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Mission Briefing - Predeparture Part 2

Posted on 13 Feb 2024 @ 8:58pm by Captain Ricardo (Rico) Montoya & Gunnery Sergeant James Wickman & Crewman Sizia Sh'velihr & EMH Mark IX "Nina" & Lieutenant Commander Aiden MacMahon & Lieutenant Jason Mitchell & Lieutenant Urushi Yaotome & Lieutenant JG Cleopatra McCaine PhD & Lieutenant Heather Fischer-Montoya

1,419 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M-18 The Past is Future
Location: Deck 1 - Conference Lounge
Timeline: MD -1: 10am


"Recovery operations are already underway, but with the stations destruction the Federation is in a bad position. To keep the Breen, or anyone else, from using the situation, the Phoenix, will be joining the Dakota, the Valiant, the Independence, and the Berlin in a more active show of force along the border." He paused looking down for a moment before looking back at those assembled. "This isn't what I wanted. If it were up to me, we would already be arriving at DS5 and taking out and remaining Cardassian forces. However, orders are orders. Fortunately, I have been reassured our exile to a patrol assignment won't last too long."

Now the conclusion...

Urushi remained quiet as she listened. She was new to the ship, so she didn't share the same connection to Deep Space Five as the others did. However, she was saddened upon hearing of the loss of such a large Starbase. It was never nice to hear that many people have lost their lives, especially in a Galaxy that Starfleet often claims was 'safe'.

Urushi then raised a hand. "Erm. Excuse me Captain. But I'm new to the ship and I've been across the quadrant. Why exactly did the Cardassians attack DS5?" she asked curiously.

Rico grinned at her feeling the need to raise her hand. "The story behind the attack is a long and complicated, but now isn't the time for that. There are any number of crew members that can fill you in; Lt. L'Vor, Lt Montoya to name a few or I can fill you in on that and our ties to the station another time if you like."

Urushi nodded. "Yes sir..." she said in response putting her hand down.

Rico scanned the room. "We are still short four department heads, Security, Strategic Operations, Ops, and Medical. The EMH and the current medical staff have things covered for now. Security and Operations will have to rely on their current officers and staff, but I am sure they will be able to keep things in order. Gunny Wickham, ensure the Marines continue to aid security. Nothing has changed in that regard. As for Stategic Ops, Commander MacMahon, I would like you to cover things there until that post is filled."

Heather grinned and nodded. "Mr. Grail and myself have things well in hand sir."

Wickham nodded, "Roger that sir."

Aiden nodded. "Will do Captain".

"Excellent. Finalize any predeparture requirements and preparations. We get underway a 0930 tomorrow."

"Captain, are we scheduled for a test of the multi-vector system before full departure? That's the one main system I am not fully familiar with and would love to get some practical data before we get into any...disagreements." Jason remarked. Like few of the others, he was also had no attachment to DS5, but the loss of the facilities was a huge blow, not to mention all the people.

"Additionally, Engineering can handle coordination with whatever Operations personnel is needed since we're in each other's pockets all the time anyway, so I will do the insane thing of volunteering to take on the Operations officer's roles as well." Jason hated paperwork, but it wasn't fair in his mind to let Ops try and work without the right support behind them.

Rico looked from Mitchell to Heather and then to his XO as he thought about their new Chief Engineer overseeing two departments. But before he addressed that he answered his initial question. "The ships Multi-Vector Assault Mode system have already been put through its paces on several occasions. However, we do have several new faces so I will clarify what will take place during MVAM operations."

"In the event the order for MVAM is given I command the upper drive section, the XO commands the lower drive section, and the ships second officer commands the saucer section. As I have not yet appointed any to that post...yet, that duty would normally fall to the Chief of Security. Unfortunately, that post is vacant, so for the time being the saucer will either not be separated or controlled remotely buy my section.

"Additionally, the crew is divided proportionally throughout each section and each section has a backup EMH should she be needed. The majority of the crew that make up your departments know what to do, so let them. That all said I think a few drills to put the senior staff through its paces would definitely be a good thing. Of course if I, or any of those in a MVAM command positions, aree incapacitated prior to separation, those duties would either shift down the chain of command or the MVAM can be completely automated if needed."

Looking back to Mitchell, "As to you overseeing two departments... I don't think that will be necessary, at least not completely. I do believe the day to operations of the department can be overseen by Lieutenant Montoya and the current junior officers and staff. But anything requiring a command decision she can bring that to you until we get a Chief Ops officer. To ensure things operation smoothly include Lt. Montoya in your daily planning briefs."

Heather nodded to the captain, then turned to Mitchell. "Just let me know what you need, I'll make sure it all happens."

Aiden's attention drifted a but he felt Rico's stare and looked up, agreeing with a nod, but at that point he wasn't too sure what. He would have to ask Heather, she seemed to know.

Jason simply nodded his head to the order, long as Ops was kept happy, he'd be happier. "Can I just say then, I'm glad to be down on the totem pole in terms of command. Any issues if I review the past data in the holodeck, maybe run through a few trials, so no system uptime is affected?" He asked both the CO and XO, figuring to go for broke as he hated having a system onboard he didn't know or fully understand.

Glancing to MacMahon Rico replied. "Review the data from our previous separations all you like. But I think we can still run a MVAM drill before we get to patrol area. XO see to it."

Aiden nodded. "Will do C'tain". This time Aiden was well aware what his orders were.

Rico scanned the room on last time. "Anything else?"

Turning to the sole Marine present, he had to decide to be formal and use the full rank, or take the Captain's cue and go for the informal. For the moment and falling back on family practice, Jason decided formal until otherwise told or a better relationship was built. "Gunnery Sergeant, I put in a request with your detachment for any additional supplies or modifications necessary a few hours ago. If possible, I would like to get with you and your officers to see what further support engineering can provide later on at your convenience."

Gunny Wickam looked to the ships engineer. "Apologies sir, but I hadn't seen your request. Having been docked here for a while we were able to stock up on any equipment needs so we are good there. Just to be on the safe side I will have everything inspected as well as diagnostics run on our deployable vehicles and get you the results by 1400."

"Understood, Thank you." Jason nodded to the Marine. "That offer also extends to any department by the way." He added with a more open grin to the others, knowing it unleash a drought, or a flood of work.

Aiden grinned as well, as this means a little less work for him.

Rico scanned the room as all eye were now returning to him. "All right, if there is nothing else...shore leave is now officially cancelled. Recall anyone vacationing one the station. Dismissed."

As the meeting broke Sizia stepped up handing Rico a tablet which he endorsed which made his instructions official and the cancelation and recall orders went out.

Meeting concluded, crews to be recalled and watched for signs of stress. Breen patrols. MVAM Data. All of this ran through Jason's head as he stood up and waited for his turn to exit. Engineering was about to get busy, but it was the good kind of busy.

Captain Ricardo Montoya

Lt Commander Aiden MacMahon

Lieutenant Jason Mitchell

Crewman Sizia Sh'velihr
NPC played by Capt. Montoya

EMH Mark IX "Nina"
NPC played by Capt. Montoya

GySgt James Wickham
NPC played by Capt. Montoya

Lt. Urushi Yaotome


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