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Welcome to the Roost

Posted on 18 Feb 2024 @ 6:03pm by Captain Ricardo (Rico) Montoya & Lieutenant Mat'tew el-Altaa

1,532 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: M-18 The Past is Future
Location: Ready Room

Leaving the ship's departure to his XO, Rico entered his ready room followed by the new security chief. The officer was taller than he, which for the most part was a rare occurrence. Motioning him to a chair as he moved around his desk. "It was a good thing we were hailed when we were, I was in middle of giving the order to go to warp when the call came in."

Lowering his powerful frame into the offered seat, Matt'ew dipped his head respectfully as he replied. "My orders to report in as your new Chief of Tactical and Security only reached me a few hours ago. I was originally going to be assigned to the Rutledge as their new Chief. Clearly Starfleet Personnel Office felt I was needed more here. It will be my honor to serve, Captain." He pulled out a data chip and handed it over to Montoya. My orders and personnel file, Sir. Included are the special dispensation that members of my species have been granted by Command. I hope it will not be too much of an imposition upon you or the Phoenix. Sir."

Rico took the chip and set it aside for Sizia to process later. "Well that would explain the last minute notification. While I'm glad to have you it seems that once again those at personnel have left us in the dark," adding humorously, "they are probably still mad that I stole one of their people when I became XO of the Atlantic." He grinned at the memory and the changes that decision had made in his life.

"Forgive my ignorance but this is the first time I've had one of your species under my command. What is this dispensation you mentioned?"

Mat'tew dipped his head respectfully. "It is not some many outlanders know of. Every three standard years, I must return to my people, to prove myself in a great hunt. The Elders choose the animals to be hunted, each more dangerous than the one before. The warrior that survives the trials, with the highest score, will be anointed the grand champion. The one who does the least is stripped of rank, has their eating beak broken, and is made to serve for the rest of their days."

Rico raised his right brow and cocked his head slightly, "That's some ritual. When are you due to return home next?"

Mat'tew replied evenly. "Not for another twenty months, Sir." He paused, then added. "However, as members of Starfleet are often very far from the Home Station and our fleet of preserve vessels, we can be granted an additional year. However, this request is not to be taken lightly."

"Well we will do our best to see that you make it home on schedule...situation permitting of course. Would a delay result in any kind of penalty? You mentioned that the creature you have to hunt gets progressively more dangerous. Surely that type of progression can get difficult to meet. Would a delay play into this?"

Rico paused. "Forgive my curiosity. I haven't crossed into and cultural taboos, have I?"

Mat'tew shook his head. "No offense was taken, Sir. Our way of life is not something we keep hidden. And as for the creature that I shall hunt next..." he paused and then tried to think of the best descriptive comparison for the beast. "As this will be my fifth hunt, I will now be hunting a predator. We call it a Dralto'Ora. The best comparison I can think of would be...a combination of a Grizzly bear and a Nile Crocodile."

"That's an interesting combination. Both of those creatures are large and very powerful. We'll just have to make sure you're ready. I don't intend to lose my Chief of Security as a meal to some animal."

This made Mat'tew chuckle, his eating beak clicking several times. "I'm no hatchling, Sir. I have never failed in the hunt, nor will I start now. I will be victorious when the time comes." There was an assured arrogance to his words, clearly indicating that he had zero doubts in his abilities.

A shallow but humous smirk turned the corner of his mouth. He may never have served directly with a Betalgeusian before, but he had plenty of experience with Klingons, and that was a very Klingon-like response. "That you have skill is obvious as you are sitting here now. But I'd wager that all of those previous victories were proceeded by training and preparation." He paused only slightly. "One of Earth's greatest martial arts masters had a saying, 'I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.'

"I meant that when the time comes for you to begin your preparations for your hunt; there will no doubt be many of the crew stepping up to provide whatever sparing partners you may want. Perhaps even set up a hunt on the holodeck against some of the Marines."

Dipping his head respectfully, the avianoid replied. "While I will certainly train side-by-side with my shipmates, the hunt itself, is just for the hunter. It is expected that those whose time to hunt has come, will have trained themselves accordingly. But there is to be no...hunt training, if you will. To do so would prove dishonorable to the prey." He paused briefly, then added, "Of course, the simple act of hunting gives one training for the next hint. What I meant was, it us not permitted to simulate a future prey animal." He took a breath. "I hope I am not my explanation, Sir."

He dismissed the concern with a wave. "Not at all. As expected, you clarified the restrictions placed on the ritual that you have to abide by. But those are concerns for the future, right now we have a mission to see to."

Sitting back, Rico went over the mission he had briefed his other officers on just the other day. "I am sure you are aware of the destruction of Deep Space 5. While the fighting continues on Pangaea, and recovery operations continue, we are to join several other starships in a show of force along the Breen neutral zone. We are to patrol from the Black Cluster along the border to the Federation/Klingon Dilithium mining and processing station in Teralis system."

"During that patrol, we will be conducting a few Multi-Vector Assault Mode drills, so be ready for that. As I have not yet appointed a Second Officer, command of the Saucer section is yours, unless the separation is automated.

"You need to know that the Phoenix was built, crewed, and launched from DS5. The station was this ship's home port. so keep an eye on you staff. Casualty lists are still coming in and Counselor McCaine is standing by for any referrals."

"Mission and potential crew issues aside, I am a traditionalist when it comes to Marines aboard ship. Historically, going back to the old days of wooden sailing vessels, Marines have played a major role in the security of the ships they served on. As such, your department isn't as large as it would be as it is being augmented by the Marines. Now, currently they are short an official CO, so get with your current staff and Gunny Wickham so they can bring you up to speed on that."

"Traditions aside, one of the other reasons for the integration is that it keeps the Marines busy. If all they are doing is sitting down in their section, cleaning their gear for the hundredth time, or doing the same training maneuvers on their holodeck over and over again,it will only dull the the saying goes."


Mat'tew had listened closely, taking mental notes of important facts. When the Captain had finished speaking, he shook his head. "I do not believe so, Sir, not at this time. As soon as we are done here, I will head to medical for my initial medical exam, then head to my department and start familiarizing myself with my staff and the Marines that I will be working with." He paused then added. "Actually, Sir, I do have a question. When do you usually want department readiness reports turned in?"

"Those get submitted to the XO so you can address that with him. Anything else?"

Mat'tew thought for a couple beats, then shook his head. "No, Sir. I will continue my in processing, by going to see the CMO for my initial physical." He paused, then added, "Unless you wish me to do something else first, that is?"

Rico stood, "By all means get yourself checked in." Coming around from his desk, offering his new officer his hand. "Welcome aboard."

Mat'tew stood and shook the offered hand, careful not to squeeze too tightly. "Thank you, Sir." Then, once they released their handshake, the avianoid turned and strode out of the ready room. His next destination, sickbay.

Rico watched him leave and turned, looking out the window as they warped towards the beginning of their patrol area.


Captain Ricardo Montoya

Lieutenant Mat'tew el-Altaa


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