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Posted on 17 Feb 2024 @ 2:02pm by Captain Ricardo (Rico) Montoya & Lieutenant JG Lauren L'Vor & Crewman Sizia Sh'velihr & EMH Mark IX "Nina" & Lieutenant Commander Aiden MacMahon & Lieutenant Jason Mitchell & Lieutenant Mat'tew el-Altaa & Lieutenant Urushi Yaotome & Lieutenant JG Cleopatra McCaine PhD & Lieutenant Heather Fischer-Montoya

2,345 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: M-18 The Past is Future
Location: USS Phoenix
Timeline: 0800

: Departure: T-1hr 30min ::

[Ready Room]

Rico sat at his desk looking over another report. They were still short a CMO, fortunately they had a competent nursing staff and if needed they could activate the EMH. They were also missing a Chief of Operations, Marines CO, and a Stat Ops officer would be nice to have as well but that was one they could probably do without. He submitted another request via the stations personnel office for personnel but wasn't betting on getting anyone before they departed.

They had a little time before they were scheduled to depart so he got up to talk a walk. He wouldn't be popping in on any particular area or department since the last thing he wanted to seem like was some micro-manager. If his people didn't know their jobs they wouldn't be here.


Stepping out onto the bridge there was a buzz of activity. Stand there his gaze moved from station to station before heading to the lift. "Commander, you have the Bridge."

Aiden was standing at the ops station learning from the NCO on duty. When he heard the CO he slapped the older man lightly on the shoulder. "You will have to show me again," he said with a grin and turned his attention to the Captain. "Acknowledged," he answered clearly, "but we are not flying anywhere," he added jokingly, a bit softer, knowing he could hear him..

Entering the lift he turned. "Not yet anyway." Then the doors closed.

"Carry on," Aiden said to the bridge crew. He had no reason to sat down in the CO's chair, but activated the console to give him access to what he needed and proceeded to the moved over to flight control and discussed the system checks with the duty officer.

[Deck 11]

Rico stepped out on deck 11 to start his predeparture walk of the ship. He purposefully avoided the departmental office areas so that he wouldn't interrupt any last-minute preparations or to seem like he was checking in on or hover over his officers. A member of the crew stopped him with a question and he reviewed the PADD and pointed out a minor discrepancy and offered a suggestion for future and sent him on his way.

His next stop was the ship 3rd sickbay. As it was only used during MVAM it was unmanned, but the light came up as he entered. "Computer, activate EMH."

The EMH shimmered into existence and smiled. "Greetings Captain, what can I do for you?"

"Well we are about to depart and, as you know, we still have no CMO. I wanted to make sure there was anything needed before we head out?"

"Thank you Captain. All the medical bays are 100% operational, we are fully supplied for not only our needs but ready to render aid any emergency issues within our capabilities. My program is able to access all the ships holo-emitters and my back up programs are available for all three sections should the need arise."

"Excellent. Just out of curiosity...who is the one responsible for this level of readiness?"

"That would be Chief Petty Officer Valentine, Captain."

"Hmm...Thank you Doctor; or do you prefer "Nina"?"

"Either is fine Captain. Thank you."

"Well then I will let you turn yourself off whenever you are ready...Nina." Nodding with a smile, he turned to continue his walk through the ship.

:: Departure: T-1hr 10 min ::


Urushi had finally secured all of the Science Labs on the ship and had now made her way up to the primary bridge. There she moved over to the Science Station. It was unmanned at the moment, the young Trill slid down into the chair and ran her hands over its smooth surface. She then started to log into the station and bring it online.

[Deck 7]

Cleo McClaine looked around her office. The first day out of dock was always too busy for counselling to do anything, which was something she relished. Quiet time to prep for the voyage ahead, check all the paperwork was received, list who's appraisals were still valid. She pulled a padd towards her. She could get one done before she would head to the bridge to watch the trip out of dock.

