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25 Oct 2014 @ 11:35pm

Lieutenant Caleb Gray

Name Caleb Gray

Position Chief Intelligence Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 35
Languages Far more than can be listed, but the fluency varies from language to language

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 11"
Weight 190 lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Hazel
Physical Description Cale is of just barely above average height for many humans. His body is well toned for someone who doesn't spend time working out or in a gym. His brown hair is typically messy. A good kind of messy, but messy nonetheless. His face has a warmth of friendliness to it with the exception of when he gets serious. In those cases it is almost like a total shift in not only body posture and facial expression changes, but personality as well, making him border on the edge of an insane kind of scary.


Spouse [Classified]
Children [Classified]
Father [Classified]
Mother [Classified]
Brother(s) [Classified]
Sister(s) [Classified]
Other Family [Classified]

Personality & Traits

General Overview Caleb is an amicable man with a penchant for talking a little too much at times. That may come from an insecurity he has about moments of silence and his need to keep some type of noise going. His smile is warm and his personality upbeat and positive. He can be a little lax when it comes to discipline, but that is because he tends to trust people quite a bit. This trust is very strong towards the people he works with. He has more confidence than he probably should at times which leads some to think he might be arrogant. He is also not as clever and funny as he seems to think he is. In the end, Caleb is very good at what he does and what he does can make all the difference between success and failure.
Strengths & Weaknesses Caleb is an excellent profiler. He has a knack for identifying human nature and tendencies for lack of a better phrase.

Caleb is very good at paperwork and cannot get enough of it. The more the better is his motto.

Organization is something Caleb excels at. You will never find anything out of place in his workspace or quarters.

Caleb often thinks in unconventional ways and can adapt to changing situations quickly. While often getting the desired results the means can often come into question.

Caleb is not as intelligent as he thinks he is. He can give off the impression that he is the smartest person in the room, but that is often far from the truth.

Caleb is an extremely good team player... as long as you are on his team
Ambitions Caleb wants to prove that he is ready for the next step of being in charge of his own team. This stepping stone is a means for him to make his way toward taking an even more bureaucratic role in Starfleet Intelligence.
Hobbies & Interests Caleb likes to collect souvenirs of his different achievements.

Caleb likes old films. Specifically James Bond films.

Caleb is an avid reader. He will read anything he can get his hands on.

Caleb likes sparring. He is not very good at it, but he likes to do it.

Caleb is intrigued by Klingon customs and beliefs and strives to learn as much as he can about them first hand.

Caleb is a cat person. This stems from his mother being a bit of a crazy cat lady as he calls her jokingly. Much like his relationships with people, he likes the independence of cats and their ability to take care of themselves while still giving affection. Yeah they might be evil, but that doesn't bother him in the least. His own cat Orion is currently on Earth with his mother.

Personal History Caleb was born in 2356 aboard the Miranda Class USS Majestic in the Orion System where his father served as Helmsman and his mother a civilian who spent most of her time assisting the ship's botanist in the arboretum. He was the first of three children the couple would have over the next seven years. In 2365 Caleb's father was offered an opportunity to serve aboard one of the new Galaxy Class starships. The USS Odyssey. The new ship proved to be far better for the family than the older Miranda Class ship. With it's larger quarters and more space in general, Caleb grew up in a fairly normal environment. At least for the child of a starfleet officer. The unusual lifestyle taught Caleb the lesson of equality among all people given the diversity of races and classes that were often on the ship. While not really a part of the actual adventures, Caleb found a sense of adventure just being along for the ride. For the next five years life was good. Particularly the times on the holodeck playing games. Games that built his hand/eye coordination.

