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09 Jun 2024 @ 5:25pm

Lieutenant Mat'tew el-Altaa

Name Mat'tew el-Altaa

Position Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Betalgeusian
Age 41
Languages Betalgeusian, Federation Standard, High and Common Klingonese, Rihansu, Ferengi, some Cardassian and Breen

Physical Appearance

Height 6' 9"
Weight 295 lbs
Hair Color None
Eye Color Yellow with red flecks
Physical Description Tall and thin, with cerulean colored skin. Like those of his species, he is hairless and nose less. He breaths through no steals located behind his ears. His yellow colored eyes are deeply set.

Having evolved from a race of eagles, Betelgeusians are a two meter tall humanoid species. Their claw and bone structures are like that of an Earth condor, but Betelgeusians walked upright. Members of the species have two mouths, one for speaking, and the other for eating. Members of the species also have a strong hunting drive, which they need to sublimate with both sports and other forms of competition.


Spouse Sanai la-Lahile
Children Salia (daughter, 4 years)
Father Rost'allo el-Slichez
Mother Masatta la-Ost
Brother(s) Corbot el-Ost
Sister(s) Malietta la-Doban
Other Family Capt Stev'n el-Altaa (Brother-in-law)(CO USS Richmond)

Personality & Traits

General Overview As a follower of Altaa the Warrior, Math'ew is an avid hunter and collector of weapons. He is also very active in contact sports of all kinds. While he is completely loyal, he does tend to be hot headed at times. He can also be very reckless as well, jumping into a situation usually before knowing all the facts or considering the possible outcome.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Loyal
+ Strong will

-hot headed
Ambitions To become the finest warrior in Starfleet.
Hobbies & Interests collecting weapons from around the universe. He also loves to hunt, even though to do so, most of the time, he has to go planet side. He also enjoys partaking in any and all forms of contact sport.

Loves any high adrenalin causing sports as well, such as rock climbing, orbital skydiving, rocket boarding and parkour.

Personal History Like all of his species now, Math'ew was not born on a planet, but in space, on a station. He was born on Deep Space 4, located just outside the Alpha Orionis System. His parents both had small businesses on the station. He is the oldest of three children.

At the age of six, a Betelgeusian decides which of the Heroes (there are seven major ones, but numerous minor heroes) he will strive to emulate. Math'ew chose Altaa the Warrior. He lives his life in the way that his chosen hero would do so.

His entire childhood was spent on the station. While there, he learned about numerous cultures and races. He learned how each species chose to hunt and began learning the many different weapons that each race tended to prefer to use, both in a hunt and in combat. His two favorites were the bat'leth from Qo'nos and katana from Earth.

When he reached adulthood, he decided to branch out and join Starfleet. During his Academy years, it quickly became obvious that his talents leaned towards tactical and security positions. While his work in these positions was stellar, his hot headedness and recklessness did tend to get him into trouble with his instructors.

Upon graduation, his first assignment was aboard the USS George Washington as a weapons officer in the torpedo magazine. He spent the next three years learning the finer points of torpedo maintenance and use for all of the different types of torpedoes in Starfleet's arsenal.

His next duty assignment was to the USS Rutledge. When he joined the crew, he moved to security and became a security officer. He began studying the legal aspect of the job and in two years, received a bachelors degree in law enforcement. Upon receiving his degree, he was promoted from ensign to lieutenant (junior grade), and moved into the open slot of Assistant Sec/Tac Chief. He would remain in this position for the remainder of his time aboard the Rutledge.

He put his time to good use, earning a masters degree in law enforcement and a bachelors degree in legal ethics.

His next assignment was to the USS Einstein. He filled the now vacant slot of Chief Sec/Tac, after the former chief was transferred to another duty station. With the transfer, and in recognition of his continuing education, he was promoted to lieutenant.

He stayed with the Einstein, serving honorably, until the ship's Commanding officer retired and the ship was decommissioned. Mat'tew decided to use his accrued leave and return home for a time. Over the next two years, he and his family enjoyed the time together.

Finally, when his leave was about to be exhausted, Starfelkt Personnel asked if he wished to remain active, or go on the inactive reserves list. Knowing in his heart that he wanted to serve, he opted to return to uniform.

After looking through the list of openings, he found the USS Ohoenix to be interesting and requested to be assigned as her new Chief Sec/Tac Officer.

What happens next, is up to the Fates...


30 March 2355: Born
30 March 2361: Chooses Altaa as his hero.
17 April 2373: Joins Starfleet. Leaves DS4 for Earth to attend Starfleet Academy
23 July 2377: Graduates from Starfleet Academy with honors in Tactical Strategies.
23 July 2377-15 August 2380: Assigned to USS George Washington (Akira Class), Assistant Weapons Officer. (Ensign)
15 Aug 2380-23 December 2389: Assigned to USS Rutledge (Nebula Class), Weapons Officer, Security Officer, Assistant Tac/Sec Chief. (Lt jg & Lt)
5 September 2390- 15 April 2394: Assigned to USS Einstein, (Nova Class). Chief Sec/Tac Officer. (Lt. )
31 January 2396-PRESENT: Assigned, USS Phoenix, Chief Tac/Sec Officer (Lt Cmdr)


Family: He stays in close contact with his wife, daughter, parents and siblings. Every few years, he uses his accrued leave to spend several months with them back on DS4.

Romance: His wife is a school teacher on DS4. She and their daughter are planning on joining Math'ew when he is transferred to a starship that carries the families of its crew.

Friends: Math'ew has a few very close friends from previous duty assignments that are spread across the entire fleet.

Service Record April 2373-July 2377: Starfleet Academy
23 July 2377-15 August 2380: USS George Washington
15 Aug 2380-23 December 2389: USS Rutledge
5 September 2390-15 April 2394: USS Einstein
15 April 2394-30 Jan 2396: On Personal Leave
31 Jan 2396-PRESENT: USS Phoenix