[Deck 13]

As he continued his tour of the ship, he made a pass though Engineering. The ship had been on its own and off the station power for some time and as he moved through the area there was the subtle but telltale sound from the core. As he moved about, crewmembers acknowledged his presence but immediately returned to their task, which was what he wanted...what they were supposed to do. Those that had been with him knew that he didn't want everyone to snap to every time he walked into a room. He had served under CO's that would require the continuous acknowledgement of their rank or presents. and he hated all that ego stoking.

Taking the lift to the upper core stopped along the railing to watch for a moment and grinned at the lack of any predeparture 'organized chaos". Giving the railing a double tap he headed out on his way.

:: Departure T-53 minutes ::


The bridge was starting to grow busier. Urushi sat at the main science console. She had realigned all of the ships sensor pallets and was now just trying to 'look busy'. Truthfully the Phoenix's science systems were all working well and at full operational efficiency. She wasn't quite sure what to do apart from be at her station.

She rested her elbows on the console and her head in her hands. "Come on, let's go already..." she muttered to herself. She didn't like sitting still for long amounts of time. She was just itching for some excitement.

"We will go soon enough," Aiden said as he passed by her station on his restless walk up and down the bridge. "But not really soon enough," he said a bit quieter leaning over towards her.

The Trill looked up at Aiden and gave him a brief smile. "I just hate sitting still..." she said with a sigh. "Especially when there's nothing for me to be doing right now!" she lazily pushed a few buttons with the fingers on her right hand whilst she held her head in her left, pretending to pay attention to the screens.

[Deck 6]

Rico popped into Astrometrics to get any updates on their patrol route as well as anything else that may have turned up about DS5. The doors parted and silhouetted against the main display was the familiar shape of Lt. L'Vor. The Lieutenant had been with him since the aborted Achilles mission and had a knack of digging into things and had become a great source of information. On more than one occasion he had wanted to reassign her to a more strategic post, but she had refused both times. "Keeping an eye on things as usual I see."

She turned and smiled. "That's what you've come to expect so why change now."

He knew her remark was a statement rather than a question, so he continued. "Anything new out there that I need to know about?"

She had served with the Captain long enough to know what his question really meant. "Nothing new out to the combat area sir. There is still fighting reported on the surface of Pangaea."

He had expected as much. There hadn't been any official updates either, which he found odd. He had a feeling there was more going on there than Starfleet want to announce, so like everyone else all they could do was wait. He hated being out of the loop and he hated waiting.

Moving away from the fighting, he asked about their destination. "Anything going on along our patrol route?"

"Sorry sir but there is nothing reported from either the monitoring stations along the Breen border or by the Mining station in the Tarelis system." Hoping to boost his mood from the lack of new available information, "Of course once we get closer to the region, we might detect something the monitoring stations missed."

Rico chuckled at the stroking of his ego by his Astrometrics officer. "Well let's hope not. The last thing the Federation need is the Breen using the current situation to try and do something." He patted her appreciatively on the shoulder as he turned to leave. "Keep me informed of any changes."

"As always Captain."

His wanderings done, Rico made his way back to the bridge.

:: Departure T-37 minutes ::


:: Departure T-18 minutes ::

It had taken him longer to get to the bridge as there had been a few questions along the way and a minor incident with an eager Ensign and his morning protein shake. In a fresh uniform, he finally returned to the Bridge and made his way to the Master Systems display behind the command chair. "XO. What do say to finalizing our preparations and getting out of this docking bay?"

Aiden gave him a sharp nod, not hiding his satisfaction that at long last there is movement. Not that it had been all that long, but still. "All stations prepare for departure" he said to the bridge officers. "Status Mr. Grall" he asked the ops duty officer.

With a smirk Rico turned from his XO and took his place in the center seat as he listened to the departure status reports come in from his crew.

"All systems ready, Sir," Grall said. Aiden was relieved that the old man was at the console. His experience was invaluable. "Inform station operations that we are preparing for departure." Aiden instructed.

