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25 Oct 2014 @ 11:35pm

Ensign Tomek Dardos

Name Tomek Michal Dardos

Position Xeno Archaeologist/Anthropologist

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 30
Languages English (Basic), Polish

Physical Appearance

Height 5'11"
Weight 140 lbs.
Hair Color Blond
Eye Color Green
Physical Description A young man of Polish descent, he has blond hair, green eyes, and some brownish stubble. He is of average height for a human, about 5'11", and is very thin.

He has one tattoo on his right arm, an eagle, which came from his past membership of gangs in his homeland.


Spouse N/A
Children N/A
Father Romek Dardos
Mother Katarzyna Dardos
Brother(s) N/A
Sister(s) N/A
Other Family Aunt - Emilia

Personality & Traits

General Overview Tomek is very smart, and very talented, and he knows it. Tomek has a slight superiority complex, believing that he is better and smarter than everybody else. That however, isn't obvious to normal people because...

Tomek is also a sociopath. //No, of course he's not a cold-blooded serial killer. He's not going to be some Mary Sue character that is really tough and hardcore.//

He's cold-blooded, logical, and methodical in times when ordinary people would lose their heads in high-pressure situations. He has no qualms about dissecting something, or capturing a sentient life-form for a certain experiment; if it's all done for the glory of his life work: science. He frequently enjoyed going on trial away-teams in the Academy, and would like to continue that experience in real life.

Unfortunately, though Tomek is a sociopath, meaning he does not feel emotion, he is a rather mild one, because he is a coward. Tomek knows that he is extremely susceptible to pain, and if put under torture, would crack in an instant. Thus, Tomek has made himself a "suicide patch," which is a strip of material attached to his mouth artificially with cyanide inside. If Tomek feels that he is about to die some horrible death, for example, falling from a very tall building, or being crushed, or being chopped up into pieces, etc., then Tomek will pop the material, and swallow the cyanide.
Strengths & Weaknesses STRENGTHS:

Cold-blooded: Tomek is a sociopath, rarely showing emotions, and is able to keep cool in times of stress.

Intelligence: Tomek is very smart, and he knows this. This can lead him into trouble, because he also has a:


Superiority Complex: Tomek is so smart, (and believes he IS very smart) that he frequently shows off, and believes that he is better than everyone else. This gets him into a lot of trouble, unfortunately.
Ambitions To further his scientific knowledge and power.
Hobbies & Interests Tomek is interested in:

-Alien Artifacts and Cultures

Personal History Tomek was born in Wadowice, Poland, to Katarzyna and Romek Dardos. They were a very happy family, though, stuck in the middle of nowhere. Thus, Tomek decided to join a gang, for both protection, and so that his mother might not have to feed an extra hungry mouth. It was at this time when he got his tattoo.

Once his parents realized he was in a gang, they basically took him right out, and forbid him from seeing any of his former friends. From that moment on, his parents forced him to do better in school. He did well, got an excellent scholarship to a prestigous scientific academy, and there realized that he wanted to serve on a space ship.

Graduating from high school at the top of his class, there was no problem for him getting into Starfleet Academy. He already knew what ship he wanted to serve on. A gleaming Intrepid-Class, having admired its sleek curves from afar while one was being built. All that remained was to graduate from the Academy...
Service Record -Enrolled in Starfleet Academy

-Graduated from Starfleet Academy

-Joined the USS Achilles NCC-81450 at the SB-24 Reconstruction Zone.