In 2370 the Odyssey was ordered to travel to the Gamma Quadrant to retrieve a high ranking Starfleet Officer who had been taken prisoner by an unknown threat. Caleb along with his mother, brother and sister were left at the space station Deep Space Nine while the ship completed its mission. Unfortunately the ship never returned. Caleb's father was lost. A casualty of the mission. It was a crushing moment for the teen. Soon after, Caleb's mother returned back to Earth with her children to begin a new life without Caleb's father. This did not go over well with Caleb however, as the combination of being a teen and the pain he felt over the loss of his father sent him down a rebellious path. He began to hang out with the wrong crowd, and before he knew it he was finding himself on the wrong side of the law. Technically, he was considered a juvenile delinquent, but his grades in school remained high. He just didn't have any desire to apply himself. Rather he tried to push the limits of what was socially acceptable and what wasn't. His family struggled with his behavior and while they tried to get closer to him to help him out, he just kept pushing them away. Finally with the outbreak of the Dominion War, specifically after the power outage of 2372, the law was done messing around with him and he was left with a choice.Caleb was given a choice. He could serve time for his transgressions or he could enlist in Starfleet and make a difference in the war. Caleb didn't like either choice, but he couldn't accept losing his freedom and chose to join Starfleet by joining a program that would expunge his record after he finished his first tour of duty.

Initially he was to join the enlisted ranks, but with a little convincing and a recommendation from a friend of his mother's who she knew from their time on the Majestic, Caleb was allowed to test into Starfleet Academy. He passed the test easily and was enrolled. Strangely enough the Academy was just what the troubled teen needed. No longer was he learning how to become a better criminal, but was instead starting to take responsibilty for his actions. Part of him started to feel pride for following in his father's footsteps. Initially he had thought about going into Flight Command, but then he found that the Support Division was a natural fit for him. After all, if he could know what threats are out there and give the information to those who need it, tragedies like the loss of the USS Odyssey might be prevented.

The attack on San Francisco by the Breen redoubled Caleb's determination to graduate and make a difference. He had now seen first hand just why Starfleet was necessary and more importantly why he needed to grow up and take some responsibility for his actions. He had lost friends during the attack and while tragic, it didn't hit him the same way as it did when he had lost his father. Maybe it was because he was older, maybe it was something else. Whatever the case, Caleb was tired of death and destruction. If he had to take up arms in order to bring peace and safety back to the galaxy, he was more than willing to do so. Fortunately for him, he never got the opportunity as the War ended shortly after the Breen attack and Caleb still had another year of schooling ahead of him.

After graduation Caleb was assigned to the Intelligence Analysts Division where he poured over reports and information to organize it in such a way that it would be useful for those that would need to use it. The work wasn't anything exciting, but it was good work and it wasn't like there wasn't some excitement in just knowing things others do not. For four years he learned the process of data mining and became very good at it. However, at the urging of his superior he eventually had to move on lest he forever be trapped in a position that was stagnant.

Caleb soon moved to Internal Affairs and began to learn about the inner workings of Starfleet. He wasn't very popular among the non-Internal Affairs officers, but then again, no one really was. It was here that his true potential began to show as he was a major part of [Classified].

Soon after that event he was promoted and transferred to Deep Space Four to serve as the assistant to the Chief Intelligence Officer. This is where his education reached its pinnacle. Here he learned exactly what it meant to be out in the field. Maybe not as much as the infiltration agents, but then he had no desire to be one of those. It was too dangerous and lonely of work. His skills in data gathering were paramount during [Classified]. In the end however, it was time for Caleb to move on once more. He had to keep moving forward. That is why when he heard about the opening of the Chief Intelligence Officer position aboard an Admiral's ship he jumped at the chance.
Service Record 2373- First year at Starfleet Academy
2374- Second year at Starfleet Academy
2375- Third Year at Starfleet Academy
2376- Fourth Year at Starfleet Academy
2377 - 2381 - Assigned to Starfleet Intelligence Analysts Division
2381 - 2386 - Transferred to Department of Internal Affairs
2387 - 2390 - Transferred to Deep Space Four as Assistant Chief Intelligence Officer
2391- Transferred and assigned to the USS Achilles as Chief Intelligence Officer