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01 May 2024 @ 8:42pm

Lieutenant JG Cleopatra McCaine

Name Cleopatra Lily McCaine PhD

Position Counselor

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 31
Languages Federation Standard, English, Andorain, Betazoid, Trill

Physical Appearance

Height 5'9
Weight 140lbs
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Cleo is blessed with the sort of figure that used to get painted on the fuselage of old aircraft, a fact she is very grateful for - When you're named after a historical figure famed for her beauty, people have expectations.


Spouse n/a
Children n/a
Father Harry Hartigan
Mother Jocaster McCaine
Brother(s) Hannibal, Alexander, & Julius
Sister(s) n/a

Personality & Traits

General Overview Patient and Insightful as a therapist, outside of the consulting room, Cleo is brash and outspoken women, unafraid of confrontation and a devotee of the finer things in life.
Strengths & Weaknesses +confident
+ hardworking

-avoids emotional entanglements of her own
With one exception - never with patients - she has almost no willpower to resist temptation
Ambitions Cleo craves new experiences and indulgences. She joined Starfleet to get as many of those as possible. Becuase secretly, she feels dead inside, and is desperate or something to fill the hole.
Hobbies & Interests Anything that stimulates the senses - cooking, art, music
She also enjoys yoga and pilates

Personal History Cleo had an averagely happy childhood. Her mother served as a United Earth ambassador, and as a child they moved around several times. She was born raised on Trill until she was five, then her mother was assigned to Betazed She remained there for 8 years, before moving to Andoria when she was fifteen. Her mother encouraged her children to immerse themselves in the cultures they were living in, and seek out new experiences, and she enjoyed her time on all worlds, but especially Andoria, where she experienced her first love - a young Andorian cadet in the Imperial guard.

When she was studying for her PhD, tragedy struck. Julius, her younger brother, committed suicide. It came as a total shock to the whole family, especially Cleopatra. As a therapist in training she blamed her self for not spotting the signs. It threw her into her own spiral, but she knew all the tricks needed to pass as normal. She worked hard during the day, and at night she indulged all her base instincts, determining to live her life to the full, but ultimately feeling empty. She knew she should get help, but couldn’t face starting her career as practically a patient. Instead she developed some maladaptive habits that continue to this day.
Service Record 2387 completed PhD in Clinical Psychology
23 89 Completed Starfleet Academy medical assignment course, Assigned to USS Archer
2392 Assigned to USS Challenger
2394 - Assigned to USS Pheonix