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03 Jul 2015 @ 8:24pm

Civilian Capim Jothy

Name Capim Jothy

Rank Civilian

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Halanan
Age 28
Languages Halanan, telepathic understanding of most language

Physical Appearance

Height 6'0"
Weight 190
Hair Color Dark Auburn
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Capim is a rugged space traveler, he wears his experience on his sleeve and dresses in a formal manner with styles from across the cosmos. He is in good shape but certainly no gymnast or athlete, he loves to drink and smokes all kinds of different dried leaves and herbs, an ever present but impeccably tidy stub of a cigar is in his mouth. Tall, well dressed, red headed and an ever present smile.

Psychic Projection- Arran

Arran is the psychic self of Capim, and he is taller, and meaner. the repressed ego of Capim is expressed in a Dr. Jekyll manner. He is however, very useful. Capim can maintain Arran consciously if he is able to move slow and relax. Arran doesnt get achy backs or complain about long hours, doesnt get hurt and is as strong as Capim's will demands. Arran is also wonderful with unruly customers and bill collectors.


Personality & Traits

General Overview Capim is not telepathic in the usual sense rather his species has a psychic ability to manifest an ethereal but hard to the touch version of themselves. Usually this occurs for mere moments, but some can hold them longer like he does. The projection is usually a complement to the subconscious and most halanans project only in their sleep. Capim had a twin as a youth who died to illness, after the death Capim could project even when awake and be aware of both presences.
Capim runs a good bar, and travels the stars with relative ease by chartering with a starship for a year. He was taken by the Dominion and rescued, so he gave them a five year free credit to entertain on Federation Starships.
He can cook, dance, sing and play music to make one weep, and he loves to arrange lavish parties for birthdays or other celebrations. his projection can often stand in for him, unless the going gets rough, than Arran has to go back inside i fhe can help it... for their sake.
Strengths & Weaknesses He is clever ,and well read. He understands basic starship mechanics and physics, but is not Starfleet appropriate. He runs an efficient Lounge and is often the man for informal contacts or civilian leads. Arran can pop out in times of great distress and is often out of control in his desire to protect Capim, he is unconscious when this happens.
Ambitions He waits for life to happen. He likes to travel, and his base telepathy feels like it could be developed into something more if he had a teacher.
Hobbies & Interests Living, soaking up every experience and pursuing that which pleases him. Conversation is his bread and butter and will talk endlessly with anyone on any topic, especially if totally ignorant.

Personal History New Halana is a paradise, and his people in their golden age. He is the product of an indulgent childhood and wealthy upbringing. Sadly his family has little to do with one another since his parents passed. Ge went to a Federation school, with Federation technology at his beck and call, and was told the Universe was his to explore.

He started a small company to provide on-board entertainment to military cruisers during the Dominion war. Many company employees were lost and an official award for gallantry awarded posthumously, after the war he continued it himself.
Service Record Graduated with honors from Halanan Solar Academy, focus on Interstellar commerce.

Ran "Starfleet Comic Relief" from chapter in Boston, Earth.

served various tours across Starfleet over extent of Dominion war.

Assigned to Uss Achilles by Starfleet Medical for six month duration.