. The silence was broken as the ship began to take hits.

"Sir, we're taking fire from the Klingon vessels! What are your orders?"

He was no longer mentally in thinking like a Federation officer but was in full Klingon mode. His only thought was to avenge his father and get through the formation to his families stronghold to save his children. "EVASIVE! ENGAGE MULTI-VECTOR ASSAULT!" TARGET TORAN'S SHIP...!"

From her understanding of the Rules of Engagement, returning fire would be justified. However, without backup the Achilles was largely outgunned and Giada didn't survive the Romulan war and a trip through time in order to commit suicide.

Suteyo stood at the relief position, it was hard to stay put when so much was going on, he sincerely hoped there wouldn't be boarding action, but loosened the clasp over his Kligat anyway. It occurred to him that the Admiral was not acting rational, but a Klingon in a rage was deadly, and they needed deadly at the moment. The bridge would not fall to any enemy on his watch; that was his role.

If there was ever a textbook example of a bad situation made worse, this was probably it. While he understood the need and desire for the Admiral to take revenge, even a quick glance to tactical showed there were too many ships even for the multi-vector mode to handle. They needed to get out of here, regroup, and then come back to fix the issue. "Belay that order. Admiral; we're significantly outnumbered here, even with multi-vector, we will not serve any purpose dying here today. We need to withdraw, regroup, and then try this again." Travis was attempting to use every possible recourse to get the man to come back to his senses, but he doubted it would work, was he on the edge of a mutiny?

"Admiral sir, I respectfully decline to carry out the order. Doing so will place the ship and crew in unnecessary danger."

By siding with the XO, Giada knew she just took sides in a potential internal conflict among the crew. Worst case scenario she would get discharged from Starfleet for insubordination. If that happened, she would sign on with a civilian freighter. They would be glad to have someone with her experience to help protect the cargo.

Suteyo was unsure, the Admiral hadn't shown clear incompetence or disregard, Travis was skirting the line close. This would come down to the CMO or the CCO which didn't help him. A memory of long ago, of his brothers and family riding on the plains in one of vast plains of Capella. He had learned a mans word was his bond, that loyalty once pledged was meant to be irrevocable. Suteyo had only to ask himself, "Would Da'nal stand for me?" His belief was the Klingon would, and had proven his loyalty to be worthy. He made his mind, hoping it wouldn't come to a mutiny.

Kassi froze for a moment hearing those orders, not that they pertained directly to her after all she was simply assisting her Chief. But then, in a way they did. Da'Nal had just put them all in even more danger, not that she blamed him... but... was it the right thing to do? Her gaze drifted in a silent questioning look to Kordah before taking a deep breath and once more throwing herself into her work. For the time, she had to wait and see how this would play out.

Reguardless for the power play now taking place Lucas began a series of evasive maneuvers to keep the Achilles from taking to bad a beating until those in charge pulled their collective heads out and dealt with the Klingon fleet now moving on their position.

Da`nal spun his chair and in one step was on the outer ring of the bridge. Pointing to Lindert as spittle flew as he spoke. "OBEY MY ORDERS!" His other hand had gone to the small of his back and drawn the blade he kept there.

SSgt Frey saw the move; his duties were to protect the Admiral from others but now he had to protect him from himself. Risking injury he grabbed the blade from underneath and twisted out of the Admiral's hand and tossed it away.

In pure reflex he spun and with a double strike sent Frey flying back then he spun Travis. From behind him he heard Frey shout..."ADMIRAL!", but it was the echo in his mind that caused him to pause. He was still in an provocative stance but he didn't move. Da`nal had heard a voice in his mind cry out and even as the Commander spoke. ~Ayren?~, he stood erect had been brought out of his rage enough for reason to take hold. He didn't say anything but looked around to the bridge crew.

Travis had expected the violent rejection, and sadly was prepared for it. He knew deep down that this single act was going to tear the crew apart, and there was going to be a lot of anguish from it. Using the training he had as a Marine NCO, his voice and expression went totally devoid of emotion. "Admiral, in accordance with Regulation six-one-nine, due to your emotional state and irrational behavior, I hereby relieve you of command. Security, remove the Admiral from the bridge and escort him to his quarters until medical can clear him for duty. Helm, get us out of here, preferably in one piece but I will take alive and functional." He really didn't think Da'nal would leave the bridge, so there was one more step that had to be done. "Computer, authenticate Command authorization code two-five-bravo-delta-three-five-quebec. Commander Stone, Travis, acting executive officer USS Achilles. Regulation 619 is in effect, suspend command codes for Admiral Da'nal, Commanding Officer, USS Achilles until released by the Chief Medical Officer or Chief Counselor." And now, he had to wait.

Jason was now on his feet and he had belted the Admiral's knife. The Commander maybe new here and right or wrong, the regs were on his side. Stepping up to the Admiral's side he extended to the door, he didn't need to be told to escort the Admiral to his quarters. "Admiral if you will come with me please."

Da`nal turned his mind planning even as he remained silent.

Jason instructed the other Marines to remain at their posts as the pair left the bridge.

Giada dropped her left hand to the butt of her phaser when the Admiral drew his blade, but stopped short of drawing her weapon. For the time being she would let those with more rank sort things out, but stood ready to back up the XO by force if necessary.

Kordah observation of what just happen, was just that. he knew how the Admiral felt, but, the XO and the others were in the right. The Warrior, clasped his hands behind him as his eyes narrowed. he felt the Admiral pain at what just took place on the klingon vessel. For he himself, had the same thing happen to him years ago and he continued to fight those of his former house to restore his mother and father to their former status. However, the Operations chief stepped forward to look at his fellow warrior and spoke to him as such.

"joHwI', latlh poH bortaS je qoch maHlaH later QaH nej chup jIH" (My lord, I suggest another time for revenge and to seek allies to help later) Krodah stated bluntly towards the Admiral, making sure he was going to help his commanding officer and fellow warrior anyway he could.

Looking over to the fellow warrior as he was escorted to the door, "Qo' taH tuq latlh poH." (My House won't survive to another time)



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