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Meeting the Crew - Part 1

Posted on 12 Jul 2020 @ 10:39pm by Captain Ricardo (Rico) Montoya & Lieutenant JG Lauren L'Vor & Klingon Lt Commander Kreval of the House of Torath & Lieutenant Commander Dante Ambrogio & Admiral Ayana Varon & Lieutenant Kragg & Lieutenant Roge

1,618 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: M-17: Blood Moon Rising
Location: Officers Lounge


Dante settled into his quarters at the end of a long day, his first on board the Phoenix. It was an adjustment to come to a new ship, particularly one that was currently devoid of vital medical personnel but he was managing to get his needs taken care of utilizing a small stockpile that he had for his trip during the transfer, though he was down to just one remaining unit and needed to speak with the CMO urgently.

After hitting the sonic shower he went to his personal computer and sent out a communicae to the heads of the various departments that were currently on board.

'I know you are all busy but I would like to get all of you together for an informal Staff Meeting in the Officers Lounge so that we can do a meet and greet and I can get a better understanding of the current status of the Phoenix and her crew, as well as the various needs of your departments. I want this done at 0500 tomorrow, but don't worry, to make up for the early morning I am going to be personally whipping up a hearty breakfast for everyone that I think you will all enjoy so please reply to this with any allergies or foods to avoid. I want to make this clear however; I expect all of you to be present unless there are situations in your departments that otherwise demand your attentions.'

Once that was done he sighed and rubbed his face, feeling exhausted but not quite at the point that he could sleep. He decided to do some cardio and left his quarters to run a couple laps of the crew deck, perhaps search for a pool or one of the holodecks that should be present.

[Several Hours Later]

Dante checked his personal computer when he entered his quarters again looking to see if any of the officers had responded yet.

0500 was far too early for Ayana. But if it was only once, she could make it. She sent back a short response saying she would be there.

Kreval was reviewing his concerns for the last of the crews drill evaluations when his the message from the XO arrived. He would have prefered such a meeting be later in the day as he, and others, would have to skip their morning workout, it was not his place to question a superiors orders.

His reply was simple and direct. 'Acknowledged.'

Using one hand on the typing pad his twelve fingers deftly typed an acknolwdgement for Roge attending.

Kragg was in the phaser range. He wasn't in security, but he was still a Klingon and wanted to be able to fight along side his shipmates. He was doing very well. He then heard the comminicae that was sent through the ship to the department heads. He knew that Klingon oder was quite strong so, he knew that he needed a shower and a new uniform. He took the shower and got a new uniform from his closet. He then made his way to the together.

Once that was done Dante headed back to his sonic shower, washing quickly before retiring for the evening.

[The Next Morning]

Dante woke at 0345 as he did every morning, his biological clock only allowing him 4 hours of sleep. He checked the computer and dressed in his uniform ensuring that the creases were immaculate and that it was free of dust before setting off at a brisk pace for the Officers Lounge to begin setting up to cook the breakfast he had promised the department heads.

Kreval entered the room before the designated time wide awake and ready to face the day. "Greetings Commander."

Ayana's alarm went off at 0430, but it sill took her fifteen minutes to get out of bed. She rushed through her morning ablutions and headed out the door, hoping she wouldn't be late.

It was 0502 when she walked into the room. "Morning," she said to the new XO.

Dante looked up from the food as he finished preparing it, noting that she was a few minutes late but only chucking internally at it.

Lauren entered right on the heels of the operations chief. Without an official CSO, those duties had fallen on her. "Morning sir."

Dante greeted each arrival in turn, preparing them all a plate which he glided across the room and placed in front of them. Each had a Smorgasbord of Eggs, Cheese, Bread and different sausages, both from earth and other places in the galaxy. For Kreval's plate he had also added a serving of fresh Gagh.

"Morning, food first then the meeting." he looked to Kreval and smirked a bit. "I will attempt to make this as quick as possible so that some of us might even get our morning workouts in."

Not only surprised at the gagh, but the comment about the very thing he had thought about last night he raised a curious brow and nodded as he made his way to the food.

Kragg arrived and saw some Klingon foods and gathered some Earth foods some ham and bacon.

Coming through the doors with a casual gait about him; the New Chief Medical Officer was both chipper and seemed quite at his ease as he strode in; hands clasped behind him he nodded to the Gathering.

"May the Lady of Luck bless your morning." Roge greet with a wide smile , the ever present Medical satchel over his shoulder; a Cloth one reminiscent of a Centuries past war bag that Korean Medics carried with them, a legacy that the Old country Doctor that saw potential in Roge gave him it as a gift for leaving for training. "I hope everyone is well?" He waited quite patiently for his turn at the replicator.

As Roge moved toward the replicator Dante stepped out from behind the counter where he had been cooking to this point and pressed a plate of food into his hands. "Food is handled, but the drinks you may have to see the replicator unless you like Screwdrivers and Breakfast Sangria" He swept his gaze over the CMO and nodded approvingly. "You must be our new Chief Medical Officer... I need to discuss something with you in private once this meeting is finished."

"Thank you very kindly." He took the plate of food. "And I am at your disposal, Sick bay is light at the moment Commander." He kept most of his fingers under the plate.

"I assure you, you will find my medical needs different at the very least Doctor."

Ayana smiled a greeting to the new CMO so she didn't interrupt the conversation and found a seat.

Roge gave a nod to let the kind lady know her pleasant smile was accepted and enjoyed in turn with a wink.

After the food was set out so that anyone who wished for more could easily grab it Dante prepared himself a plate, grabbing a glass of Sangria and then moved to the table with the others. He opted not to take the seat at the head of the table as may have been expected and quietly observed everyone while he ate, listening to the various conversations and getting a feel for the familiarity of the crew with one another.

Roge kept his left hand in his lap as he ate; he used the silverware that had slightly longer handles, normally favoring chopsticks as an easier option except with eggs and such. Reaching up with left to get a drink then back down it went. He was quite enjoying the food. Quietly listening what transpired around him.

Kreval sat his plate filled with mostly meat, but added portions of the other items the XO had taken the time to prepare. After all it would be dishonorable to not partake in what was provided. In typical Klingon fashion he ate his food with his hands only using a utensil for the eggs. "Excellent, Commander. Tell me where did you get the gagh?"

Dante leaned back from his plate at the question and laughed. "Ordinarily I would say that it was a secret Lieutenant Commander, but in this case I actually brought it with me. I occasionally enjoy it myself."

Lifting his glass in salute he then turned to L'Vor. "Lieutenant, perhaps we could impose on the sciences to set aside a small area in order to keep the gagh worms alive and well; for the long term."

Wiping her mouth with her napkin. "I think that can be arranged. Should be a simple matter to create a habitat for

"Well, can't say that I have tended live gagh but that could be an experience indeed." He raised his own glass in return to Kreval and offered L'vor a smile before clearing his throat and looking around the room. "So, to the point of the meeting, I primarily called everyone here this morning so that I could get a feel for all of you individually but also so I could find out what the needs of your various departments are as far as my ability to aid goes."

Kragg made his way to the table and started to eat his food. He awaited for an opportunity.

After a moment Dante looked at Kragg expectantly.

"Suppose I can start with you, I'm Commander Ambrogio, new XO. Your role and departmental needs?"

Kragg looked over to Executive Officer and said, "Hello, Commander. I'm Lieutenant Kragg, I'm your new Chief Engineering Officer. I'm very excited to be onboard. I'm soon going to have a meeting with my staff and also inspect the multiple warp cores on the Phoenix.



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