Aiden then tapped his badge to open a channel to engineering. =^=Bridge to engineering, Lt Mitchell, what is your status for departure? Can we get out of here?=^=

Over the comm channel, there was a loud thump sound as of some soft hitting something harder and metallic, and Jason's voice was muffled. =^=Bridge, Engineering. Other than my request for a test of the MVAM being denied due to time constraints, I'd say we're ready. Oh, and could I request I get at least a moment's warning before you all start putting us into a firefight, for future consideration?" =^=

Rico looked over his should to his XO with a humorously raised brow and smirk.

=^= Not making any promises Lieutenant, =^= Aiden replied with a smirk. =^= We will have to do a double check on that on the fly, but let's hope we won't need it just yet =^=.

"Helm, initiate departure," Aiden instructed the helm officer.

The young officer confirmed the station's procedures and gladly tapped console. The clangs as the clamps released their hold reverberated through the ship. A happy sound for the crew. They were finally moving. No one the crew signed up to be on a stationary ship. That would be a contradiction in terms.

"Take us out, steady and straight," Aiden said, hardly suppressing his satisfied grin.

Rico sat in his chair as they pulled away from the docking pylon and heads towards the station's massive space-doors, thinking to himself, ~Finally...~

A few moments late the helm announced, "Sir. We have cleared the station and are free to navigate."

"Excellent. Helm; set a course for the Breen Neutral Zone, warp 7."

"Aye." The helm officers hand programmed the course only stop, his hand hovering over the panel. "Course is set ready to engage at warp 7."

A smile spread over his face, they were finally underway again. His only regret was that they were heading away from the fight around what had been DS5. "En..."

Just as he was about to order the jump to warp the person manning Ops interrupted. "Captain. We are being hailed by the station."

"On screen."

=^= Captain. Apologies for catching you at the last minute but the USS DaVinci just entered our control zone with a transfer for you. They are moving to rendezvous with you. =^=

After a short wait and a chat with the DaVinci's Captain, their newest member of the crew was aboard and enroute to the bridge. At the sound of the lift doors opening Rico turned in his chair as the Betalgeusian stepped onto the bridge.

The powerfully built avianoid glanced around the bridge, taking in the face of each person present. His yellow eyes then landed on his new commanding officer and he strode forward. Snapping to attention in front of the center seat. "Lieutenant Mat'tew el-Ataa reporting for duty as you new Chief Tactial and Security Officer, Sir!" While he spoke with his speaking mouth. The beak of his eating mouth clicked occasionally.

He had seen Betalgeusians before on other assignments, but this would be the first working directly with one. "Welcome aboard. You almost got left behind." Rising he motioned towards his ready room. "Come with me Lieutenant."

Turning to his XO. "The bridge is yours."

"Acknowledged," Aiden said as he stood up to take the Captain's seat, He glanced at the new sec chief as he walked away. He has never worked with a Betalgeusian before. He made a mental note to familiarize himself with the species.

Matt'ew nodded to the Executive Officer as he followed the Captain to his ready room.

With a not so suppressed grin and a slight, no significant burst of adrenaline, Aiden said: "Engage". It was his first time after all.

[3188 - Near what had been Breen Space]

"Temporal sensors are tracking. The Phoenix has left Deep Space 3, right on course. They will be in target position in 37 hours, 17 mins. Their time."

"Is everything ready?"

"Yes. They won't know what hit them...nor that they will be destroying the humans and their precious Federation."

G'ren nodded. They had checked and rechecked, ran simulation after simulation. They had to succeed. "Prepare for temporal incursion. Stardate 74163.5065."

Captain Ricardo Montoya

Lt Cmdr Aiden MacMahan

Lieutenant Jason Mitchell

Lieutenant Mat'tew el-Altaa

Lieutenant JG Lauren L'Vor
Astrometrics Officer
NPC played by Capt. Montoya

Crewman Sizia Sh'velihr
NPC played by Capt. Montoya

EMH Mark IX "Nina"
NPC played by Capt. Montoya


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